Will And How Will Michael Be Remembered 150 Years From Now?


Dark Lady H2O
Mar 16, 2009
Just a question me and my friend discussed a bit..

In 150 years, there will be NO human on this planet that lived at the same time as Michael Jackson did. I have no idea what it would look like. There will be no "I remember when Michael Jackson...". There will only be "I read about Michael Jackson today", or "I watched some Michael Jackson today. The pro recording of Bad Tour Wembley is pretty insane!"

...... What do you think? I think it should be built some kind of a giant statue of him that should stay there for, I dunno how long, but for a very long time.

Of course he WILL be remembered, but how? And how much?

I wanna hear some opinions on this.
i think so , many millions of his fans passed his music down to his children just like my mom did with me and my little sister (i'm 16 and she's 10) AND HIS LEGACY IS CLASSIC JUST LIKE SHAKESPEAR HE'S PASSED AWAY GOD KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS AND his plays are still popular to this day, many people been influence by his themes in writing so has edgar allen poe and the other greats, like beethoven, mozarts who pieces are still very influential
Even then he will be remembered as the greatest musician ever and his live performance will still be amazing to watch.
Agreed! I have already told my children that my "MJ Collection" is to be passed down through the family. He will be like Shakespeare.....one of the greats for all time.
i think so , many millions of his fans passed his music down to his children just like my mom did with me and my little sister (i'm 16 and she's 10) AND HIS LEGACY IS CLASSIC JUST LIKE SHAKESPEAR HE'S PASSED AWAY GOD KNOWS HOW MANY YEARS AND his plays are still popular to this day, many people been influence by his themes in writing so has edgar allen poe and the other greats, like beethoven, mozarts who pieces are still very influential

Second that. That's how Michael's legacy would flow.And with the help of modern technologies I think the next generations would be able to get exposed to Michael's legacy as much as we did as Michael's life off and onstage were mostly documented.
Just today, I read the blog of Bryan Loren who's worked with Michael, he had a discussion with Michael and he said "We talked about Elvis. He actually conjectured as to whether his musical legacy would be considered as great as Elvis' - http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=88303946&blogId=499755882

I think he was very humble and underestimate himself - I agree, he will stay in HIStory such a Mozart or a Beethoven - :yes::yes:

Concerning me, I'm collecting all I can, hoping it will stay in the family - my son of six years old loves to listen and see Michael :wub: I have my little soldier of L.O.V.E.
He'll be like Mozart and Beethoven. One of the greats who will be remembered for centuries.

Agreed. Not to mention all the many,many amazing-grand things that he did/does. Not to sound 'sad' but on that day last year the whole world Stopped! The whole world.. Michael Jackson is Legendary. One of the Greats.
For sure.

Even if people don't like him, they can't ignore him.
Of course he'll be remembered forever, Shakespeare style. People will be watching Bad Tour in 3600p on their Playstation 10s and think "Damn, this guy could dance! And what a voice!"
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He'll be like Mozart and Beethoven. One of the greats who will be remembered for centuries.

Oh absolutely.

Michael will still be remembered 150 years just as widely as he is now. His music gets passed on everyday and will continue to do so. Michael will live on a lot longer than many of us. We don't have to worry about that.

Unfortunately, no, there won't be anybody at that time that lived in Michael's time but that's life. Time doesn't stop and live goes on. So will Michael. But it's up to US right now to help so that he will continue to be remembered. This may sound kind of weird, but I think all of us fans will continue to live on in Michael's legacy as well.
Second that. That's how Michael's legacy would flow.And with the help of modern technologies I think the next generations would be able to get exposed to Michael's legacy as much as we did as Michael's life off and onstage were mostly documented.

yep sorry about that that's correct lol how could forget about the technology
Remember, Beethoven and Mozart are still remembered and there are no videos or movies of their talent. MJ has tons of high quality pictures, videos, concerts, etc for future generations to remember him. That will allow him to be remembered even more then most older artists.
Of course he'll be remembered forever, Shakespeare style. People will be watching Bad Tour in 3600p on their Playstation 10s and think "Damn, this guy could dance! And what a voice!"

:clapping: :lol: :lol: :clapping:

:punk: :wild: :punk:
Very good question, I never thought about the time when no one will have been alive the same time as MJ in many years to come, it's a scary thought but I am sure his music will still be listened to for generations to come. I can't imagine how music will sound in 150 years, I'm guessing totally different to anything we have right now and if people heard it in the future they would perhaps look at it like we look at classical music from
hundreds of years ago. Hopefully people will look at MJ as the Mozart or Beethoven of his day.
In 150 years, there will be NO human on this planet that lived at the same time as Michael Jackson did.

That sentence made me so sad... How sad for them who will never experience the hype and the joy, the peace and the hope we had having him alive at the same time as us.. But at the same time, how lucky they are that they will never experience the totally insane pain of loosing him.

Whatever the way he'll be remembered, that better be a good way or I'll come back as a ghosts to slap them!
Of course he'll be remembered forever, Shakespeare style. People will be watching Bad Tour in 3600p on their Playstation 10s and think "Damn, this guy could dance! And what a voice!"

Haha, I like the sound of that! :punk: :lol:
He will be remembered as the father of the great Blanket Jackson :p

I think it is very likely that he will be remembered in the vein of artists like Beethoven. Not as widely listened to as he is now but recognized as one of the greatest, his name will be synonymous with quality and perfection.
Hopefully people will look at MJ as the Mozart or Beethoven of his day.

They will! Which is exactly why I would BEG Sony to let someone catalogue his work, give it opus numbers, give the world the entire work that is there. They have a ONCE in history chance- and still could win big buy it. (while they can!) Because at SOME point EVERYTHING he wrote will be in the public domain, too! And I'm DYING to see that. Pun fully intended.
When I have children they will be brought up on Michael :')
His music will be around them from day 1 and obviously my collection will be passed down.
This is such a wierd thing to think about though! I'd never actually thought about the whole
no more 'I remember when Michael..' thing :O
When I have children they will be brought up on Michael :')
His music will be around them from day 1 and obviously my collection will be passed down.
This is such a wierd thing to think about though! I'd never actually thought about the whole
no more 'I remember when Michael..' thing :O

Yeah me too... and one day when I'm pregnant I'm going to play Michael's music so my baby can hear him through by belly aw :happy:

Then my babies daddy will walk in while I'm listening to Michael and will wanna talk to my belly and ill be like "Excuse me we are having a moment here" :lol: