Write a STORY one line at a time...

MJ_Rocks My World

Proud Member
Jul 9, 2012
In the dance studio with Michael/England ;P
heyy guys :p
this is a cool game where every fan can chip in and create a funny story by writing a sentence, then posting it, ultimateley creating a story created by us all !!
each fan can post one line on whatever they want, then see what it leads to! If you feel like you wanna go over a couple of lines feel free! It makes It all the more funnier :p
i'll start...
Once upon a time there lived a princess, who was waiting for her true love to come
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Luckily she had her ipod so she could still listen to "Baby Be Mine" she didnt really fancy the dinosaur and was hoping He wasnt Her True Love
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After the disco the dino was soooooo tired after dancing to Jam,Thriller,They dont really care about us, that He feel asleep and the princess escaped !
She later got food poisoning and without the proper medical care she, unfortunately, died...
And just as everything seems to be normal once again, she turned into a zombie...
So far, we've got:

Once upon a time there lived a princess, who was waiting for her true love to come. Whilst waiting she was singing" baby be mine" and day dreaming. All of a sudden , a HUGE dinosaur came and took her away. Luckily she had her ipod so she could still listen to "Baby Be Mine" she didnt really fancy the dinosaur and was hoping He wasnt Her True Love. She screamed and shouted. " let me go!" ... But no one came to her rescue. She then had an amazing idea that if the dino could hear Michael sing He would get into the groove and start to dance. So she asked him on a date to the local disco, and jammed to MJ songs all night long. After the disco the dino was soooooo tired after dancing to Jam,Thriller,They dont really care about us, that He feel asleep and the princess escaped ! Whilst running for her life, she ran into a tree and hurt her head. a squirrel came running down to help her back onto her feet. then the squirrel offered the princess a bowl of jelly, which she politely declined. For the jelly smelt of broccoli and maple syrup. She then thought maybe she should eat some as she was very hungry after the disco so she tried a bite. But she was sick . So the squirrel , called sammy carried the princess up the tree to his little burrow, where she rested for the night. She later got food poisoning and without the proper medical care she, unfortunately, died. But the squirrel was a magical being and he brought her back to life with a peck on the cheek. But ohhhh nooooo the dinosaur had awoken and had realised the princess had escaped and he was not a very happy dinosaur. And just as everything seems to be normal once again, she turned into a zombie. Arrrrr! Said the squirrel . Leave me alone! But the princess chased after him and he disappeared into the forest. The squirrel was very scared of zombies he had been chased so many times before by them. Poor sammy the squirrel! But all was not lost , for all of a sudden ..... He hears a loud thump...thump... oh no its the dinosaur maybe he could help sammy. Sammy ran over to the dinosaur and stared up into its large eyes..."I need you to help me get the zombie princess back to her normal self! " but the dinosaur said to him... You're dreaming. WAKE UP!!!!

"I'm awake!" cried Sammy. "You must help me. The princess turned into a zombie and if we don't stop her, she will bring the much dreaded Zombie Apocalypse!"
(Hahaha that sounds soo funny when it's all together. Thank you ! I love your part 2)

The squirrel an the dinosaur suddenly heard a loud scream from behind them. Oh no! Cried the squirrel, she's coming! So the squirrel and the dinosaur ran to the nearest tree in hope of hiding from the princess.
Hi Karom :ciao: And MJ_RMW:ciao: hahaha love what you did well done Karom.

As they reached the tree sorrounded by fairys they quickly realised that it was a magical tree so they started to climb it
As they reached to the top the dinosaur started telling sammy the squirrel how he used to gaze upon the princess, and wish he could help her find her true love, sammy the squirrel started to feel sorry for the princess, and he decided to go and ask the fairies for help to find her true love Along with the dinosaur
They also thought this would hopefully stop the Zombie Apocalypse , so now at the top of the tree they couldnt believe their eyes they where in a magical land it was so beautiful
(Hahaha that sounds soo funny when it's all together. Thank you ! I love your part 2)

Hi Karom :ciao: And MJ_RMW:ciao: hahaha love what you did well done Karom.

Thanks. :D

But the fairies had grown fond of the dinosaur, for he was fair for his kind, so they turned him into a giant piece of broccoli, to prevent him from running. Sammy, who couldn't resist broccoli, stopped running too, and returned to take a bite of the broccoli. This is how the Zombie princess found them.
Thanks. :D

But the fairies had grown fond of the dinosaur, for he was fair for his kind, so they turned him into a giant piece of broccoli, to prevent him from running. Sammy, who couldn't resist broccoli, stopped running too, and returned to take a bite of the broccoli. This is how the Zombie princess found them.

Hahaha Karom you well made me laugh:ciao:xxx

The Princess was so surprised to find the dinosaur as a piece of broccoli that it shocked her out of her zombie state and she became a beautiful princess again