Worst decade for music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What do you think is the worst decade for music?

I think it's the 00's. 90% of the music that's coming out in this decade is just awful
I dont think there's such decade, every one is special and should be apreciated
many think that 21st century is bad, but you need to search more for good music, because what you hear on radio or tv is far from the best, those just have big record labels to promote them
many think that 21st century is bad, but you need to search more for good music, because what you hear on radio or tv is far from the best, those just have big record labels to promote them

When you gotta go looking for good music that isn't right atall. You should be able to turn on the TV or switch on the radio and hear good music. It's sad really that we actually gotta go looking for good music
00's by a country mile. An entire country, actually. There's still plenty of music I enjoy, but not nearly to the degree of what I used to. My favorite artists aren't pumping out the music like they used to, and the artists I like seem to be putting out albums only once every five - ten years. (MJ, Stevie Wonder, Maxwell, D'Angelo, etc.)

And mainstream rap is killing me. Some of it is alright, but guys like Common, Talib and others get little radio love.

Oh well.

especially after 2003.

of course there is good music,but talking about mainstream? god awful.
When you gotta go looking for good music that isn't right atall. You should be able to turn on the TV or switch on the radio and hear good music. It's sad really that we actually gotta go looking for good music

that's the way it is, sadly
The decade of FAST FOOD MUSIC...

THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
2000's, ALL THE WAY.

60's, AWESOME. 70's, AWESOME, 80's, AWESOME. 90's, AWESOME.

2000's? JOKE!
When you gotta go looking for good music that isn't right atall. You should be able to turn on the TV or switch on the radio and hear good music. It's sad really that we actually gotta go looking for good music

I agree wholeheartedly
Point blank...the 21st century BUT to be honest music really started going down hill back in the late 80's and 90's.
If were talking about (mainstream) music of course people like Michael are an exception. Its very very sad when you have to go looking for music especially when your my age. When I have to go looking for music my parents and even grandparents listen to just for some descent music thats sad. OF course there is still good music out there you just have to find it. Artists like some mentioned above like, D'Angelo, Maxwell, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott and Talib are really great artists, there just not commericial and its sad that most of the innovaters and real talent are really the ones that are not "mainstream". This can be in anything, music, sing,write and dance.
I'd say now is the worst decade for music. The crap that's on the radio nowadays makes me want to smash my stereo.

This century, once rap and metal took over that killed music.
Rap I agree with, but metal? Come on, there are a lot of talented hard rock and metal bands around.
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I'd say now is the worst decade for music. The crap that's on the radio nowadays makes me want to smash my stereo.

Rap I agree with, but metal? Come on, there are a lot of talented hard rock and metal bands around.

Unfortunately metal destroyed future bands that could have been great like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC etc..instead we got a bunch of one off stupid wannebe metal outfits that along with glamorized rap in the 1990s played a huge role in destroying the artistry of music.
When you gotta go looking for good music that isn't right atall. You should be able to turn on the TV or switch on the radio and hear good music. It's sad really that we actually gotta go looking for good music

That's the sad reality. The main difference between now and the past is that, the true talent was main stream, they were the ones that got promoted and played on TV and radio, while the silly acts may have gotten some exposure and had a few hits here and there, but were never taken seriously or touted as something substantial. Now it's the opposite, where the true talent struggles to get any exposure and the joke acts are touted as the best.

I'd say this really started to happen from about 1995 to now and sadly, it doesn't look like it's going to get any better any time soon.