Workers discover 18th century ship buried at World Trade Centre site Read more:

It will be interesting to see what the archeologist tests find. And who knows what else is buried deep underground in Manhattan.
I find things like this so fascinating. I watch youtube and listen to early sound recordings and it just fascinates me, there is a sound recording from 1890.

Really old Tortoises also amaze me, how some of them have been here for so long, some for up to 150 years. I just find it incredible.
It's unbelievable that in a couple of months it will be 10 years since that horrible, nightmare of a day. It was actually a horrible year.
Thank you above! Every day I live Sept 11th. I'm hoping next year I'll be at the 10yr anniversary. It has gone so fast feels like yesterday.

I wonder what kinda of things are buried not just under world trade centre site but all over the world!
It's unbelievable that in a couple of months it will be 10 years since that horrible, nightmare of a day. It was actually a horrible year.

I agree it was a bad year. 9/11 happened and one of my favourite artists Aaliyah passed away. So overall not the best year no.
I agree it was a bad year. 9/11 happened and one of my favourite artists Aaliyah passed away. So overall not the best year no.

For me the nightmare of 9/11 lasted throughout the entire year and beyond. Everyday for more than 365 days firefighters, police officers and other emergency responders' obituaries appeared in the newspapers. The smoke and fires continued to burn for many months in the destruction where those beautiful towers once stood.

Sorry, the memories start flooding back every year around this time. Aaliyah's death was tragic and sad. Yet another young talent gone too soon.
For me the nightmare of 9/11 lasted throughout the entire year and beyond. Everyday for more than 365 days firefighters, police officers and other emergency responders' obituaries appeared in the newspapers. The smoke and fires continued to burn for many months in the destruction where those beautiful towers once stood.

Sorry, the memories start flooding back every year around this time. Aaliyah's death was tragic and sad. Yet another young talent gone too soon.

I was supposed to be in NY on the 11th but never went. I had a nightmare 2 nights before it happened about burning buildings. I didn't understand what it was about till the 11th "Compicated Story".
I used to have extremely bad nightmares which lasted for about a year then went for a a couple of years then around sept 11th they return grrrr but sometimes I don't need a nightmare. Just have to close my eyes sometimes not even that & I'm there.
I was supposed to be in NY on the 11th but never went. I had a nightmare 2 nights before it happened about burning buildings. I didn't understand what it was about till the 11th "Compicated Story".
I used to have extremely bad nightmares which lasted for about a year then went for a a couple of years then around sept 11th they return grrrr but sometimes I don't need a nightmare. Just have to close my eyes sometimes not even that & I'm there.

Wow, that's fascinating. I had nightmares that NYC was being attacked by war planes and bombs for a while after 9/11. Before that, it was a different world...
Just an update...

Buried ship found at World Trade Center site set to sail, land at JFK

Thursday, July 22nd 2010, 4:00 AM

Bon voyage!

The historic ship hull unearthed at the World Trade Center site is set to make its first voyage in centuries.

On Monday, archeologists will begin dismantling the 32-foot-long wooden skeleton, piece by piece, before transporting it to a storage facility.

The pieces likely will be moved to Kennedy Airport's Hangar 17, where they will be analyzed and preserved. Officials said it's still unclear where they will go from there.

"Each piece will be documented through drawings and photography and 3-D mapping," said Diane Dallal, director of archeology at the consulting firm AKRF.

Archeologists discovered the remains of the buried vessel, which is believed to date back to the 18th century, last week.

The removal of the hull is expected to take about four days and will not affect construction at the site, said Steve Coleman of the Port Authority.
Thank you above! Every day I live Sept 11th. I'm hoping next year I'll be at the 10yr anniversary. It has gone so fast feels like yesterday.

I wonder what kinda of things are buried not just under world trade centre site but all over the world!

I was thinking the same thing when I was reading this article.. All the amazing things that we could be sitting on top of RIGHT NOW!! I'm curious to hearing about the findings..

It's hard to beleive that next yr it will be 10yrs...
Rebuild the twins!

I dont think that would be a good idea. It would too many painful memories to the families & friends who lost someone that day, it would be another reminder of the pain they felt that day.
While i respect everyone's view on this i seriously do wish they would rebuild the twins.For people saying to leave it and build nothing,well there are buildings being built there right now so that ever gonna happen.I just hate to give credit to whoever blew up those buildings with changing the most famous skyline in the world.

They did take a vote on rebuilding like a year after and the people who lost loved ones said no,however i think it would be very different if they did that survey again.

At the end of the day guys we can talk here forever,the twins wont be built again,Freedom Tower is already going up in the sky.I just think bowing down to terrorists and building something completely different (and smaller) ain't the American way.
^ Although twin Freedom Tower buildings would be nice, no? I mean it does resemble the original towers somewhat.
I've always thought that the twin towers should be rebuilt exactly as they were before, only more secure - just to defy the terrorists. I hate that our skyline is changed forever and I don't like how the new buildings will look. Well, many didn't like the twin towers when they were first built so maybe in time the new towers will grow on us. But I sure would have loved our old towers back. Whenever I traveled out of the city and returned those lovely towers welcomed me back home. Now they are gone forever. :(
You're lucky Suzy at least you got to see them.It was a big dream of mine to get to see them in all their glory.

You're part about defying the terrorists is the American way.I always thought in the aftermath that the twins would be built again,safer and even taller than last time.It would be the ultimate FU...Shame it wont happen like that.
^^ I wish I could see them too. :( I came many years later and of course went to site, it was really sad..I kinda agree with Suzy, I thought the twins should be rebuilt exactly the same as they were! I remember that horrible day like it was yesterday and we got really worried cuz my aunt lives there. anyway, I love NYC. :heart: