Would you ever...?

That would be so hard but I think I could manage it!!

Oops I just failed..

Would you ever get a tattoo of the word IT on your kneecaps?
No, I'm not into animal cruelty.

Would you ever clean up and put flowers at someone elses plot and headstone at a cemetary that you didn't know but saw when you went to visit someone else because it looked like they never had visitors come see them?

Would you ever do a favor for someone who had just helped you with something because another person that they were trying to help had questions on the same thing you were just helped through?
Maybe it's just me but I dont get that question. :huh:

would you ever turn up to a party you wasnt invited to?
Would you ever help somone even though they never really help u?
Maybe, I am scared of them :huh:

Would you ever give someone a gift you had recieved from someone else becuase you didnt want it?