Wow, can you outsmart this?

lolwut, I was thinking of Bubbles but it guessed "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo".
I got michael, it was obvious that it would guess him right. The questions narrowed it down to him. But then i was thinking about Edward Norton and it guessed Aron Eckhart! lol

I played it twice and it was correct both times...

I'm impressed.

I'm gonna play it again.. :D
Okay... I'm a bit scared now...

I was thinking of a Japanese singer of a five member band and he guessed it correctly. :O
It knew Severus Snape. :mello: I only managed to outsmart the thing by thinking of a well-known Finnish author. Somehow I'm not surprised it didn't know who I was thinking about. :D

At first, I thought of MJ and it guessed it. Then, I thought of Janet, and it guessed it. Then, I thought of Sandra Bullock.....and it guessed it! whaaaa!
I've just played this 3 times and its got all the people i've thought of RIGHT! this thing is freaky lol
First i tried someone really obscure, Florence Nightingale. It got her! Lol. So i the tried Cicely Tyson the actress. It guessed Maya Angelou. Fun game.
When I was thinking of Michael, it asked me a question that I didn't like very much.. :ermm:
^^ i think i know the one you mean. it's a pretty cool game though, got 2 of the 3 people i chose.
does it tell any1 else to wait a few mins and try again soon coz it's waking up? that annoys me a bit it's only let me do it about 3 times over the last 2 days
it's not really that amazing. lol. i outsmarted it. lol

edit: i gave him another chance with another character, and he got it right. lol
Bahahaha, this is great. I thought of Ben Barnes, it took a ton of questions and one wrong guess, but he got it eventually! Very cool :D

EDIT: WOW when he correctly guessed Luke Prichard I was BLOWN AWAY. Didn't think I had given him enough information at all... just that he had curly hair and was a singer in an English band XD

EDIT2: I defeated it with ELMO :)
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It guessed Finland's president :eek:
But when I thought of Blanket it guessed Michelle Obama :rofl: (he got Blanket right on a second try though)

edit* this is so fun :lol: I don't get it how it always asks the important question so quickly (I thought of Kimi Räikkönen and like the 3rd question was if he has driven F1.. :eek:)

edit* it didn't guess Marlon Jackson! :lol:
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Well I chose Jackie Jackson but it could only come up with Jermaine, Tito and Lionel Richie... close though :)
I did it 3 times but only guessed right twice!! lol!!! It got Michael and Jesse McCartney right but it didn't get Elizabeth Taylor.