**would be nice if Michael gave us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

  • Thread starter xscape guy 2003
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xscape guy 2003


George Michael is to give his fans a free song for December 25th as a gesture of his love and a show of thanks for there loyalty to him. Would this not be a fantastic idea that Michael could do? Do you agree? and would a Xmas song from Michael be so special wrote, composed, and sung for his fans.

I think that this is brilliant and would be so nice.


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Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Michael shouldn'T give us anything. Especially not if it is suggested by the fans.

Michael gives when he wants to give and not because anybody else does.

Sorry but the MJ should do this.... MJ should do that Ideas are getting overdoing.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Lot's of people get "free" songs anyway, so this would be a waste of time
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Why is everyone being so rude to the OP?

I guess it's up to Michael when he will release a song for us; whether it's for xmas or summer 2020.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

it is a nice suggestion,but just to know michael is happy and healthy is a good enough christmas present for me.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

he already acknowledges his fans more than anybody else I know
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

hey people,

i know you may all or some of you may not agree with this, but im just saying that it would be fantastic for him to do this for us, he doesnt HAVE to, its just a suggestion! So dont get so *worked up* about that fact!

It just struck me that GM is doing this for his fans and i for one would love to hear a xmas song from Michael.

Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

hey people,

i know you may all or some of you may not agree with this, but im just saying that it would be fantastic for him to do this for us, he doesnt HAVE to, its just a suggestion! So dont get so *worked up* about that fact!

It just struck me that GM is doing this for his fans and i for one would love to hear a xmas song from Michael.

It's OK Terry :) I do understand.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

I think it was just worded badly. I think the idea of giving to the fans is a nice jesture for George Michael but I don't think Michael needs to jump on that band wagon. He needs to do what's right for him right now. I would be happier holding off and enjoying a new album then a rushed song just cuz.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Michael needs to moonwalk to my house dressed as Santa for my Xmas.

Hmmm, a big red ribbon would work nicely for me :yes: Poor Michael, he's become an object of desire.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

i actually agree with this. i know mj loves us and tells us he loves us everytime he has the chance, but he's never given us a 'present' per se. and don't anyone say his music because that's his job lol
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

it is a nice suggestion,but just to know michael is happy and healthy is a good enough christmas present for me.

I agree with that!!

Michael needs to moonwalk to my house dressed as Santa for my Xmas.

Imagine that. Opening the door and Michael was there. :eek:
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

i agree, we have waited sooo long lol
no, i don't want him to do an Oprah.

Michael needs to moonwalk to my house dressed as Santa for my Xmas.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Isn't MJ a Jehovah's Witness? I don't think they celebrate Christmas.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

^he used to be one.
I have a friend and she's a Jahovah witness but she said Michael isnt one anymore but her mom still is.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Isn't MJ a Jehovah's Witness

I think that ended 20 years ago. But some things are resiliant in people's minds.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

I would rather PAY for an entire Christmas album. I am sure when he gets older he will eventually release something like that…
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

WTH? We should give gifts for him!!!

If you want so desperately Christmas gifts, we should give you a life as a Christmas gift. :lol: Because I feel pity for you and it's not normal to be begging gifts if you are not like 5 years old. And I think you are not.
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

you can always put on the Christmas Album from the J5 on Christmas Eve ;) :D
Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

Michael gave milions gifts for the world with his music,dance for years...He dont need given nothing for us.We should give gifts to him.
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Re: **michael should give us a xmas song as a free gift to his loyal fans**

It would be cool if he did it one time, but that's totally up to him :) He knows that he doesn't have to give us anything, he's already given us more than any other performer in music history. But if he'd do it, now is not the right time. The press would be all over it, and despite setting Michael in a positive light, it would take some publicity off his real comeback single. You know ''the first new MJ song since 2003''- kind of thing. I think he should save that excitement to he's ready to give us the first single off the new album. ;)
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