Would you like it if MJ used this style for his album?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011



This is from Raphael Saadiq album that came out September 16th. It has that old school flava but still brand new. Instead of trying to fit in with the youngsters and getting all of these hip hop producers to try and relate to the new gerneration, how about a old school style with smooth vocals throught the album. I could see MJ singing these tracks. His voice is beautiful, but he doesnt use the smooth vocals as much as he used to.
why not especially the third one
it fits with mike's voice i can feel it.
it's long overdue for Mike to go into more soulful tracks especially when the "neo-soul" wave came about in early 90s and beyond. HIStory would have been a great window to break into it, and he done Butterflies and Break of Dawn which were great, but not enough for me.

it would be beautiful if he works with the likes of Saadiq, Ronson, Poyser/?uest and again with Dre & Vidal and bring out his inherent soul.

and nowadays we're hearing that sound getting more prominence following Amy Winehouse's awesome success, so it is pop-friendly. Raphael wouldn't have done that album had it not been for Winehouse & Ronson, imo, no matter how genuine he is (and he's as genuine as you can get).
I think he could be great with either of them:


He can have a variety of neo-R&B, old-school R&B, contemporary R&B and still make it pop-friendly, lol.
you know he'd take it to a whole new level with co-production.
^ Ya know it. :listeningtomusic:

I always wanted MJ to produce something that would bring a sixties Motown-esque flavor to it but it remains modern.
ummmmm...I LOVE IT!!! Now THAT is good, especially being a contemporary artist and all. And yes, I can see Michael laying down some of this type of stuff in his albums.

THANK YOU for introducing me to this artist!
*goes out to store and buys Raphael Saadiq*
Also MJ's voice is better than Saadiq, especialy his falsetto. I think MJ would take it to a whole new level because of his popularity. It seems like mainstream doesn't really give Raphael's album a chance because he's not as popular as Mike. With MJ they would debue these tracks on all radio just like YRMW back in 2001 and i think ppl would be all over it.
Sounds good. But the main thing for me is that Michael has his own style, and doesn't copy from others. Michael is a pioneer, not a follower. I hope that will reflect in his new album, not that you can say: oh, he took that from someone elses sound.
Actually Raphael Saadiq has stated that Off the wall is his favorite album of all time. Michael and Raphael could really bring back the funk into MJ'S style and yes I agree with the poster who said that mainstream would run with this sound just because its Michael. Plus its how Mike originally started, not that I don't like how he's sound eveloved through time. I really could not do with a song like Who is it, They don't care about us, Smooth Criminal ect in my collection. In fact if MJ didn't venture into other genres he would have easily been classified in the same group as other disco and funk acts of that time with the only difference being that he dances more. But MJ's sound grew to a point where it couldn't be trapped within the confines of genre, If you listen to the Dangerous album and History Album and some songs in the Bad album, its really hard to say what genre MJ does hence in my opinion the catch all phrase "Pop". Having said that though, I do miss that funky sound and it wouldn't hurt to bring it back for a couple of songs.
Sounds good. But the main thing for me is that Michael has his own style, and doesn't copy from others. Michael is a pioneer, not a follower. I hope that will reflect in his new album, not that you can say: oh, he took that from someone elses sound.
well take Dangerous and his success with it - he followed the sound of the time and made it his own. he's never really been a radical pioneer in this way, and there's nothing wrong with that because he always makes his influences very authentic (even in Invincible, nothing sounded much like any other Jerkins/Riley production).

and if we're to go on the speculations of who he's currently collaborating with, i'd personally rather see him jam with said artists in this thread's vicinity than someone like Akon/T-Pain or any other 'Konvicts'. hopefully will.i.am will work out good because he's a very versatile and soulful musician.
Michael working with Nu/Neo-Soul artists such as Saadiq, D'Angelo, Q-Tip, India.Arie.. through to Acid Jazz and funk groups and artists like Jamiroquai, The Brand New Heavies and Chaka Khan.. would be a move in the RIGHT direction. In fact, these are the bands and artists who have been most heavily influenced by Michael Jackson more than any current 'Pop Star', (your Timberlakes, Ne-Yos and Chris Browns). These wondeful pioneering musical geniouses are indeed the seeds that Michael has sewn, especially from his Motown and early Epic years.

