Worldwide MJ Fan Protest AGAINST Howard Mann - Sunday !


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Join the fight to Protect Michael’s legacy!
Twitterthon #MJfansAGAINSTmann
Sunday - Noon Pacific. 3PM New York. 4PM Sao Paulo. 8PM London. 9PM Paris. 11PM Russia . 3AM Singapore. 4AM Tokyo.

Please join Twitter for this important event to Protect Michael's LEGACY!

#MJfansAGAINSTmann Twitter Event

Tomorrow, Sunday April 17th 2011 at 3PM Eastern, Michael Jackson fans from all corners of the world will converge on Twitter to send out a powerful message to Howard Mann & his partners.


We, as a community, want to unite our voices as one in the spirit of Michael Jackson, ahead of the April 19th trial, and let the world know we will continue standing up to those who want to hijack Michael Jackson’s legacy.


The event starts at Noon Pacific. 3PM New York. 4PM Sao Paulo. 8PM London. 9PM Paris. 11PM Russia . 3AM Singapore. 4AM Tokyo.

Important information:
No RETWEET. You are free to copy and paste someone else’s tweet and resend it. But ABSOLUTELY NO RETWEET.
Also, do not use the hashtag more than once in the same tweet as Twitter view this as spam.

Please join us on Twitter for this event !!!

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I'll be there ^^

With Mann, the Jacksons, Johnson, Oxman....I'll be very " nice " with all of them .
Guys...let's all get together and do this last thing for MJ and his estate before the trial. It will be a boost to their morale.

If you don't have a Twitter can easily open one. It takes less than 2 minutes to do so.

All you have to do it copy and paste #MJfansAGAINSTmann . Like the original poster stated..only 1 hashtag per tweet..otherwise it won't count for the TT

Twitter might block you from posting the same tweet over and over again, you can add numbers (like #MJfansAGAINSTmann 1 , #MJfansAGAINSTmann 2 etc) or a message after the hashtag (#MJfansAGAINSTmann we will never forget you Michael or whatever message you want to send out).

The more of us who participate, the more chances for the hashtag to make it on the TT.

Diplomate, I understand it's not just Mann..but we will start with him for now. And you are free you add whatever message after the hashtag.

To open an account go here:

Yes, all the MJ fans must do it tomorrow.

And even after tomorrow ^^

Long live the King. The one and only.
sorry but i was offline for a long time and i'm sorry can some one tell me what has happened this time ?? so i can be with u and understanding what is happening cause i already have a tweeter account and i can join all of u
sorry but i was offline for a long time and i'm sorry can some one tell me what has happened this time ?? so i can be with u and understanding what is happening cause i already have a tweeter account and i can join all of u

Same old story. Howard Mann is still exploiting Katherine Jackson for his dirty deeds against the estate.

The trial against the fake Heal The World Foundation begins on Tuesday. And of course, Mann is paying the defines..because he is hoping Fake-HTWF wins so he can use their trademarks to make more money with MJ's name.

Please share on Twitter and Facebook
Maybe we should do one against Katherine to teach her a lesson too. The fans will not allow her to pimp out MJ's kids for money.
^^^^^^^^'ve got a point there............ was Katherine who signed with Howard Mann even though the estate has made sure that she never has money troubles..............

When will the family's greed end???
Guys this is not about Katherine. This is about Howard Mann. Please join tomorrow.
UGH! I so did not want to get a twitter or facebook account. I guess I have to.
i am going to open account just for this but right now i am in india so please tell me time for india.
blankyluvdoodoo;3345390 said:
i am going to open account just for this but right now i am in india so please tell me time for india.

Monday 12:30AM New Delhi time

to open an account go here >>>>

Guys, please let's leave Katherine Jackson out of this. A few fans have tweeted claiming this is about Katherine Jackson. Howard Mann wants to make it about Katherine... It is not.

Focus on Howard Mann, Vaccaro & Johnson.

