Workers discover 18th century ship buried at World Trade Centre site Read more:

My friends body was never found among the ruins of the twins. so no i don't want anything built there. I feel like it's a grave to him & as does his friends since we have nothing to bury or cremate
You're lucky Suzy at least you got to see them.It was a big dream of mine to get to see them in all their glory.

You're part about defying the terrorists is the American way.I always thought in the aftermath that the twins would be built again,safer and even taller than last time.It would be the ultimate FU...Shame it wont happen like that.

^^ I wish I could see them too. :( I came many years later and of course went to site, it was really sad..I kinda agree with Suzy, I thought the twins should be rebuilt exactly the same as they were! I remember that horrible day like it was yesterday and we got really worried cuz my aunt lives there. anyway, I love NYC. :heart:

I went to those buildings often when I worked in the area. I had a job interview one year in one of the buildings (one of the smaller ones that was also destroyed) and I used to go to the mall in the concourse area on my lunch hours. I even roller bladed there one day (another story entirely, heh). It's sad those towers will never stand as they once did but even more devastating is the lives that were lost that can never be replaced.
It happened on Friday night here in Aus. I was always teased at school about all the people who had passed away in my life. I used to hear this every day " anyone die lately???". Monday morning I replied "yes Friday night in NYC". The group of bullies went quiet although my teacher overheard she didn't say a word. There was no word of Sept 11th in any of classes it was like it never happened which made me angry. The bullying stopped for about a week though :)

That was the only time I mentioned Steve if no one cared why should I mention it.
When Ladder 49 was realized on DVD my bf at the time borrowed it & we started watching it with friends. I ended up running out in tears. I spilled the story & my bf cared. So I didn't fee funny anymore I was able to tell friends & my mum. For about 5yrs I had kept my mouth shut. I used to cry every time I spoke about it but now no tears as I'm so used to telling my story & making other people cry.