**would be nice if Michael gave us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

  • Thread starter xscape guy 2003
  • Start date
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

for me my gift if he is in good health and enjoying with his kids :)
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

That would be wonderful, yeah. But he have already given us sooo much, really. Just knowing he is around us and working on new amazing projects, thats really the best present for me.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

That would be wonderful, yeah. But he have already given us sooo much, really. Just knowing he is around us and working on new amazing projects, thats really the best present for me.

l see that you share my point ov view :)
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

OK , last time,

Stop with the hateing!!

It was a suggestion, i think will change thread name, but i was comparing something that George Michael is doing for his fans, and he has not been away from the music scene for as long as Michael.

Guess some of you dont get it , i like Michael a lot, in fact i have been blessed twice on meeting him, but he is NOT GOD , He is a genuine down to earth guy, that also, lets face it get paid by US the Fans!

I agree he has gave us lots of free stuff especially when been on the recieving side of free pizza and drinks from him outside his hotel, but as regard to his music WE pay for that, this is a gesture to say i made this especially for all of you. He wrote a song for us which was to be on unrealeased album, perhaps it will be on this new one? Its featured in tha back of the pictures book, i am sorry cannot remember the name. but its in that.

I hope you understand more, where i am coming from, now, im not that desperate for a new song it was just a thought! Lets see how the response of George Michael releasing this on December 25th goes down, as upto its getting nothing but positive remarks.

Lets face it if Michael wanted to do this he would not give a damn what the press said, and this would not be his brand new studio single from new album, because when that comes it will have *breakthrough* video as well.

not really fussed either way. id prefer something properly happen
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

xscape guy 2003, you met him twice? can share your experiences? :)
"I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas.."


lmaooo *dead*

That picture is hilarious!

I would rather PAY for an entire Christmas album. I am sure when he gets older he will eventually release something like that…

Absolutely. Who knows if a Christmas CD is something he's even interested in but I think it would nice to hear him sing a few classics in his adult voice...maybe create a new classic of his own. There's lots of Christmas songs that he could do that don't necessarily involve the "religious" aspect of it...if that's something he wants to avoid. A Christmas CD with his adult voice is the only thing really missing from my collection at this point.

for me my gift if he is in good health and enjoying with his kids :)

Couldn't agree more. :flowers: A teeny tiny shot of that pearly kryptonite (his smile) might work for me as well...maybe while he's wearing the Santa Suit. :girl_whistle: :shifty: :p
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Michael doesn't have to give us anything. He doesn't ask us to be loyal or stand outside his hotel all day in the freezing cold etc, that's your choice. I'm getting sick of hearing fans say that they think Michael should give us something back for all the love we give to him. Is that how everything should be? Give and take? Mmm.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Michael shouldn'T give us anything. Especially not if it is suggested by the fans.

Michael gives when he wants to give and not because anybody else does.

Sorry but the MJ should do this.... MJ should do that Ideas are getting overdoing.

It's an idea - why are you so defensive? Sheesh.

Maybe people would stop suggesting if MJ actually put something out for us to stop suggesting.

George Michael is to give his fans a free song for December 25th as a gesture of his love and a show of thanks for there loyalty to him. Would this not be a fantastic idea that Michael could do? Do you agree? and would a Xmas song from Michael be so special wrote, composed, and sung for his fans.

I think that this is brilliant and would be so nice.



Yup!! keep dreaming