Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair" -Merged

Re: Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair"

kids are growing up too fast..To me this is not like mj singing at a young age..This seems more forced and contrived ...just my opinion
Re: Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair"

i like it! its catchy ... lol i cant believe shes only 9 but yeah the song has a swag to it
Re: Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair"

I like it too! Willow definitely brought that swagger! AOL Radio said on Twitter that they already added it to their radio rotation. lol
Re: Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair"

i was wondering if that was Will Smith's daughter. then the video answered my question. she looks like Raven Simone. if that's a misspelling, blame spellcheck. by the way...does this song have a hook? i didn't notice. lol
Jay-Z Signs 'Superstar' Willow Smith To Roc Nation

Superstar mogul compares Will and Jada Pinkett's 9-year-old to a young Michael Jackson during call to 'On-Air With Ryan Seacrest.'
By Daniela Capistrano

Just two days after Willow Smith's kid-friendly club banger "Whip My Hair" leaked online, Jay-Z and his petite protégé called in to "On-Air With Ryan Seacrest" to confirm that he had signed her to his Roc Nation label.

Describing Willow's debut as "a hit," Jay-Z said on Thursday morning (September 9) that he first heard the track before he knew it had been recorded by a 9-year-old. "I was like, 'Man, that record's a smash.' And then [Roc Nation partner] Jay Brown said, 'She's 9,' and I was like, 'Whoa!' And [then] he was like, 'She's Will and Jada's daughter,' and I was like, 'Whoa!' and it just went from there."

Hov first met with Willow in Japan, where she was traveling with her family for big brother Jaden's film "The Karate Kid." Jay-Z was impressed with the youngster's natural confidence.

"She walked in and the first thing she said was, 'I'm really nervous,' and I thought, 'That's maturity to explain exactly how she was feeling when she walked right into the room.' I knew right then she was a star," Jay said. "I believe in superstars. I believe in big records and superstars, and I think she has both."

Despite admitting that media attention is often "very overwhelming," Willow credited her mother for her being able to feel confident with paparazzi.

"My mom teaches me to say how I feel all the time," Willow explained. "My mom and me are very strong individuals and I just know that, because lots of people, they don't act like themselves, so they're not happy."

Responding to Seacrest's question about the meaning of "Whip My Hair," Willow said that "it means just be an individual. Like, you can't be afraid to be yourself, you have to be yourself, and you can't let anyone tell you that that's wrong."

Jay-Z agreed. "If you sat with [Willow] for half an hour, she's just a wealth of information and ideas. She has child innocence but she has a clear vision of what she wants and who she wants to be."

Although Willow only started working on her music this year, Jay-Z — who drew comparisons to another young pop star he discovered, Rihanna — said he sees great things in the young artist's future.

"I don't want to go so far, but I can imagine that's how Mike [Jackson] was as a young kid — he knew exactly what he wanted," Jay said, comparing Smith to the late King of Pop. To critics who question Willow's early start, Jay-Z pointed out that music stars often have early beginnings.

"I believe that you have to start somewhere, and when you have that sort of talent and vision, there's no such thing as too young. Again, I heard the record without knowing who it was. ... We all danced to Michael Jackson records when he was 8. Stevie Wonder started at 8, it's just what it is, who she is."

Willow's debut video will be shot in Los Angeles at the end of September.

Re: Willow Smith's new song "whip your hair"

Why? Why?? Why???

I hate it. JMHO.
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Re: Jay-Z Signs 'Superstar' Willow Smith To Roc Nation

As I posted elsewhere, Jay is a smart man for signing such a young talent. I'm actually looking forward to the video as I'm sure it will be a fun one. I don't know, I just have high hopes for this young girl because she has such a great support system, has her own eclectic style (although influenced by Rihanna, she makes it her own). And as she gets older, I don't expect her lyrics to take such a sharp turn toward this overtly sexual trend that many young artists seem to fall into.
Re: Jay-Z Signs 'Superstar' Willow Smith To Roc Nation

I've heard the song and yes its pretty good. But like a lot of people I think kids should be kids and not be pressured into that type of fame so early. Can you imagine of Paris said to Mike when she was 9 'daddy, I want to be a star, can I start making music please?'
Re: Jay-Z Signs 'Superstar' Willow Smith To Roc Nation

I've heard the song and yes its pretty good. But like a lot of people I think kids should be kids and not be pressured into that type of fame so early. Can you imagine of Paris said to Mike when she was 9 'daddy, I want to be a star, can I start making music please?'
I can imagine it and it probably did happen since paris said she wanted to be like her father when she was only a toddler but you can't compare how Michael would respond to how Will would. Will let his kids embrace the spotlight while michael shielded his kids from it, different situations for different people who have different ideas on how to raise kids.
Willow came along at the right time. I mean, for the "younger" set there is ONLY Justin Bieber, now little Willow will take some of his shine.

I have to say I'm a little shocked that Will & Jada agreed to this at such a tender age. Usually when the parents are in show business, knowing the demands and EVERYTHING else that goes along with being in show business, they most times steer their offspring in another direction.

