wow, have you seen this pic before ?

Super Lee I was browsing through the photos on this link and saw Michael lying in something covered in like a red blanket. Please tell me he is just asleep and not the other. I feel sick if it is the other. I can't take it. I hate I looked through the photos. I can't stop crying.

That photo is photoshoped, of the red blanket.
To be fair, he does look sickly thin on that picture.. eek :(
The weightloss can have a natural explanation.
He lost weight during his last weeks and that time he also began to go to more rehearsals.
The rehearsals were long and he used much more energy when he was dancing than he got from the food.
He used to lose weight during his concerts, it was only rehearsals and he didn´t go for 100% now but I think he had to work harder for this is it than for other rehearsals.He was skinny from the beginning and didn´t have to lose so much weight to look that skinny.
He needed to eat like a hungry teenagerboy.
I think fans said he didn´t walk to the car last weeks, he was too weak, but it could be that he knew he had to save his energy.
When the rehearsals was over he had to do concerts for about 2 hours and not every evening, I think he had put on some weight than.
At least I believe he had been all right.

He was not all right imo. The picture shows bones on his chest. He never was THAT thin even when he was much younger. In the age 50 to be thin like that is very unhealthy. Murray should see this immediately and AEG bosses had to alarm doctors to take of Michael first. But it was NOT done.
Those pics are photoshopped from another event. They got a photo at just the right moment so that he was mid-blink.

You are right. I took another look at the pictures on FB and he was standing up hair exactlyl the same exactly and his eyes were closed. Someone added all the red type comforter(blanket) around him and turned the photo around at a different angle. Some people are so damn stupid. What kind of thrill could you possibly get from doing that?
This is a real picture, and there are several more of that "event"..., its from the late 90s

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His arms are exposed. Surely someone would have seen needle marks. He was very thin. I have seen him thin before but I don't know if this thin. Thriller and Victory he was thin. I don't know need more opinions on this one.

Ensleyave, I studied for dietician/nutritionist and this does not look like a person with a healthy weight in my opinion. People can be "thin" but healthy, but in this picture I see a man (MJ obviously, but I'm trying to be objective here and give my professional opinion) who is underweight.

As for the needle marks, I don't see any needle marks.