Would you have been this crazy fan?????

haha that was funny but omg michael held onto him for dear life. true showman didnt want to ruin his show that guy became like an extended part of that performance lol. that was amazingly funny :p
I wonder what would happen if there was a woman instead of the boy...

really have any of you have been watching this on TV? anything bigger than youtube format? Just wondering...:evil::clapping:
well- the first 99 times i watched this .... i was saying some unkind things to my laptop about the kid.

then i was like...... stupid kid... i would have at least jumped into that thing and held onto MJ so tight for the rest of the night the security guards wouldn't have been able to PEEL ME OFF. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OMG!!!! I know.....I would of been like security.....what security.......I have never been in jail or anything like that but.......ooohhhhhh It would of probably been worth it for Michael.....Oh God Yes.....lol......I would of never let go....unless Michael asked to me then I would of.....
Oh god, don't even remind me of that... That was one of the scariest moments of my life, seeing that!:bugeyed

I agree....But Michael the true showman that he is carried right on......and oh yeah by the way.....Did you notice how perfect he looked......:D:D:D.......I think I just fainted....beautiful as beautiful can be..
I cringe whenever I see this video. The expression on Michael's face when that guy is about to jump is priceless. I lol at the way Michael tries to find an appropriate place to hold him so he doesn't plunge to his death. It's so awkward because he completely blocked MJ. LOL at the security waiting that guy when they reached the stage.
OMG how perfect does Mike look on this clip! If he held me the way he held onto that fan I would never be the same again! He's so caring how he holds onto him to keep him safe. But I want to feel his arms round me like that!
That's not Crazy. That is not a crazy ass fan, he is

Idk, If this would have been me, but that kid really was taking over the show. Priceless :laugh:
I´ve watched this clip over and over again. Michael is so overwhelmingly sweet here when he holds on to the boy trying to prevent him from falling. At the same time so hot and a true professional who keeps the show going, despite these kinds of incidents..
LOL!! not too sure I would do that, but Michael was so sweet holding on to him..He is always so concerned about the fans! Poor Michael, people just can't keep themselves away from him.
I love that guy!
Everytime is see this video I laugh my ass off! :')
But I dont think I would do that..on the other hand..It's Michael!:ph34r:

:bugeyed:bugeyedok.... seriously..... would you be like that fan? tell the truth !

i would say what tha heck was he doing ... then I was like ... WELL IT IS MJ !

** MODS I hope this is the right place** if not you can change it.:agree:

I think when I saw this for the first time I was pretty much at least as annoyed as Michael was....if not, more. :doh:

What a retard....seriously.If you love Michael, why would you want to mess up his performace, his art, like that?! :doh: :doh:

LOL!! not too sure I would do that, but Michael was so sweet holding on to him..He is always so concerned about the fans! Poor Michael, people just can't keep themselves away from him.

LOL I'm pretty sure Michael would rather have whooped his head at that moment! :lol: But being Michael, he had to hold on to him to make sure he was safe. Imagine if the dumbass would have fallen down...people would have blamed Michael for it.
I think when I saw this for the first time I was pretty much at least as annoyed as Michael was....if not, more. :doh:

What a retard....seriously.If you love Michael, why would you want to mess up his performace, his art, like that?! :doh: :doh:

LOL I'm pretty sure Michael would rather have whooped his head at that moment! :lol: But being Michael, he had to hold on to him to make sure he was safe. Imagine if the dumbass would have fallen down...people would have blamed Michael for it.

TRUE indeed.