Will And How Will Michael Be Remembered 150 Years From Now?

I just don't see how he'd ever be forgotten, at least not anytime soon at all. There's no way. MJ's made too much of an impact. Michael never needed the media much anyway. Even when they where ripping him apart, he still had millions of fans. MJ and his music will live on for hundreds of years to come! A genius like him cannot be ignored.
In 150 years they`ll know what really happened when all documents are released concerning MJ`s life.

By then, people can and will accept Michael`s love and passion for our world... it`s only a shame most people weren`t ready for him now.
Michael, along with Elvis and The Beatles will be remembered such as Beethoven and Mozart. I believe anyway.
I'd actually predict that he'll be remembered more than classical composers because of the visual aid factor.
I totally agree with you guys. Michael will always forever be remember. If I had time machine and go about several hundred years or so in to the future. I will see and hear people still be watching him and or be playing his music. And there might even be people wearing MJ t-shirts or other MJ type clothing. Someone like Michael can never ever be forgotten.
He will live forever! We must pass to our children, than our children will pass their children... and so on... we must keep his legacy alive!
He will live forever! We must pass to our children, than our children will pass their children... and so on... we must keep his legacy alive!


I have a 6 year old half brother and Michael is his FAVORITE. He's pretty much all he listens to. I know he will grow up always appreciating and loving Michael and his music. I also have a 3 year old halfsister who watches the Black or White video almost every day, no lie. There's just something so wonderful about Michael, he can appeal to anybody of any age, race, sex, etc. He's the greatest. My siblings are already keeping his legacy alive, and I know my children and hopefully my children's children will as well. :)
I know I'm going to look stupid but who is beethoven?

PS Beethoven wrote the bit that introduces 'Will you be there' (part of the Ode to Joy, from the 9th Symphony played by the Cleveland Orchestra).

I think a lot depends on the development of musical instruments over the next 150 -200 years...there were no electric guitars, for example in Beethoven's day....so it is hard to know what the popular music of the day might sound like. It is difficult to think of MJ being thought of as 'classical'... I understand that in Mozarts' day, (wealthy) people would have small orchestras playing in their home as entertainment, but the occasions were probably more informal and chatty...hard to imagine a future concert hall reverentially listening to MJ's music in silence ( as we do to Mozart today)!

I suspect that music downloads of the future might be 'direct to brain' and visually you'll probably be able to participate in 3D holographic concerts at home .

(Not sure what I'd think of MJ in hologram form...too sad).
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Hopefully he will be remembered like the Mozart of pop/rock music.

By the time all the tabloid crap will fade away and what remains is his artistic legacy!
MJ will be off the charts humongous in 150 yrs. His story was already compelling. when future generations realise what the media and society did to him he will be beyond reach. The real truth about MJ long revealed. He will be celebrated in movies, plays, musicals every possible way.

And yes.! You his loving, supportive, strong, fearless, intelligent, fans will be right there with him. It will be well documented you were always there for him, never abandoning him. Especially at his untimely death when you his fans let the media and the world know this was no ordinary celebrity death. You forced a reluctant media to give MJ'S death unprecedented coverage.

You will never be forgotten.!! You are taking the journey into HISTORY and IMMORTALITY with him.!!!!!
Just a question me and my friend discussed a bit..

In 150 years, there will be NO human on this planet that lived at the same time as Michael Jackson did. I have no idea what it would look like. There will be no "I remember when Michael Jackson...". There will only be "I read about Michael Jackson today", or "I watched some Michael Jackson today. The pro recording of Bad Tour Wembley is pretty insane!"

...... What do you think? I think it should be built some kind of a giant statue of him that should stay there for, I dunno how long, but for a very long time.

Of course he WILL be remembered, but how? And how much?

I wanna hear some opinions on this.

Michael dedicated his life to his art. He put all of his heart and soul into it. When you watch his videos or hear his music you can feel his passion, his creativity, his love. Michael's art is the expression of his innermost hopes, pain and joy, a glimpse into his soul. It is his true memorial.
People will not remember the tabloid rumors. They will for the most part fade away and be forgotten, at most a side note. His music and and videos will touch and inspire people for as long as there are people living on Earth. They are his legacy.
his music..will forever live hundreds and thousands of years across stadiums across the world..i plan on giving my kids my mj collection..mj forever
For Sure!

We, today, remember Mozart, Beethoven and others artists and writters like Da Vinci and Shakespeare... why will no Michael remember? These artists that made some wonderful things and Michael was a of them. He lived in a modern era but it isn't the case for the ppl don't remember him.

