Will Michael REALLY Be remembered...

LMFAO!!!!!! Elvis is NOTHING in comparison to the worldwide fame and records Michael Jackson holds! His legacy is already greater than Elvis and Elvis has been gone for 30 years yet give it another 3 years and MJ will have made more money in death than Elvis did in 30 years of death!

MJ's legacy will be the biggest. The moonwalk, glove are more famous than Elvis' face in some countries! Michael's death was the biggest Ive ever seen, with all the worldwide tributes etc.. Never been seen before on that scale! The worldwide web broke down! Thousands of Americans watched Elvis' funeral, over a BILLION people across the GLOBE watched Michael's and that was on work day! MJ will be remembered for ever, far greater than 30 years and far far greater than Elvis!

Can't believe you would even doubt that? Time and time again its been proven, Michael does NOT need the media! His messages, his talent are enough. Elvis needed the media to hype him up, Michael never has and never will.
Michael created magical and timeless music, wich appealed/appeals to everyone from 2years old(really) to 80++ years. His music is both pure entertainment and full of michaels messages to the world, Heal the world, Earth song, Man In the Mirror etc.

When the future generations hear Billie Jean, Beat it smooth criminal etc they will know of the his amazing skills and talent, when they hear other such as Heal the world etc, they will know of his vision and charities and what a wonderful and magical yet so simple man he was.

So in other words. His music will speak for itself and NO ONE can deny it, wich is great because his music represents what Michael Jackson stood for :)

EDIT: So yes, he will be remembered, dare I say for hundreds of years?
Michael will be remembered in 30 years plus. He's an icon - a superstar. He has had a huge impact on the music industry, has done a lot for charity and has been the subject of much controversy for years. He won't be forgotten, I'm sure of it!
30 years? I think so much more than this! ;)
Elvis died more than 30 years ago and nothing seems he's gonna be forgetten in comming time... The same Lennon, Jim Morrison etc... people will remember them always.
Michael is an icon, his music is directed to bigger crowd than for examle Jim Morrison's music, everyone knows him, everyone know who wore white socks, one glove and what moonwalk is even if that someone isn't a fan of him! And he's music will be discovered by generations in future as well.. HE'S THAT ICONIC THAT EVEN IN MORE THAN 200 YEARS PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHO HE IS... it's just immposible to forget someone like this! That's amazing :wub: Long life the King! :D
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LMFAO!!!!!! Elvis is NOTHING in comparison to the worldwide fame and records Michael Jackson holds! His legacy is already greater than Elvis and Elvis has been gone for 30 years yet give it another 3 years and MJ will have made more money in death than Elvis did in 30 years of death!

MJ's legacy will be the biggest. The moonwalk, glove are more famous than Elvis' face in some countries! Michael's death was the biggest Ive ever seen, with all the worldwide tributes etc.. Never been seen before on that scale! The worldwide web broke down! Thousands of Americans watched Elvis' funeral, over a BILLION people across the GLOBE watched Michael's and that was on work day! MJ will be remembered for ever, far greater than 30 years and far far greater than Elvis!

Can't believe you would even doubt that? Time and time again its been proven, Michael does NOT need the media! His messages, his talent are enough. Elvis needed the media to hype him up, Michael never has and never will.

I agree.

This has been said before but i'll say it again

There's Stars - Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers etc
There's Super Stars - Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Usher etc
There's Mega Superstars - Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Prince, Elvis Presley etc
And then there's Michael Jackson
Even in a thousand years MJ's music will still be remembered. Like Mozart and other groundbreaking, breathtaking music.

Michael Jackson is a Legend, a myth, the most famous person ever to hit this planet.

He will never ever be forgotten. Not in a 100 years, not in 200 years. NEVER. His legacy is bigger than Elvis's or Beatles.
He will be remembered and I also hope that within time people will see what kind of person Michael really was. There is so much good he did that people don't know about because he didn't go around saying what he did like some people might do. Since he died, I have seen small but some progress in people seeing how Michael was just like everyone else. The media really hurt him and portrayed him like he wasn't human with no feelings. But he was and he had feelings and he had a good heart. Then more people will understand what a loss Michael passing away really is. Not just to his family, friends, fans but to the world.
Hmm... I'll always remember him... and I'm sure his fans will...

Well when it comes to his music i don't think that anyone can really erase/forget it.
... But the real Michael as a person... Some people already have forgotten him a long time ago, known him as whatever the media portrays him as. The slanderers really did their job.
See, this is exactly the reason why I think the threadstarter made this thread.

Of course, how can he be forgotten when he's made unprecedented achievements with his brilliant talent and had a huge impact as both an artist and a black man?

BUT, the thing is, when it comes down to him AS AN AMAZING PERSON WITH A BIG HEART, not as many as those who'll remember him for his music simply will not care......Sad but true. This is why I've never been satisfied with all this posthumous praise and never will be. I'll keep doin my part to keep his legacy alive, but thinkin bout this makes me sad and angry.
Even in a thousand years MJ's music will still be remembered. Like Mozart and other groundbreaking, breathtaking music.

Michael Jackson is a Legend, a myth, the most famous person ever to hit this planet.

He will never ever be forgotten. Not in a 100 years, not in 200 years. NEVER. His legacy is bigger than Elvis's or Beatles.

Thank-you! Every word hear screams the truth!
To say it short:

People are not going to forget about Michael as long as I am alive.
(and I hope I have 30+ years to go hehe).
Well, Michael will most certainly be remembered, but may not be given his proper place as the number one. The media cannot erase Michael, but they can bring him down a little. They always praise Presley, and never talk of his controversies, but with Michael, controversies is all they care about. The American media, sadly, is the leader in belittling Michael. How can you not be PROUD to have such talent?! So sad, really.
I think his legend will continue to grow. Future generations will have nobody as wonderful as him. They will cling to his message just like we do, probably even more. Don't forget LOVE LIVES FOREVER!
I remember asking my parents what was it like when Elvis was alive. My future kids will be asking me what it was like when Michael Jackson was alive.