Will Michael REALLY Be remembered...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Providence, RI
in 10, 20, 30 years? I ask this question because I feel like the media will try their hardest to belittle Michael's legacy and make it fade away. They won't promote it like they did/do Elvis. Now I know that we the fans can play our part but will/can that be enough?
Ha, 10 years? That's nothing. Of course he'll be remembered in 10,20,30 years,etc. Michael will be remembered for years and years to come I think, but what exactly is it that he'll be remembered for is the real question as far as i'm concerned. Will it be for his talent or all the controversies? Or maybe a combination of both?
Hmm... I'll always remember him... and I'm sure his fans will...

Well when it comes to his music i don't think that anyone can really erase/forget it.
... But the real Michael as a person... Some people already have forgotten him a long time ago, known him as whatever the media portrays him as. The slanderers really did their job.
I think he's going to be remembered for both his music and controversies. As much as I'd like for everyone to just ignore the latter, I just don't see it happening...
im so tired of the media, im very dessapointed by many of them, the answer remains in the public, i just heard no trial to murray will be done, i dont understand that...

I dont understand nothing, he's a legend, he should be remembered, hope he's resting in peace... how could this happen??? i dont understand his death, it was not meant to be that day
in 10, 20, 30 years? I ask this question because I feel like the media will try their hardest to belittle Michael's legacy and make it fade away. They won't promote it like they did/do Elvis. Now I know that we the fans can play our part but will/can that be enough?

the media let the world forget about Michael Jackson? Hell that would be like their biggest nightmare LOL

No they aren't going to. future generations will look back at MJ the way most people do today. An extremely talented, mysterious, conflicted, and troubled enigma.
Of course. Legends never die.
He changed the pop music scene. He did so much for the world. He had the biggest selling album of all time...I could go on and on...:p

He's a legend in my book.
Of course he will. Michael's devoted fans will continue his legacy and always be there to buy his records, spread his messages, and support his children.

A huge reason why Elvis is still relevant today is because his fans won't let him die. They are the ones that keep going to Graceland, buy new releases of his records, and organize events for fans to go to. I have no doubt that Michael's fans will be just as fervent (or more) about keeping Michael's memory and legacy alive.

Michael has accomplished a lot of historical things in his career, no one can take that away from him. It's written in the history books! The bullshit stories will eventually die down and all we'll be left with is the truth.

Have faith. . . it's only been 5 months since Michael passed.
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I think he will be remembered forever, geniuses like he will never be forgetten. His music, look, videos - everything is so iconic, people will always know that.
The media doesn't matter as Michael will always be known and remembered. Forever.

He will gain new fans and his old fans will pass on his message and music.
in 10, 20, 30 years? I ask this question because I feel like the media will try their hardest to belittle Michael's legacy and make it fade away. They won't promote it like they did/do Elvis. Now I know that we the fans can play our part but will/can that be enough?

My Siggy answer that question.

Michael have people dressing like him, fashion designers making a whole line to him.

His a Icon.
It's not up to the media whether or not Michael will be remembered, it's up to the fans.

And it's not like we're going to forget him in a hurry, is it?
Michael has had similar scrutiny as John Lennon had. Elvis was famous for his music.. both John and Michael are famous for not only that but for doing so much more for the world. They were both ridiculed by the media. Yet all they wanted was what was best for the world.
Will Michael be remembered.. absolutely without a doubt.. as the legend he deserves.
Someone who has the biggest selling album ever is never going to be forgotten anyway. Legends never die. People are in universal agreement about the three biggest icons in music. They are Elvis, The Beatles and Michael Jackson. Legends never die.
We will remember Michael Jackson for breaking down the walls of segregation. Thriller, Moonwalk etc etc... Legendary pieces of pop music! I will remember him for being a part of my whole life. He will be remembered for his talent, his music and for the great humanitarian he was. I will always celebrate him. At our fan club in Sweden sometimes we wear clothes that make you think of him, we listen to his music in public and we also do charity work in his name. We plan fan gatherings at least a few times a year and we also arrange MJ Party’s so everyone can be a part of it. You should do it to...

Michael Jackson you will be remembered forever!
The media don't promote Elvis and others like Marylin Monroe etc. but they are not forgotten.

Michael Jackson is an Icon not just a singer. In time everyone will realise his full legacy which extends past his music.

2 year old children are singing and dancing to Michael Jackson.

As long as children are getting to know his music he will not be forgotten.

Its up to us to.. we won't let them forget.
Of course! No matter what the media say or want, Michael is to strong, his love is to strong and his influence on the world is to strong to forget! He will carry on being loved and appreciated by generation after generation and his amount of fans will continue to grow, i believe it in my heart!
When I saw this is it I realised that one of the biggest dreams in a dancers life was to dance on the stage with Michael jackson.I think for some it was great only to be in the audition.
This is it dancers will tell their grandchildren about this is it.
Michael will be remebered, we have never had someone like him before and there will never be another.
I don't want his death to change anything. It makes me really scared when I read it this way... I just don't want to look in the future and think. I want to live each day as it comes, Michael is here every day. And there is no reason for it to change. I hope the world thinks the same...
i have no doubt .... i can see my 10 month kid becoming so facinated w him ...there will always be a new generation of fans ...they will carry on the legacy ...
Its down to us. Its us that had the privelege of living iin his lifetime. We have the responsibility to pass on Michael's history. So yeah I think as time goes on, Michael will be remembered more for his music and less for his cases with the law etc. In 30 years, people won't be able to read a mass of media of BS about him.
Of course he will. Michael's devoted fans will continue his legacy and always be there to buy his records, spread his messages, and support his children.

A huge reason why Elvis is still relevant today is because his fans won't let him die. They are the ones that keep going to Graceland, buy new releases of his records, and organize events for fans to go to. I have no doubt that Michael's fans will be just as fervent (or more) about keeping Michael's memory and legacy alive.

Michael has accomplished a lot of historical things in his career, no one can take that away from him. It's written in the history books! The bullshit stories will eventually die down and all we'll be left with is the truth.

Have faith. . . it's only been 5 months since Michael passed.

Things like his image will only get better as the years pass because its us that are giving the history and carrying everything on.
yeah it's up to us! :) if we pass on his music and his work to our kids and so on, we make sure this man's legacy will never be forgotten. ;)