Would you have given up your own life to save Michael's?


Just a pondering really. Michael meant so much to so many people, (not just his family and friends, but the millions of fans he inspired the world over) and the world lost a special human being when he died.

Would you have given up your own life for Michael to have survived? I'm not sure if I'm that selfless, although I would consider it.
No, everyone has their own chance to have a life.
As much as I love Michael, I wouldn't give up my life just to protect him.
You have to remember you have your own family too aswell as friends who care about you. You can't just give up your life to protect others just that they might still be here and do the things that they used to do.

I wouldn't have met my girlfriend if Michael didn't die.
I wouldn't have seen a beautiful life with love if Michael didn't die..
How selfish I might be, I wouldn't give up life, just now I know what Love is all about.
Maybe when I would be alone, totally alone with no friends, family who care about you, maybe then I would give up my life to protect him.
But now, someone loves me so much and I love her so much, I would never want to give up this life...
No. I would shorten mine to extend his, though.
I can't really say yes or no... it would depend on the circumstances.
Certainly I do feel very protective for who and what I love also I did risk my life for even unknown ppl before however this situation for example gave me completely NO time to think, I just acted to help without thinking. With more time to think... I just wouldn't like to see our Lord mad with me and if God has in his book for me to still live on the other hand maybe this could be exactly Gods plan I mean at least I do not have three underage children... ok back to I certainly don't know.
Yeah, I would've gave him the 20 years I'm wouldve spend not knowing who I am in some retirement house in Eastern Europe, Romania to be exact (out of all places ffs).

*this sounded way better in my head*
I have kids that need me, so No. I have parents, siblings, Family, wonderful friends..
I wouldn't give up my life for anyone other than my children.
Does that make me love him less that someone who would? No.. Just more sensible :)
I have kids that need me, so No. I have parents, siblings, wonderful friends.. I wouldn't give up my life for anyone other than my children, Does that make me love him less that someone who would? No.. Just more sensible :)

That's a wonderful answer. :)

Honestly, if you would answer yes to this question, I'm not saying it's wrong and of course I would never judge anybody as we're all unique in unique situations. If you do answer yes to this question though, maybe that should lead onto why you say yes, and what can you make changes to in your life to make you question that a little bit more. As it is, it's not a possibility at all, so I believe we should all use our lives, it's precious and what happened to Michael should make us see that all the more. Make each day count, strive to be happy, and make that change. :)
I would say no for here. What happened to Michael made me realise life is so short and not to be wasted, its so precious. As much as I love Michael I have people that count on me, and some wonderful friends. Life is a gift, we should cherish it.
I don't really know how to answer to this.

If he would have asked me tot do so, I would have done it.

I like to believe that there was at least one person in his life who would have given his life in order for him to live.

I think we all need to know that we have that person in our life, and also a person for whom we could die.
i think its really wrong to think like that, because it first of all cant happen and sec of all you cant think like that on your own life, its really not healty. every life is as presuse as the other... so No i dont think anybody can think like this, anwers is big NO
Yes I would especially since my life has no meaning to me what so ever. Mainly because I have learning disabilities that has prevented me to be come an astronomer. Which was my dream job. I have health problems now that I really wish that I didn't have. And I need to be on social security because of the fact that I can't work because of the health problems that I have now.

Whenever I think about Michael which is all of the time when ever I am awake. I also tend to also think about his 3 children now who no longer has their father in their life now. With me I don't have any children nor do I have a guy in my life. Which is why I would have given anything in this world to have given up my life to have save his life.
I really don't like this thread.


It's incredibly morbid and I don't think Michael would want us talking about sacrificing our life for him..
Yes, and I really like this thread. It's incredibly morbid.

However, I agree, Michael wouldn't want us to talk about sacrificing our lives for him, etc. Still, I would do it. I have no attachments, and I want nothing. He could make better use of it than I can. He had children to live for, people who loved him, people he loved, and I can't claim the same. So it would seem, that he would have more use for this life than I do.
Yes, and I really like this thread. It's incredibly morbid.

However, I agree, Michael wouldn't want us to talk about sacrificing our lives for him, etc. Still, I would do it. I have no attachments, and I want nothing. He could make better use of it than I can. He had children to live for, people who loved him, people he loved, and I can't claim the same. So it would seem, that he would have more use for this life than I do.

I totally agree with you.

Especially since I don't have any friends at all where I live. Except for myself, my old fat cat, and my dolls, teddy bears, and other stuffed animals. And my family doesn't understands me at all. Or why I L.O.V.E. Michael so much where they all hate him. Which is why I would be more than glad to give my life up for his.
Well....if I was in a situation to save his life in some way...or see a threat directed to him , I would surely act without thinking too much about it. If you love somebody like I love him...without a doubt.
If I didn"t have a daughter....I would.
I totally agree with you.

Especially since I don't have any friends at all where I live. Except for myself, my old fat cat, and my dolls, teddy bears, and other stuffed animals. And my family doesn't understands me at all. Or why I L.O.V.E. Michael so much where they all hate him. Which is why I would be more than glad to give my life up for his.

