Wich of you cry at concerts?


Proud Member
Apr 2, 2008
Europe xP
when you look at an old concert you see sooo many fans crying. Are you one of those? I mean why cry, you gotta be happy, or is it crying from happiness?:fortuneteller:
I dont think I would cry but if I cried it would be because of the emotions I get when he's on stage only a few meters away from me. Those feelings would be too much and can not be released in any other ways than screaming or crying.

I remember my thoughts when I saw a band that I was fan of in my teenage years for the first time live. It was something like "Oh my god they really exists! If I jump high enough they'll maybe see me, and then they'll know about me! omg they are so much more gorgious IRL!!!!" and then the music came on and I was like SCREEEAAAAMING and singing :p

I think with MJ it would be a little worse inside me, but a little more more relaxed outside. Yea.. come to think about it - it could very well end up with a silent crying actually!
omg , not saying anything except someone thought it was raining next to me lol , at the 2 history concerts i last went too, there is something about the feeling michael exudes, you cannot put it into words!! You just got to be there.

In Prague i remember this great big huge fella in front of me, when i say big i mean tall and built like brick ****house lol!!and he turned around in earth song and said omg this song is so emotioally powered i cannot help myself, and i thought then Michael transcends black white, ages, size, belief, of all ppl and i know he does this with everything he does. Its defo a gods gift!

hmmmm.... I tend to be on the emotional side, lol. So if I was to see MJ at the concert, there is a good chance I would. Not like, enough to pass out or anything (cause if you pass out they take you out and you can't get back in when you wake up!!!lol)
I haven't cried at any of MJ's concerts so far. The first time ever that I cried at an MJ event because of MJ, was at the press conference now in London when the video started and I saw MJ on the screen...It was just because I hadn't seen him in seven long years and to know evrything he had gone through and to know it was all over and he was back...it was just such an emotional moment and I was just so happy that I couldn't help but to cry a little from happiness.

If I end up crying it will most likely be because of some song making me cry though. There are a few MJ songs that make me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear them...Like "Fall Again"...I start crying as soon as the song starts because i can relate to it. And the part "You gave me strength when I wasn't strong, you gave me hope when all hope was gone" in You Are My Life always makes me cry. Whatever Happens and Don't Walk Away often mae me cry too and Keep The Faith. It all depends on the situation and how well I relate to a song. If the song totally suits something I am going true I can't help it...I'll start crying. I just hope I won't be crying at the concerts. That'll be embarrassing! :doh: :lol:
i'd love to see an arena-wide chain reaction of empathy cries if someone started crying.
LOL! Its awesome how everyone is thinking how they would react. I think I would just stare and cry too. :lol:
I am gonna see MJ for the first time in July and I am sure I will cry like a child! I am wondering what my boyfriend will say, because he is coming with me and he is not a fan! :D
I cry watching concerts lol. When I watch live footage of him now I cry even more because I'm going to be there lol.
i'd love to see an arena-wide chain reaction of empathy cries if someone started crying.

you reminded me the concept of "cry" :D

some people will deffo cry with sheer emotion
overcome in the true sense of it all ~
Im not really a cryer but my mum thinks I will cry, being a teenage boy I hope I dont its not very cool but then again its ma ma ma MICHAEL JACKSON !!!!!, so you never know they migh be a few tears. If I do cry I'll just say I fell of ma seat when I saw him hehe ;)
personally i dont understand why people cry when they see michael, :unsure: but at the end of any concert or appearance he does i may cry as thats it and god knows when ill see him again :wub: flash in the pan:swoon:
I'm gonna cry from disappointment at the concerts in July when MJ is on stage, if I won't be able to see a THING from the back where I'll be standing! :boohoo: :boohoo: :lol:
I will cry because I will be at the concert, and our dear Michael would sing for us and for me personally))))). :punk:
I think i'm going to cry...seeing someone that i love soooooooooooooooooo much for the very first time.
I've never been to a concert before:no:, and I can't afford to go to London, but I kinda think I would end up crying. C'mon, first concert in your entire life and its a Michael jackson concert. i would either cry or wet myself, or both!

I'm generally don't cry or express strong emotion, but I don't think I wuold be able to help myself. Just the thought of being at the O2 with Mike on stage makes me smile like a madman:D. He's MICHAEL JACKSON!, you either cry, or stand there dumbfounded.
I will cry with joy, happiness... Michael was in 1993 and 1996 in Brazil and I can not go see it. God is so wonderful that you are giving me a third chance and this time (after so many years of waiting), I will achieve it and not cry of emotion before that? Impossible! Thank God for the third chance and thanks Michael... I love you!​
i'm so going to cry! but i'm gonna go nuts at billie jean! :wild: i can't wait. but songs like heal the world will make me cry like a baby. even my dad said he'll cry at that song ;) never seen my dad cry.. not in a very long time :lol: i'll be crying on my way to london. omg! i'm so excited now.
i remember the first time i met him. his eyes an dhis lips stood out. i got teary eyed, he smiled at me and nodded and i did the same....just overwhelming but then a few minutes go by and u forget it's mj.
Well, I've never cried during a concert, but seeing as this has been my dream for so long and I'll be living it... YEP!