Coming from a dedicated lover of Funk, Soul, RnB, Jazz, Blues and the entire back catalouge of the hybrid genres that have evolved from these wonderful musical styles, (some of which I have mentioned above) I would be extremely happy for Michael to move toward this direction and make it his own. Working closely with the artists I have mentioned and many many more would be wonderful for both parties.

As a side note.. Michael working with Jamiroquai.. words cannot explain how much I would want this to happen.

How can anyone not want him to sing things like this?

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Why not? I wouldn't say he SHOULD work with the so-called "Neo-Soul" artists, but it wouldn't hurt to collaborate with them. A lot of his music already got his soul-man/soulful side and I'd def. would like to see where he can go with differenct approaches to soulfulness. Plus, rhythm and beats is a strong point of his music and part of who he is. I guess he can bring that side to the table and make the collabos something more than the concept of Neo-Soul that many people have.
it has to be considered that his fanbase contains more than one region..genre wise and all those are a part of him, as he has proven. plus...i wouldn't ask him to be another artist. MJ is just fine with me.
Why not? I wouldn't say he SHOULD work with the so-called "Neo-Soul" artists, but it wouldn't hurt to collaborate with them. A lot of his music already got his soul-man/soulful side and I'd def. would like to see where he can go with differenct approaches to soulfulness. Plus, rhythm and beats is a strong point of his music and part of who he is. I guess he can bring that side to the table and make the collabos something more than the concept of Neo-Soul that many people have.
i think the thread-starter was deliberately careful not mention taboo words like "should" around this place because many people jump on that like MJ is reading the thread and getting upset or something.

but of course he'd make it his own just as he worked with the sounds of the time in previous albums. this wouldn't at all be something beyond his norm.

more roots soul, Mike. less cowbell.
^^^ Aw, I like cowbell.

More cowbell, Mike! lol

As for any of the suggested artists, sure why not. Especially Jamiroquai. But fat chance. lol
haha i remember your cowbell thread, but i was thinking more along the lines of the Christopher Walken cowbell. Jerkins was up&down cowbell, and Akon/T-Pain could very likely be just cowbell.

and fat chance, indeed.
Up&down cowbell? Cooool. :lol:

Yeah, I'm not sure there's a room big enough for both MJ and Jay Kay lol. Just kidding. Or am I?

*goes to dig up old cowbell thread for a good laugh.. I mean, read. lol*
It depends if it fits on the album.. You think he is going to use real instruments only?
i think the thread-starter was deliberately careful not mention taboo words like "should" around this place because many people jump on that like MJ is reading the thread and getting upset or something.

but of course he'd make it his own just as he worked with the sounds of the time in previous albums. this wouldn't at all be something beyond his norm.

more roots soul, Mike. less cowbell.
Oh I know the threadstarter is just makin a suggestion:yes: I wanted to make it clear that I personally feel that way cuz I'm quite open to whatever he does with his music. Esp. at this point of his career, he can do whatever he wants.
Oh I know the threadstarter is just makin a suggestion:yes: I wanted to make it clear that I personally feel that way cuz I'm quite open to whatever he does with his music. Esp. at this point of his career, he can do whatever he wants.

yep..he can do whatever he wants..lol

he's the one that's the pro producer..lol

on the same token as some fans are considered thinking MJ would be looking, there are other fans who do give the impression that THEY think they are the producer, rather than just expressing their wishes..lol eg. 'more neo soul, less cowbell'
well take Dangerous and his success with it - he followed the sound of the time and made it his own.

I love many songs on Dangerous, it's one of my favorite albums. But the New Jack sound didn't work for me. And there were many critics then saying: what's happening? Because New Jack was already kinda 'out' when Dangerous was released. Critics said Michael tried to follow a trend and that he never did that before. I agree with that partly.

The HIStory album had a more experimental feel again, just like the songs Morphine en Shout later on.

I hope this will happen on the new album. I'm really curious to hear it's sound and hopefully... melodies again.