They added a disclaimer now:

Michael Jackson Fans: United Against Howard Mann

DISCLAIMER: We are all Michael Jackson fans taking OUR OWN initiatives to stand up to greed, specifically, Henry Vaccaro, Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson. This is all about MANN, VACCARO, MEDIA POP & MELISSA JOHNSON. No one else, but these three.
We are in NO WAY affiliated with the Michael Jackson estate. We are fans, very opinionated & active in the fan community, helping OTHERS vent their frustration and giving them a voice against these 3 MJ-legacy hijackers.
We are not as powerless as we think…WE hold the money ….and we will send a clear message to Howard Mann: we will not spend our hard-earned cash on your ventures. All this fighting is futile.
We keep standing up for Michael J. Jackson, but in 8 hours…..We will also stand up AGAINST HOWARD MANN.
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Mel, i'm just listening to the podcast. i want to thank you and all the others who are getting the facts out there!
i'm angry, disgust and feel helpless... will definitely twitt today
Michael Jackson Fans: United Against Howard Mann
DISCLAIMER: We are all Michael Jackson fans taking OUR OWN initiatives to stand up to greed, specifically, Henry Vaccaro, Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson. This is all about MANN, VACCARO, MEDIA POP & MELISSA JOHNSON. No one else, but these three.
We are in NO WAY affiliated to the Michael Jackson estate. We are fans, very opinionated & active in the fan community, helping OTHERS vent their frustration and giving them a voice against these 3 MJ-legacy hijackers.
We are not as powerless as we think…WE hold the money ….and we will send a clear message to Howard Mann: we will not spend our hard-earned cash on your ventures. All this fighting is futile.
We keep standing up for Michael J. Jackson, but in 8 hours…..We will also stand up AGAINST HOWARD MANN.
mellie321;3345741 said:
Michael Jackson Fans: United Against Howard Mann
DISCLAIMER: We are all Michael Jackson fans taking OUR OWN initiatives to stand up to greed, specifically, Henry Vaccaro, Howard Mann & Melissa Johnson. This is all about MANN, VACCARO, MEDIA POP & MELISSA JOHNSON. No one else, but these three.
We are in NO WAY affiliated to the Michael Jackson estate. We are fans, very opinionated & active in the fan community, helping OTHERS vent their frustration and giving them a voice against these 3 MJ-legacy hijackers.
We are not as powerless as we think…WE hold the money ….and we will send a clear message to Howard Mann: we will not spend our hard-earned cash on your ventures. All this fighting is futile.
We keep standing up for Michael J. Jackson, but in 8 hours…..We will also stand up AGAINST HOWARD MANN.

Thank you I have tweeted that out to my followers.

MJ fans we are going to have to police ourselves with this and make sure it doesnt become about Katherine
Becuase that is what Howard Mann is trying to do. He wants it to seem like the estate is attacking and after
Katherine Jackson which they are not. Thats why the COWARD puts her out in from him like a shield. So she
can take the blows and garner sympathey for his cause. Well this time we are not falling into hsi deception.
we going directly to the source #MJfansAGAINSTMann
3 hours left. get ready for it.

Anyone have the MJ popcorn gif
Nope. Just this lil "eating pizza" one.

True, this campaign is not about Katherine, and I concur that she should not be mentioned. (She IS implicated, though, by association as Mann's business-partner. Whatever. . . . This is a protest about Mann/Johnson/MediaPop, and not about Katherine.)
Howard Mann or his associate yesterday answered some of us and then couldn't handle our information.

anyway they are trying to twist this as an attack on Katherine. It's not. If you are going to tweet just focus on Howard Mann, Melissa Johnson and do not mention Katherine at all in your tweets.
Mann needs to really take a hike, he's one dangerous fellow (amidst the many of those salivating at the mere idea of money). Go home, wherever that may be. ...
Nope. Just this lil "eating pizza" one.

True, this campaign is not about Katherine, and I concur that she should not be mentioned. (She IS implicated, though, by association as Mann's business-partner. Whatever. . . . This is a protest about Mann/Johnson/MediaPop, and not about Katherine.)

Sadly for Katherine, she went by herself in this mess. Her porn friends and the other vultures, gonna use her name now, to defend themself.

She knows what she did.

We are against Mann, it's mean for the media, Katherine included, because she defend these vultures....
40 minutes to go, make sure to get everyone you know involved on twitter. Once we get going if anyone sees us trending whether in their own country or worldwide I think it would be cool to post the news here.
Good luck everyone.