Would Michael have wanted it this way?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
It looks like the doctor is going to face manslaughter charges. He may have given Michael propofol like he usually did without intending to hurt him. Michael may have known how strong this drug was but felt it was ok to take because he had a doctor watching him.

If the doctor faces manslaughter charges, gets his license revoked and goes to prison, do you think that's what Michael would have wanted?

We know how caring Michael is for everyone. And knowing the doctor didn't intend on killing him, do you think Michael would have preferred for the doctor to remain a free man or would prefer him to go to prison?
i think he would want him punished. Think about MJ campaigning against Mottola: he has a strong moral compass and respects the law. Accidental or not, Murray did make the mistake of using propofol out of the hospital.
i think he knew the risks although ultimately the professionals are the ones to be held accountable

honestly, he would not have thought about it, he didn't expect to die, none of us do. the doc didn't expect him to die. we all think this shit happens to other people.

unfortunately people do the wrong thing for their own gain every day all over the world, maybe this will save the life of someone else who finds themselves at the mercy of a crooked doctor...if that is the case here of course, don''t wanna assume or i'm as bad as the freaking paps
I think anything he gave Michael would have been at Michaels request
It looks like the doctor is going to face manslaughter charges. He may have given Michael propofol like he usually did without intending to hurt him. Michael may have known how strong this drug was but felt it was ok to take because he had a doctor watching him.

If the doctor faces manslaughter charges, gets his license revoked and goes to prison, do you think that's what Michael would have wanted?

We know how caring Michael is for everyone. And knowing the doctor didn't intend on killing him, do you think Michael would have preferred for the doctor to remain a free man or would prefer him to go to prison?
This is a really good post. I think because we are all still distraught and hurt by Michael's sudden passing, we're all looking for someone to blame and Dr. Murray is the perfect victim for that, seeing as Michael's death is inevitably, his fault wether it was intentional or not.

However there's something I AM angry about and feel Murray (and all doctors in LA) should be punished for: even though Michael was stubborn, and always got what he wanted I just can't understand the concept of doctor's giving patients whatever they want (especially if it means a dangerous and life-threatening IV which should not be used outside a hospital) as long as they pay.....I really, honestly, don't understand that.
The sad thing about Doctor Murray, he was a cardiologist and guess what, according to Fox News, he didn't know how to perform CPR! He was paid $150,000 a month and would receive double that when Michael was on tour in London. And its not just Doctor Murray who might be facing charges, Fox News reports that Michael Jackson may have used up to 19 aliases to obtain prescription drugs, so if/when charges are laid, there may be a whole lot of Doctors lining up in court facing manslaughter charges!
We Demand a Body!!!!

It's a sad fact that in this life we live in a blame culture where everything has to be someones fault,when some things just happen.

Some things.....just.....happen.

Punishment is at the heart of everything.Does anyone honestly think a qualified doctor intentionally tried to kill Michael Jackson?
Of course not,but it seems likely that he will be tried as such.

We Demand a Body!!!!
he might not have done it deliberately but no doctor should enable someone. just cause it's gonna make you rich does not mean you should throw all ethics and morals out the window. Doctors need to be trusted. MJ must have known the risks but the professionals should know better than to risk someones life. and i don't understand what you mean by demanding a body
This is a really good post. I think because we are all still distraught and hurt by Michael's sudden passing, we're all looking for someone to blame and Dr. Murray is the perfect victim for that, seeing as Michael's death is inevitably, his fault wether it was intentional or not.

However there's something I AM angry about and feel Murray (and all doctors in LA) should be punished for: even though Michael was stubborn, and always got what he wanted I just can't understand the concept of doctor's giving patients whatever they want (especially if it means a dangerous and life-threatening IV which should not be used outside a hospital) as long as they pay.....I really, honestly, don't understand that.

I fully agree with this post :yes:
I know how we all feel about what happened...But my question was "Would Michael want charges laid upon the doctor, knowing the doctor made a mistake. Would he still want him to be punished for something he didn't intend on happening?" Nobody is answering that question directly...
he might not have done it deliberately but no doctor should enable someone. just cause it's gonna make you rich does not mean you should throw all ethics and morals out the window. Doctors need to be trusted. MJ must have known the risks but the professionals should know better than to risk someones life. and i don't understand what you mean by demanding a body

It's a figure of speech.The baying mob (in this case us and the media) demand accountability.
Someone has to answer for this,it really doesn't matter who.