Now it will be interesting to see how much of this is studio enhancement and how little Willow handles a LIVE performance. Either way, I'm sure she'll be a hit with the younger generation, especially the girls.
people get mad at MJ fans when they have problems with everybody making comparisons to MJ. it's the moguls themselves making the comparisons to MJ. JayZ just did it again. i think he needs to stop doing that.

and besides..JayZ just admitted that one of the things that impressed him, is that this girl is the daughter of somebody famous. MJ didn't have that advantage. so right now, Z is playing the nepotism card, and acting like it's all about him having intuitiveness about talent. regardless of who he signed in the past. i'm not saying she doesn't have talent. she obviously does..but i wish he wouldn't sound phony about his intuitiveness. giving really big ups to himself is always unnattractive..no matter how successful he is.
Jay Z thinks he's Berry Gordy. Berry Gordy didn't have a blueprint. Gordy is Jay Z's blueprint.
I knew right then she was a star," Jay said. "I believe in superstars. I believe in big records and superstars."
I don't. No such thing. The "star" system is nothing but somebody having a company with big money and connections behind them to pimp them off to as many people as possible. It has nothing to do with anything but making money for the pimp (company). Soon as the mass audience gets tired of a so-called star or superstar, the public goes on to the next thing and the "superstar" is called a "has been". Then the company owns their "image" and keeps on pimping them out with endless merchandise like Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, etc. But the "star" in most cases doesn't benefit in the profits, only the work.

You know what, I already made my opinion known. So I'll leave it at that. no reason ot be so negative.
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its amazing what doors will open and what talent you can have when you have celebrity parents. no offense to young willow, im glad she has parents who are incouraging no matter what her age, i mean, some parents out there don't care period on what their kids can accomplish.
but 'talent' is so easy to say from jay....i mean she is Will's kid. celebrity kids can get record deals and movies with a drop of the hat. talent needs to be waited out a bit, to me anyway. many singers now sound the same and voices made to be 'great' in the studio.
Willow came along at the right time. I mean, for the "younger" set there is ONLY Justin Bieber, now little Willow will take some of his shine.

I have to say I'm a little shocked that Will & Jada agreed to this at such a tender age. Usually when the parents are in show business, knowing the demands and EVERYTHING else that goes along with being in show business, they most times steer their offspring in another direction.

Now it will be interesting to see how much of this is studio enhancement and how little Willow handles a LIVE performance. Either way, I'm sure she'll be a hit with the younger generation, especially the girls.
Co-sign on the part in bold. At least, we gotta hear more studio material, if no live performance is available soon. So, right now, I don't have much to say about her talent.
Jay Z needs to stop comparing things period.....ugh he makes me ill. MJ is MJ and there is no duplicating period! I do wish Willow much success. I do hope she finds herself as well instead of trying to sound or be anyone else.

I agree, Jay-z talking like that just makes me uneasy. Like every young child singing that he likes is the next MJ or something. I had to stop myself when I read that he said because she was able to express she was nervous that signifies a future superstar in his book somehow. I hope for him that he was wrongly quoted on that because that is just plain dumb.
He needs to be honest. That song is cute and all but let's not jump to conclusions and bring up comparisons to people like MJ and Stevie wonder.

I wish her succes though, but I don't understand why a 9 year old needs a recording contract.
People bring up MJ and Stevie wonder so easily but forget the struggles they had to face because they started so young. (especially Michael) Not to mention all the child stars that got lost when they grew up and people didn't think they were "cute" anymore.

Why put a child through that? If the child is really talented she will still be talented when she is 16/17/18 or whatever. In fact she would probably be even better because she would have time to invest and expand her talent. Not to mention she would be able to enjoy being a child a little longer. That's just my view on it though.
well guys every upcoming pop act either they being a child or teenager who can sing or dance are going to be compared to mj b/c he was one of the first child stars to blow up in the music industry and Mj is the blueprint on how to be a phenonmenal entertainer, i mean what performer wouldn't want a career as huge as mj, that's so many study his art, you could in artists's video's today, and beyonce said in an interview one time she follow michael's techinque about give 110 percent to your shows, and don't forget Mj put dance music or pop music on the map when MTV were all about rock Music in the 80's and look hoe POp muisc is dominating the charts and radio so it's all about the inspiration i mean the dude inspire 5 different generation that's amazing
Yep her voice sounds waaaay older than a 9 year old's. I don't mind the song, it's pretty good. I guess I'm happy for Willow because she's living her dream, but whether it's the best thing for a little girl, I dont know. It's not just the fact that she's got her own album, it's the whole look she's got going on that's a bit OTT for a primary school kid. But hey, maybe her parents know what they're doing. :scratch:
The song is so generic (it's a Rihanna reject - literally, she turned it down so they passed it to Willow) so I'm sure it will be a hit. All I can say is, have we learned nothing from Michael and Britney??? Too much, too soon, is NOT a good thing.
The song is so generic (it's a Rihanna reject - literally, she turned it down so they passed it to Willow) so I'm sure it will be a hit. All I can say is, have we learned nothing from Michael and Britney??? Too much, too soon, is NOT a good thing.

is that a fact that the song was rejected by Rihanna?
The song is so generic (it's a Rihanna reject - literally, she turned it down so they passed it to Willow) so I'm sure it will be a hit. All I can say is, have we learned nothing from Michael and Britney??? Too much, too soon, is NOT a good thing.

is that a fact that the song was rejected by Rihanna?
I don't think that's true because Jay Z said he didn't even know about the song untill Willow recorded it, people have been saying that it sounds like rihanna but that doesn't mean it's an actual song she rejected.