Would you have been this crazy fan?????

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg I needed that laugh. No, I would never do that. So sweet how Michael keeps going and holds onto him!
im crying i laughed so hard there.
out of nowhere that fan came up...but the ending was even funnier.

ohwell this person got mj to hold on to him . lol

and no i wouldnt be that crazy...i dont want Mike calling security on me...that would be insulting. hehe.
seeing Mj makes you do crazy things, he was probably a real quiet lad
That is crazy! No I would never do that lol. That's dangerous to do. What was that fan thinking? MJ was very nice as always though. So caring. I don't even know how he was able to finish that performance, had to be distracting to say the least!
I think I would do that if I had the opportunity. Am I crazy? LOL
I have seen this soooo many times.....but thank you so much for the thread...:lmao:.....I laugh my butt off every time I see it....you ask would I of done that ???? Well honestly...the way Michael was looking in that video..(yummy)...and If I could of gotten away with it......You bet your a$$ I would of done that....
I have seen this soooo many times.....but thank you so much for the thread...:lmao:.....I laugh my butt off every time I see it....you ask would I of done that ???? Well honestly...the way Michael was looking in that video..(yummy)...and If I could of gotten away with it......You bet your a$$ I would of done that....

well- the first 99 times i watched this .... i was saying some unkind things to my laptop about the kid.

then i was like...... stupid kid... i would have at least jumped into that thing and held onto MJ so tight for the rest of the night the security guards wouldn't have been able to PEEL ME OFF. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most artists would have stopped the show right there and called for security, but it's amazing how Michael doesn't skip a beat, plus he holds on tightly to keep the kid safe.
this makes me laugh so much :D
It's also really selfish of the kid though, spoiling the show for everyone else...
Ive seen this many times too and its so funny Michael was trying to hold on tight so he didnt fall. Did you see the boys face when he looked down? he was like oh no! Michael must have been so scared..

did you guys see the one where the bridge fell in earth song?
oh yeah i remember reports about it

Michael is amazing. so professional - a fan's safety goes first for him. he makes sure he doesnt fall down. amazing.

but sorry the fan is disgusting. so selfish.
One hell of a ride he's had, eh? :D
I remember thinking along the same lines when I was at the concert - if I only jumped over this barrier, I COULD RUN UP THIS THING!!!:wild:

Nah. Didn't do it. lol
Ive seen this many times too and its so funny Michael was trying to hold on tight so he didnt fall. Did you see the boys face when he looked down? he was like oh no! Michael must have been so scared..

did you guys see the one where the bridge fell in earth song?

Oh god, don't even remind me of that... That was one of the scariest moments of my life, seeing that!:bugeyed
seeing Mj makes you do crazy things, he was probably a real quiet lad
lmao! what it's amazing is the way mike struggles with the mad-fan to keep him safe while he kept on going....wow... it shows the kind of a man he was ...
I wish I was him, hahahaha *pg is waaay crazy*
I wish I had the guts hahahah... but I dont.
Good for him!!! But Michael didn't have such a good time hehehehe, poor angel of mine!
ha lucky guy! i wouldn't mind if michael was holding me so tight like he does with the fan in this video :p
Surely this can't have been planned. That's way too dangerous. But if Michael pulled him towards him, behind the barriers..he wouldn't had to hold on tight to the fan...but this was also a way to take care of the situation. I just wonder how the hell that little guy avoided any security and got up there though
It's also really selfish of the kid though, spoiling the show for everyone else...

Yeah, but in the meantime he's immortalized on film with Michael forever..which is more than I can say for myself, hahaha.
I hope I wouldn't be this crazy fan - I'd be ashamed of myself afterwards and would feel sorry for what I put Michael through, disturbing his performance and all - but if the opportunity arose and I saw it, you never know what you would have done. This was just a fan grabbing an opportunity of a lifetime and indeed he met Michael. I would like it very much to hear his story!
lol i think that was from Kuala Lumpur or Seoul always funny to watch, i thought it was funny how the fan acted like he was this huge star doing all these poses and stuff
well since Ive seen this on TV numerous times,( :wild: I am compelled to say yes oh yes to yr question. Won't go into much details tho