Wich of you cry at concerts?

lool why crying? because its emotional for most of the fans. for me personally its the most important day in my life and a memory i will always remember.
i cried when i watched the press conference or the trial. when im not in a good mood i cry when i just listen to his songs o_O
at the concerts i will cry all the time cause its a dream comeing true.
i love michael ^.^maybe thats a reason as well :lol:
I'm not the one to cry very easily. At all. But the one and only time I've been to an MJ concert I was one of those girls with quivering hands covering my mouth, like in awe of some heavenly visitation or something, lol. No tears, though. Just couldn't breathe, lol.
BUT THEN... then, Man in the Mirror... OMG. I realized it was the last song, the song is amazing, it was emotion and Michael and all that.... poof... soaked in tears.

It's now been 21 years since I've seen him. I'm not a goofy teenager anymore, but still, if I DON'T cry at some point I will really be shocked. ;)