Would You Move Out If Your Roommate Was Gay?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I read a book where a straight teenage boy named Darryl moved into a dorm with a gay boy named Dave. Darryl asked him if the Dormparent named Max was his boyfriend, because Dave looked sentimental when talking about Max. Dave lied and told him that Max and he weren't dating. When Darryl heard Dave and Max in bed together one night, he wasn't surprised that Dave had lied and his suspicions were confirmed. When he caught them kissing red handedly in the bathroom, Dave confesssed he lied about them being a couple because he thought Darryl might be a Homophobe and move out of the dorm.

If you were Darryl, would you have moved out if your roommate told you he was gay?:blink:
No I wouldn't but there would be ground rules. I'm not gay so he'd have to respect that like I would respect him.

In no way would I be interested in that life style. If he came onto me after I told him I wasn't interested, then yes I would move out or ask him to move out.
No not because he was gay. But if I was living somewhere and I could hear my housemate having sex regularly then I probably would! There's nothing worse than that, trust me. But that would be whether they were straight or gay.
No I wouldn't. I moved out of my parents home when I was 17 and ended up in lots of different places with lots of different people from all walks of life, all different genders, sexualities, races and religions. One of the people I got on with the most out of all of these was gay and one of the people I got with least well was gay, but the way I got on with both of these people had nothing to do with their sexualities as that's not what made them the people/personalities that they were.
That sounded like a Scott Pilgrim moment to me, but I do respect gays even though I never met one. I would never kick him out and I wouldn't care if he kicked me out.
^You never met one? That's quite odd, with nearly 10% of the population being gay.

I would not mind whatsoever btw.
No I wouldn't. I moved out of my parents home when I was 17 and ended up in lots of different places with lots of different people from all walks of life, all different genders, sexualities, races and religions. One of the people I got on with the most out of all of these was gay and one of the people I got with least well was gay, but the way I got on with both of these people had nothing to do with their sexualities as that's not what made them the people/personalities that they were.

i agree:yes:
Yes. And I'd also move out if my roommate was black, asian, catholic, female, fat or disabled.

Anyone that's different from you should be avoided at all costs.
Yes. And I'd also move out if my roommate was black, asian, catholic, female, fat or disabled.

Anyone that's different from you should be avoided at all costs.

I hope you're being sarcastic about the "black, asian, catholic, female, fat or disabled" bit..............:doh:

........so you only live with white straight males.................I guess your girlfriend/wife will have to be your next door neighbour!!!!!!:doh:
I hope you're being sarcastic about the "black, asian, catholic, female, fat or disabled" bit..............:doh:

........so you only live with white straight males.................I guess your girlfriend/wife will have to be your next door neighbour!!!!!!:doh:

Quite right! Of course I was being sarcastic. VERY sarcastic.

Why would anyone moving out if their room mate was gay? By that logic a gay person should move out if their roomate was straight.
If he/she pays the rent, keeps the place clean and doesn't smell.........then I'm OK......

But if he tries anything with me (when he knows I'm straight)..........I'll introduce him to the knuckle brothers :angry: !!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. And I'd also move out if my roommate was black, asian, catholic, female, fat or disabled.

Anyone that's different from you should be avoided at all costs.

Thank goodness someone gets it!!!!

no i will not move out i will simply kick him or her out !!
No, of course not. I actually have a roommate who's gay (well, lesbian) and I don't have any problems with it.

Why do so many people seem to think gays are out to get with them btw? So many times I've heard comments like "I don't have a problem with gay people as long as they're not hitting on me" as if all gays are preying on people from the same sex. Are you as critical with straight people from the other sex? I surely don't hope so.
No, of course not. I actually have a roommate who's gay (well, lesbian) and I don't have any problems with it.

Why do so many people seem to think gays are out to get with them btw? So many times I've heard comments like "I don't have a problem with gay people as long as they're not hitting on me" as if all gays are preying on people from the same sex. Are you as critical with straight people from the other sex? I surely don't hope so.

Exactly, just because somebody is gay doesn't make them some kind of sex pest!
question regards this subject, michael being very religios (im not so help me out here) are most religius people not against gay people? Not want to offend anyone pls see it the write way... (here in holland there are alot of celebs gay and i dont know how the case is in america being that weddings werent alot much)

Michael would be ok with it right? i mean he was for al man kind right?>
no i will not move out i will simply kick him or her out !!
sorry but that is just rude :yes:
question regards this subject, michael being very religios (im not so help me out here) are most religius people not against gay people? Not want to offend anyone pls see it the write way... (here in holland there are alot of celebs gay and i dont know how the case is in america being that weddings werent alot much)

Michael would be ok with it right? i mean he was for al man kind right?>
i think michael would be ok with it :yes:and it is so wrong for people to be against it :yes:
question regards this subject, michael being very religios (im not so help me out here) are most religius people not against gay people? Not want to offend anyone pls see it the write way... (here in holland there are alot of celebs gay and i dont know how the case is in america being that weddings werent alot much)

Michael would be ok with it right? i mean he was for al man kind right?>

I am pretty sure Michael was OK with it, despite his religion. Not all religious people are anti-gay. I remember an anecdote of an interview where the interviewer asked Michael if he were gay. He refused to answer that question and when the cameras were off, he explained that he himself was not gay but he realized that he had a lot of gay fans and he didn't want to offend them. This to me shows that he respects homosexuals... and of course he was at some point friends with gays, like Elton John.

I do know that Joseph is anti-gay though, he clearly expressed this in that horrible interview with Louis Theroux :mello: