"Why you Love Michael?" -- whats ur answer when a non-MJ Fan asks u that?

And what do you answer about the pedophilia ?

I usually don't.:mello: But if I do, I respond with " Both times, it was the parents idea. And they always wanted money out of it. If my kid came to me and said that some adult was touching him/her in that way, I wouldn't really want the money, I'd want the individual to be punched in the face with a brick repeatedly for about 3 straight hours or so. Srsly. If what those people SAID happened ACTUALLY happened, the money shouldn't have mattered at all"
When my over-bearing niece decided to bring up the baby-dangling issue in front of a house full of people, I simply reminded her of the time she threw her younger sister down the stairs and almost broke her back. That experience was so tramatic for her cause her mother threw her out of the house and she had to beg her mum to take her back. I did it to point out that everybody make mistakes but we don't have the luxary of fame to keep reminding the world of it. Of course I hit a raw nerve with that story cause both her mother and her sister were present. I never heard another word about Michael for the rest of the evening.
That is what I do. I hit them back with their own misdemeaners, to show them why they should stop judging others, It works all the time.
When they talk about bed-sharing, I simply tell them that most of the world share bed with children. I did too. For plastic surgery, I either tell them that it was common practce among ancient cutures around the world, or I tell them, it is his body to do what he likes.
One of my favourite pass-time is to look at peoples noses in the streets,try it sometime, then You will want to know why the media focus on MJ's nose. I see some of the ugliest noses in the streets every day.

OMG!!! What a great post!!!!

Once one of my colleagues (when there were about 10 people in a room) started to bash Michael because of his plastic surgeries that he looks ugly and awful etc. and then I was like: but his legs with which he can dance like nobody and his voice with which he can sing like nobody are his and they are the old ones... she stopped talking and was silence suddenly and everybody looked at her with weird face expressions... It was a good feeling.

Btw, most of the time I don't talk about my feelings to non-MJ fans because simply they don't understand. But if I say something then I say: I (think) I know him and you don't... and the usual things I can't stop listening to his music, I can't stop watching his moves and his soul and heart is really beautiful, and he's one of the most generous and caring people in the whole world. Plus he's the ultimate entertainer to me.
I love Michael Jackson because he's changed my views on the world, on life, on himself and on myself.

^^^ That's just a part of why i love him (sometimes im not too sure why i love him..)