Would you ever...?

NO WAY!!!!!!! ;O.

Would you ever beat a person if the person beats your first for no reason??
well I wouldn't let myself beaten in the first place but as self defence yes I'd totally beat someone :D

not unless my life depended on it :D

would you ever eat a piece of your own body if it was the only way to survive?
Never :cold:

Would you ever leave the house without a tissue or pack of tissues in your bag/pocket?
No I don't think so, unless it was self defense

would you?
If it was the only way to save their life, then I would.

Would you ever fake being ill so you don't have to go in for work?
Or in my case school :D I think not but who knows :ninja:

would you?
I have :naughty:

Would you ever dance like crazy in the middle of a street?
Maybe if I was dared to :lol:

would you ever stop liking Michael? :mello: (outof questions :lol:)