Will.I.Am: Finished Working on Dance Album With Michael

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Dangerous Incorporated

"Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am has claimed that he had finished working on a dance album with Michael Jackson.

However, the 'Boom Boom Pow' popstar said that he had been forced to hand over all the material to Jackson after they finished in the studio.

"I was very proud of it. But he was very protective and kept it under lock and key," he told The Mirror. "After we made it I had to hand back every demo.

"He was a perfectionist and didn't want anyone to hear it until it was ready."

He added: "It was going to be out of this world. It’s something Michael has never done before - a dance music album."

Will.i.am also revealed that the last time he spoke to the late singer was on Father's Day. "He called me to wish me happy Father's Day even though I don't have any children," he said.

"I told him, 'OK, I will grab my crotch and wish myself happy Father's Day for all my unborn children'. He laughed and said, 'You're so funny'."

Black Eyed Peas were rumoured to one of Jackson's support acts at his planned O2 50-date residency."

Will.i.am also revealed that the last time he spoke to the late singer was on Father's Day. "He called me to wish me happy Father's Day even though I don't have any children," he said.

Tee hee, that's cute.
I wonder if we'll ever hear this album..
I dont think Michael himself knew how LOVED he was and is!
We have got to hear this. I have a feeling this would be incredible.
Oh thats really good to hear. And sad again at the same time... even tho I kinda lol'd at the last part. =)
"I told him, 'OK, I will grab my crotch and wish myself happy Father's Day for all my unborn children'. He laughed and said, 'You're so funny'."
wow...so the posters like Dancemaster and MJ SexBomb that wanted a "no ballads" album almost got what they wanted. Maybe they will still get it but everything is up in the air now, and the master, Michael, wont be there to make the final decision.
This just put a smile on my face. I can't believe they recorded a dance album together. This album must be amazing.
He grabbed his crotch! That is so funny!

It is also sooooo Michael to wish Happy Father's Day to a non-father. Michael was so funny and childlike. I love him forever.
is digitalspy a trustworthy source? it sounds fishy...for a sec i thought it was th mirror and had to have a second look...
Haha, funny story.
Surely the person (and this is yet to be determined) in charge of MJ's estate will have the power to decide what is released of MJ's work?
IE if his will does state that Katherine be given power over his estate, it seems it would be her decision.
It doesn't sound real...will i am said Michael called him on Father's day knowing that he doesn't have a father (not children). This article is not right.
It doesn't sound real...will i am said Michael called him on Father's day knowing that he doesn't have a father (not children). This article is not right.

I don't know about the album, but about Father's day it's true
And also the last bit of the artcle with the crotch grabbing sounds totally made up.
'OK, I will grab my crotch and wish myself happy Father's Day for all my unborn children'

yea will be amazing who did he have to hand it over to? bet there gonna milk it for every penny they can!!
This is quoting Will.I.Am. You would expect it to be true then, right?
Someone posted this link http://dipdive.com/member/iamwill/blog/6090 in the Official Celebrity Statement Thread, and there you can hear exactly what Will I am says: "Thank you for...calling me up on Father's day knowing that I don't have a dad...". Look and check for yourselves.
These stupid articles make me sick.
I really hope we get to hear MJ's new sound (album). This is very exciting and we all know how massive of a hit it will be. I am very much in celebration mode (of MJ's incredible life). Yes, I am still very sad but ya know what... Michael wouldn't want us to mope around forever. Gotta pick ourselves up and show him how much we love him by carrying on and keeping him alive through his music and memories.
All dance? Ok, officially the best album ever.

Also, will.i.am is funny. Loving that man.