Maybe the ppl will can remember him with statue, museuns... His star on the Fame Walk will be there forever! The students of music and dance will learn about him too. There are so many ways.
if the world is still there like this, people will remember him like Mozart.

I have a 6 year old half brother and Michael is his FAVORITE. He's pretty much all he listens to. I know he will grow up always appreciating and loving Michael and his music. I also have a 3 year old halfsister who watches the Black or White video almost every day, no lie. There's just something so wonderful about Michael, he can appeal to anybody of any age, race, sex, etc. He's the greatest. My siblings are already keeping his legacy alive, and I know my children and hopefully my children's children will as well. :)

I think it's a good point that Michael's music appeals to children and young people (not only to them, of course). When you go to YouTube and people mention their ages under Michael videos, you realize there are a lot of teenagers. There always have been. How many 50 year old stars have so many teenage fans? When stars age, usually their fanbase ages with them and people listen to their old music out of nostalgia. It's my observation that it's different in Michael's case. His music and dance style always manages to appeal to the young audiences. Which is a very good thing, because that way his art won't become just dated, nostalgia stuff for old people.
He will be a MYTH LEGEND!! but unlike any other myth there is proof of his living exhistance and greatness. First will come his music and dance, he will be studied for years upon years.. When it comes to his personal life no one will really grab a hold of it, rumors, etc.. His music will live on, and him as a person will be a Myth larger than life.
I think it's a good point that Michael's music appeals to children and young people (not only to them, of course). When you go to YouTube and people mention their ages under Michael videos, you realize there are a lot of teenagers. There always have been. How many 50 year old stars have so many teenage fans? When stars age, usually their fanbase ages with them and people listen to their old music out of nostalgia. It's my observation that it's different in Michael's case. His music and dance style always manages to appeal to the young audiences. Which is a very good thing, because that way his art won't become just dated, nostalgia stuff for old people.

YES! :clapping: Which, to me, puts him in a totally different league as Elvis....I find his music is dated....completely unlike Michael's...
If people can remember shakespear, Albert Einstein, MichaelAngelo, Leonardo Da Vinci/Mona Lisa... then people also can remember Michael Jackson :)
In 150 years they`ll know what really happened when all documents are released concerning MJ`s life.

By then, people can and will accept Michael`s love and passion for our world... it`s only a shame most people weren`t ready for him now.

That's so true. We won't have the Sneddons and Dimonds of the world, and the nasty politicians bringing him down. The real truth will be out there for the world to see and what a loving and compassionate man he always was.
I do believe with the technology and science that will have advanced by 2160, Michael will once be on stage again, he will be reborn with the help of cloning, if we can this with sheep now, we'll do it with human's in 150 years from now, but special humans, can you imagine Elvis, The Beatles, sharing a stage with Michael Jackson, if not cloning then it will be some other kind of re-generation.
The magical thing about Michael is that his demographics were children to older ppl. and everything in between. And this has not changed- children still love him! I can't think of any modern artist who has appealed to children (10 and under) like Michael has long term. His music is timeless! That is one of the many magical traits of Michael! That's why I think Michael will be remembered more than any other artist in history! He will indeed live forever!
Why do yall worry about things thats not even here.. Michael will be remembered as a great entertainer that changed music OBVIOUSLY.
The magical thing about Michael is that his demographics were children to older ppl. and everything in between. And this has not changed- children still love him! I can't think of any modern artist who has appealed to children (10 and under) like Michael has long term. His music is timeless! That is one of the many magical traits of Michael! That's why I think Michael will be remembered more than any other artist in history! He will indeed live forever!

i agree
I think it's a good point that Michael's music appeals to children and young people (not only to them, of course). When you go to YouTube and people mention their ages under Michael videos, you realize there are a lot of teenagers. There always have been. How many 50 year old stars have so many teenage fans? When stars age, usually their fanbase ages with them and people listen to their old music out of nostalgia. It's my observation that it's different in Michael's case. His music and dance style always manages to appeal to the young audiences. Which is a very good thing, because that way his art won't become just dated, nostalgia stuff for old people.

i also noticed that .and when they start listening to his music ,they do their own research about his life ,they agree that media lied lot about him .they understand his pain ,in return they respect him more.for that reason i am thankful to internet ,u find everything if u do ur research.
i also noticed that .and when they start listening to his music ,they do their own research about his life ,they agree that media lied lot about him .they understand his pain ,in return they respect him more.for that reason i am thankful to internet ,u find everything if u do ur research.

amen, and thats exactly what I did 3 years ago!