I have the same situation, except I'm not even awarded the luxury of having an animal. I have Vincent, my 'plant', Victor, my stuffed rat, Ralph, my reed diffuser, and my Michael Jackson posters as my sole company in the world. I am sure that, were I to die for Michael, they (my collection of 'inanimate' objects) would all understand and be very supportive. We all have a very morbid/dark view of life with an occasional romantic streak, so I am sure they would be more than capable to comprehend it.
If he would have asked me tot do so, I would have done it.

I like to believe that there was at least one person in his life who would have given his life in order for him to live.

Those are some nice statements!
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I don't really have people who depend on me really. I have family (mother, brother, sister etc) and friends but that's about it. Would I give my life up to save his... maybe.
Life is a gift given to us to use for a purpose. Maybe we don't know, right now, what that purpose is. Maybe we will never know. But the longer I live the more convinced I become that nothing happens without a purpose. For better or worse.
When most of life is in front of you and the inevitable seems far off, such questions seem an interesting philosophical exercise. But as winter comes ever nearer, how we wish back even the chilling days of autumn. Don't be too quick to discount the value of your life. Just as when you throw a even the tiniest pebble into a pond and the little ripples spread ever outward, you never know how some action or word of yours might effect someone in ways you cannot perhaps imagine.
Yes. He would have been able to do so much more good for the world with extra time. Far, far more than I will ever be able to do.
Yeah but I think we all got our imagination for some reason also.

To exercise it at times is not wrong. The topic of death seems to be just a scare to some. To me it's not and I do like to think about it and I do play out certain scenarios only into my imagination because it does help when you come into a situation nobody would ever think of 'usually'. If you don't know what I mean then ask ppl living 30 km away from Fukuchima right now.
It doesn't mean in any way I do not cherish or value life highly. It indeed is very precious to me because I know death will come... because this life will end one day.

Would I give it away... under certain circumstances I might would... would I do so easily... NO WAY.

It's not wrong to just think about things... the question is always only ones choice of circumstances and the reason one has for it. But I bet there's some very hard choices for us to come to all of us sooner or later.

If God would give me this choice... Michaels or my life... I honestly wouldn't just put it away cuz I once got my life and it's so wonderful... there would be a purpose in getting that choice, wouldn't it?

Maybe this choice wasn't given to us... but maybe others will when there's not much time to think... it is ok to think this through already now. Doesn't mean anyone of us would exactly do this in a situation like that or only similar... the situation when it actually happens is and very much feels very different. But to imagine something like this can help to learn about ourselves. I very much like to overthink the most difficult scenarios.

It is a question of imagination... and it is not bad to do so or meant to scare or meant as an expression of disrespect for life by anyone here I think.
Death usually is no choice, true... but who knows what will happen, maybe one day it will exactly be given to us even when not with the possibility to save Michael... still I think we got our imagination for some reason, that's what I believe... choices will not always have positive outcome. The ppl in Japan living around Fukuchima only 30 km away or a bit more experience one of these scenarios they've most likely thought they never would at this very moment.

Well that's just my opinion... but if ppl disagree I will respect that!
I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade,
When Spring comes back with rustling shade
And apple-blossoms fill the air—
I have a rendezvous with Death
When Spring brings back blue days and fair.

It may be he shall take my hand
And lead me into his dark land
And close my eyes and quench my breath—
It may be I shall pass him still.
I have a rendezvous with Death
On some scarred slope of battered hill
When Spring comes round again this year
And the first meadow-flowers appear.

God knows 'twere better to be deep
Pillowed in silk and scented down,
Where Love throbs out in blissful sleep,
Pulse nigh to pulse, and breath to breath,
Where hushed awakenings are dear...
But I've a rendezvous with Death
At midnight in some flaming town,
When Spring trips north again this year,
And I to my pledged word am true,
I shall not fail that rendezvous.
Life is a gift given to us to use for a purpose. Maybe we don't know, right now, what that purpose is. Maybe we will never know. But the longer I live the more convinced I become that nothing happens without a purpose. For better or worse.

I hate to tell you this.
But no.
My family comes first. I have parents who loves me deeply. I have brothers who will break down if I was gone. I have best friend who told me he can't live without me. I have another friend who is my soulmate (she's a girl. We're only friends.)
My heart say "Yes do it." But I say no..
I don't want to put many people in pain. And I think Michael deserves better to be in loving heaven than on this hateful world. The world don't deserve a good man as him....

Don't get me wrong. I love Michael deeply much..
Life is a gift given to us to use for a purpose. Maybe we don't know, right now, what that purpose is. Maybe we will never know. But the longer I live the more convinced I become that nothing happens without a purpose. For better or worse.
When most of life is in front of you and the inevitable seems far off, such questions seem an interesting philosophical exercise. But as winter comes ever nearer, how we wish back even the chilling days of autumn. Don't be too quick to discount the value of your life. Just as when you throw a even the tiniest pebble into a pond and the little ripples spread ever outward, you never know how some action or word of yours might effect someone in ways you cannot perhaps imagine.

Wonderful post, thank you. ..
As all of us feel~~Michael~~Why did you leave?..Truely~~only the GOOD & PURE die young~~No~~I do Believe Michael want us to go on~~Hurts without him,yet he has such BEAUTIFUL children~~we need to keep on for SWEET,PRECIOUS MICHAEL and his SWEET children