And while I may agree that the morals are loose here,how many times do you really think MJ has heard the word 'no' in his adult life?
If not this doctor it would have been A.N.Other doctor.Rather than looking to lay blame we should maybe be asking ourselfs why?
Part of michael's psyche would have wanted it this way..the mystery , the unknown answers, the eternal youth being in tact..i am not saying he didn't want to gow old but he was intrigued by the whole aspect of dying young..
In this i don,t care about what michael would think.
he,s gone, he doesn,t think asnymore.
The people who are still living have to deal with a person so unreliable as dr murray is.
Dr murray did something wrong and should be punished for that.
I know many more people who,s intentions were right, but they did something wrong.
When it,s treu dr murray gave mike the overdosis propofol, he,s a danger for the society....and does NOT deserve to be a docter....and we should be protected for people like him.
He is the docter he should warned michael and NOT gave him the propofol.
It was not mike,s own responsebility... a docter should have warned him and NOT gave him that drug.
A good docter would never do that, NEVER.
Michael Jackson was never qualified to judge wether he should take or not take a drug.

It is not up to him, it is up to his doctor. If Michael tells the doctor it is going to be ok that is irrelevant. The doctor is sworn to do no harm whatsoever, so no matter what MJ said to him, he should never have given MJ anything.

If a doctor brakes that rule he will punished according to the law.
Michael Jackson was never qualified to judge wether he should take or not take a drug.

It is not up to him, it is up to his doctor. If Michael tells the doctor it is going to be ok that is irrelevant. The doctor is sworn to do no harm whatsoever, so no matter what MJ said to him, he should never have given MJ anything.

If a doctor brakes that rule he will punished according to the law.

ding ding ding!! thas the million dollar statement
I know how we all feel about what happened...But my question was "Would Michael want charges laid upon the doctor, knowing the doctor made a mistake. Would he still want him to be punished for something he didn't intend on happening?" Nobody is answering that question directly...
Oh...I didn't realize you meant it that way. Sorry. :doh: lol

It's difficult. In my eyes, Michael was someone who was forgiving. But Michael also knew very well that he was an important person. Especially to his children; as he was their world. In that regard, I believe Michael WOULD want Murray punished for being irresponsible, and I believe Michael would be angry at Murray for causing himself to be taken away from his children.

Michael was not qualified to judge whether the stuff he was being given was safe for him or not. Michael did not know the full risks. Michael wanted to sleep...and instead of other solutions, the doctors gave him something they should never have given him. As a result (whether it was the powerful drug that killed him or simply the doctor neglecting Michael that night...) Michael died.
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I DO want people responsible for Michael Jackson's death to be punished BUT I hate people being sent to jail.

If Dr. Murray WAS responsible I believe it would be punishment "enough" if he got his license revoked because that would already ruin his life (not that I would wish for anyone to have his/her life ruined!!!). :(
the doctor should know he has to be punished.in this line of work no matter who you take care of (a celebrity or a normal person) you do a mistake you got to pay for it!
I think Michael would want him punished not for what he did to himself but to his children. And his family and fans. Who knows... his spirit may be angry now but in time forgiveness comes...
I think Michael would want him punished not for what he did to himself but to his children. And his family and fans. Who knows... his spirit may be angry now but in time forgiveness comes...
I agree, that's what I meant to say. I just didn't know how to put it. :lol:
You seem to think Michael ought to be shouting 'hallelujah'!

We don't know if the doc goes to prison. More likely he will find a way to get away with it, as too many do. We don't know if it was a simple accident . What I know is he didn't do his job and that led to MJ's death. And he even got big bucks for not doing what is to do in such a situation
No, I am angry that Michael allow himself to use this kind of treatment to sleep. He was warned about it and still allow this doctor to perform it. It upsets me that he took care of himself and wanted to eat right YET he use this kind of drug. WHat is the point to eating right if you are going to use this mess? This is like a person who is a veteraterian yet that person smokes.
Oh...I didn't realize you meant it that way. Sorry. :doh: lol

It's difficult. In my eyes, Michael was someone who was forgiving. But Michael also knew very well that he was an important person. Especially to his children; as he was their world. In that regard, I believe Michael WOULD want Murray punished for being irresponsible, and I believe Michael would be angry at Murray for causing himself to be taken away from his children.

Michael was not qualified to judge whether the stuff he was being given was safe for him or not. Michael did not know the full risks. Michael wanted to sleep...and instead of other solutions, the doctors gave him something they should never have given him. As a result (whether it was the powerful drug that killed him or simply the doctor neglecting Michael that night...) Michael died.
Michael knew he did not suppose to have it or use it (the nurse warned him about it YET Michael still got it). Yes, I blame the doctor 99% for this because he was the one in power YET Michael went along with it KNOWING the risk. He knew this stuff was not easy to get over the counter. I am mad.
Michael knew he did not suppose to have it or use it (the nurse warned him about it YET Michael still got it). Yes, I blame the doctor 99% for this because he was the one in power YET Michael went along with it KNOWING the risk. He knew this stuff was not easy to get over the counter. I am mad.
I agree with you partially....but I truly, truly believe Michael did not know the full risks. YES, people tried to warn him. BUT, I don't know where it is but there's a letter one of his docs wrote to him saying this stuff was "the best" and could help him through all of his problems. So yeah. He was warned, but told otherwise by his doctors.
I know how we all feel about what happened...But my question was "Would Michael want charges laid upon the doctor, knowing the doctor made a mistake. Would he still want him to be punished for something he didn't intend on happening?" Nobody is answering that question directly...

