Would Michael have wanted it this way?

You know, I think first and foremost.....Michael would want the TRUTH out there.
Actions have consequences, Murray has to face his. It really doesnt matter what Michael would've wanted or not. Im of the thought that if this happened to someone dear to Michael then yes, he would want justice.

Any doctor with an ounce of concern or thought for their patient would not allow that person to dice with death.
I'm not trying to be funny.
I'd hang him by his you know what if I thought that would kill him.
I'm not mad, I'm not angry. I skated right to pissed off. Doctors aren't paid the big bucks to do whatever a patient wants them to do. They are paid to keep the patient safe.
It would be different if this was something Michael could have taken on his own. That would be playing with fire.
This *doctor* was paid to do what was medically appropriate. He wasn't paid to do whatever Michael wanted.
If Michael told him, "I'll give you a million dollars if you push me off the Golden Gate bridge." Would this sick f*ck of a doctor have done it? No. It's crazy and illegal. So why is giving him medication illegally okay??

i know your not ,i was just trying to lighten things up a bit.
this whole thing is tragic and sad and wasted the life of someone we all miss.
Michael Jackson was never qualified to judge wether he should take or not take a drug.

It is not up to him, it is up to his doctor. If Michael tells the doctor it is going to be ok that is irrelevant. The doctor is sworn to do no harm whatsoever, so no matter what MJ said to him, he should never have given MJ anything.

If a doctor brakes that rule he will punished according to the law.

Thank you.
i don't see Michael as wanting to be portrayed as a person who makes bad decisions. i don't know of anybody who doesn't go for second opinions, concerning doctors..yet it's so easy for some to believe that MJ insisted on something dangerous, when all we have on that, is hearsay. i know of no one that trusts doctors that much, i don't, that much..and i don't see MJ as trusting them, that much.

Paris was on that memorial stage describing him as the best daddy ever. not someone with ups and downs...problems...trouble sleeping or not looking out for what is best. and i know of no child that covers for a bad or troubled parent. and bad or troubled parent could mean drug dependent, and insisting on stuff that no doubt would scare her, if she constantly witnessed it. and troubled, specifically could mean trouble sleeping and constantly needing help with it, all her life. that is something that would definitely stick out to her. and she never even gave any impression of that, on that stage, even tho that would not constitute a bad parent.

MJ was described by Berry Gordy as 'knowing'ever since he was a little boy...many who got to truly know him described him as 'wise'. i, for one, am not going to see him as 'naive'..no matter what the media says. nor am i gunna see him as someone who would make decisions that could cost his kids, their father. there's nothing out there that makes me buy that negativity. there's only hearsay.

and all this window dressing about the doctor and such, is just trying to disguise the real truth..and that is the media wants to portray MJ as someone who insisted on using his influence, to kill himself, despite all his responsibilities.

so they couldn't convince me of him being weak and naive, so they try to convince me of him being weak and naive under the guise of having a backbone and strong influence? yeah right.

i mean..how does a sponge of a guy start out knowing, grow to be well read on all kinds of subjects, and then, suddenly become naive at his pinnacle? it just doesn't happen. i mean, i know the media wants me to believe it happened, here, but..naa..doesn't happen. he's gunna be a sponge in everything he encounters(which is the exact description people gave)..including with more than one doctor in the medical field, especially since it concerns Michael, personally.
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he might not have done it deliberately but no doctor should enable someone. just cause it's gonna make you rich does not mean you should throw all ethics and morals out the window. Doctors need to be trusted. MJ must have known the risks but the professionals should know better than to risk someones life. and i don't understand what you mean by demanding a body

an eye for an eye = LAW with no heart = WE DEMAND A BODY

Jesus .. Michael Jackson
father forgive them = Righteous Law = consequences (sentence) served up with forgiveness and a lesson to be learned
preeeeeetty sure michael would've wanted that he didn't get killed and got to continue being a father to his children, alive.

I think so, too. I think he'd want punishment for the person who separated him from his precious children...accidentally or intentionally. To what extent, I can't guess. Like some have said Michael had a big heart and was compassionate and forgiving to a fault. But I think if there was something in this world he might strike back at someone for and go for their jugular on it might be his mother and his babies. I honestly believe those 2 things might be the only reasons for which Michael, himself, might demand a body. Hurt his mother or his kids and I dunno...that sliver-sized piece of Joe Jackson in him might come out. Again, to what extent, can't guess, but no punishment at all...I wouldn't think he'd roll that way. "Oops my bad" has left his kids without him...and him without them (at least in the physical sense). His kids were everything to him and vice versa.
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