Would you ever...?

Nah, I don't think so.

Would you ever allow your parents to look at your phone texts? :bugeyed
I miserably failed the exam to be a certified/properly qualified first aid person, so I would say...of course! :D

Would you ever steal a klondike bar from a stranger? :p
Been there, done that.

Nineteen or so years ago, at the hospital. I was quite the wild animal, even back then. :p

Would you ever kill a corrupt politician if it meant saving the lives of a lot of people?
that's an interesting question... I'm not sure if I'd do that... maybe...

Would you?
Yes, I would.

Would you ever marry someeine who is 20 years older than you?
Never. At least not alone.

Would you ever date your best friends ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend?
Don't think so - if it's my friend's ex-boyfriend then I know why she broke up with him and I wouldn't follow her mistakes :D

would you ever eat a spider if you would be hungry and there is nothing else to eat? :p
:bugeyed: I wouldn't even trample it, let alone catch one, or more... brrrrrr!! :dropdead:

Would you ever start dancing in a clothing store??