Ofcourse he would want him to be punished,I mean why not even if Mike pushed that doctor to give him that powerful drug then also it was Doctor's responsibility to take care of Mike.But instead of that he gave him tht kind of drug in his house..Thats crazy.none of the real professional would do that no matter how much money they could make.
Do I think Michael would want him punished as it wasn't intentional? Hmmm..hard to figure what he would think, but I would think so. I would think he'd feel betrayed yet again in trusting someone who shouldn't have been trusted - because it goes further than just administering the drug. There are all the other mistakes - the CPR, the time before calling 911, and who knows what all else. Plus, I think he'd respect the law - he wouldn't want his children to think it's okay if you cause someone pain or even kill them as long as you didn't mean it.
I love you Michael, but it's out of your hands now.
I want this guy hanged in time square. I want a live feed on the internet. I want everyone in the world to watch. I want a message sent. I want people to know that if they give someone drugs or medication illegally, they will be punished.
How many more people have to die??
Marylin Monroe, Heath Ledger, Elvis, Michael, the list is endless.

Thanks to this jerk off doctor, I'm scared to have my wisdom teeth pulled out. I'm afraid they'll wanna use this stuff.
I love you Michael, but it's out of your hands now.
I want this guy hanged in time square. I want a live feed on the internet. I want everyone in the world to watch. I want a message sent. I want people to know that if they give someone drugs or medication illegally, they will be punished.
How many more people have to die??
Marylin Monroe, Heath Ledger, Elvis, Michael, the list is endless.

Thanks to this jerk off doctor, I'm scared to have my wisdom teeth pulled out. I'm afraid they'll wanna use this stuff.

lol as long as your dentists name isnt murry then you should be ok :) .
rather than ask if michael would have wanted his doc to be jailed,maybe better asking would michael have wanted to die? for the sake of a few hrs kip.
the doc was there to do a job and he failed miserably,so in my mind i think michael would be pi++++ right now for leaving his children alone in the world (being there safe with michaels sis).
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i think he would want him punished. Think about MJ campaigning against Mottola: he has a strong moral compass and respects the law. Accidental or not, Murray did make the mistake of using propofol out of the hospital.

Exactly.What about the bad CPR, delay in calling 911 and making Prince watch(if that is true) no I don't think Michael would forgive those things ESPECIALLY making his son watch the bad CPR!!

If it was a mistake yes I think Michael could forgive, but I don't think it was... it will be blamed on the doc being in a state of panic. Now though Sony will get all the money out of Michael they wanted, even Branca and McClain who 'produced' the 2002 will saying they are in charge... seem to want to cut out Katherine and not let her see that AEG contract... why should she sign something saying once she sees it she won't bring it up in other court proceedings... what exactly is in that contract....??!

Now the police have conveniently messed up busting Dr Murray... its all set up. Jermaine's wants Michael buried at Neverland and his current wife is the ex of Dr Tohme Tohme, who is friends with Colony Capital who own Neverland. The owners of Colony Capital are also friends with the owner of AEG... http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-michael-jackson31-2009may31,0,1441957.story?page=1

and Randy Phillips is a liar, he said that the tickets for the first few shows had already been printed but the company who prints them only got the contract hours before Michael died.http://www.graphicartsonline.com/article/CA6673527.html?desc=topstory If Randy lied about that what else does he lie about?? Michael choosing Dr Murray? Michael being as healthy as he was supposed to be?? If he was why get someone to make sure he eats??

This is all becoming so predictable, each time I see the TMZ news updates like the current one about Police messing up... of course they are its set up. So with all that folks... and more I just haven't got round to typing this time - No I don't think Michael would be happy with what is going on right now and No I don't think he'd forgive those involved at this moment in time.

Yes and of course Murray knew he'd get away with it hence making them declare Michael dead in hospital not the house so it didn't become an immediate crime scene! That is why he carried on giving CPR when Michael had probably already passed away :(

I wish this wasn't true, but nothing adds up and everything is odd and dodgy. Its not nice to think about these things I know and I don't blame fans who don't want to. I just want the truth, the real truth to come out for Michael's sake and his 3 lovely children.
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I'm not trying to be funny.
I'd hang him by his you know what if I thought that would kill him.
I'm not mad, I'm not angry. I skated right to pissed off. Doctors aren't paid the big bucks to do whatever a patient wants them to do. They are paid to keep the patient safe.
It would be different if this was something Michael could have taken on his own. That would be playing with fire.
This *doctor* was paid to do what was medically appropriate. He wasn't paid to do whatever Michael wanted.
If Michael told him, "I'll give you a million dollars if you push me off the Golden Gate bridge." Would this sick f*ck of a doctor have done it? No. It's crazy and illegal. So why is giving him medication illegally okay??