Woman who posted comment on Larry King Blog says she feels "Very ashamed"

I can't believe some of the posts here... Just last night we witnessed so many people talking about Michael's kind heart, his love, his forgiveness, his giving nature (not that we didn't know these things beforehand) , and now we still find room for hate and bitterness.

Is this how you guys are planning on continuing Michael's legacy and respecting his memory? I sure hope not, cause then, the only ones worthy of shame would be YOU!

Yes, it's late, but even now, people can still realize what a wonderful person Michael was. Indeed, it's NEVER too late! By honouring his memory and heeding his words, people can become better.

If you don't learn to forgive, you have learned nothing from Michael.

Fans are ALLOWED to be upset, after it was all the hate, lies, and ridicule that eventually sent Michael to his grave. We are ALLOWED to be upset at humanity for being so disgusting and unable to pry themselves away from what the media decides to spoon feed them at every possible opportunity. Doesn't mean we shouldn't eventually forgive, but we are allowed to feel a little bit bitter and we should NOT be ashamed of it. Let's not make people feel bad for having their own opinions. We lost someone incredibly special to us. It will take a long time to heal. In fact, I don't know that I'll ever fully heal. The man was taken from us - FOREVER. We have to go on the rest of our lives never seeing a new photo, or hearing his sweet voice and intelligence in another interview ever again. And right now, the pain is still fresh. Perhaps right now, many of us are still in a state of shock, sadness and anger and are not ready yet to fully accept people's sudden epiphany, when it is those very people that have aided in the spreading of hate and the loss of such a dear life. It shouldn't take such a horrific sacrifice to make people realize what they've got right in front of them. We should as a society and as people, learn to understand each other, learn to see both sides of a story, and learn about someone rather than judging them based on information we receive secondhand.
Oh, I don't think it will last long. They are trying to be appropriate. I've already heard some news reporters say that we should allow people to mourn now and wait to focus on the negative.

On BET before the memorial, one of their reporters said something like, "I cannot ignore the child molestation allegations, the plastic surgery, the weird behavior. That's all real. I am a reporter. I have to be objective." It's as though the media thinks focusing only on the negative is objectivity and giving any credit to Michael is biased. Guess what! Ignoring Michael's achievements and the fact that he was a person is not objectivity! Who is she kidding, anyway? Although they haven't focused on it, I have not seen any reporter ignore that stuff.

Here in Brazil the coverage has been quite respectful. It is indeed shocking, for some of the Tv shows that reach mass audiences that called Michael a "freak", ex-King of Pop and more 'til two weeks ago, are now treating him as if he was Jesus Christ. But you're very right. The media will go along with whatever gives them the ratings. Today, people wanna feel guilty about Michael Jackson. Tomorrow, that's yesterday news and the bashing goes on...
In retort to the 'new fans' label,I was on here over a year ago but posted something stupid and had to reregister.I've also been a fan since 1982.

I am far from a new fan.I drifted away mid 90's and wasn't a die hard like I was,but I've always been a fan.
In retort to the 'new fans' label,I was on here over a year ago but posted something stupid and had to reregister.I've also been a fan since 1982.

I am far from a new fan.I drifted away mid 90's and wasn't a die hard like I was,but I've always been a fan.

So you're evading a ban? :brow:
It would be very sad if we profess to love Michael Jackson as a human being and accepted him, human frailties and all, but we are unwilling to accept people who, through the same human frailty, were not respectful.

As I said in another thread - we all come to the truth in our own way and in our own time. The important thing is getting there.
I forgive her. People will come around. Its a shame that it takes death for people to realize the good.

"Maybe now Micheal, they will leave you alone"