"Why you Love Michael?" -- whats ur answer when a non-MJ Fan asks u that?

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
I've tried hard to find my reason since i became his fan and I thought if i had no reason, it would mean that didn't i love him truely.
Still when somebody ask me why i love him, i feel not so able to say why and i always felt ashamed of it because i believed it was a bad sign but later i changed my mind.

As the answer to this question, I say "i don't know why i love him!". you know someone almost 2 years ago sb told me that if u feel you have no reason for loving sb, it means your love is true! He said, if you, for example, love sb for the way he looks, behaves or etc, if he/she changes, you'll love him less. I almost agreed and Now i feel comfotable and not shy to say "i don't know" as the answer to those who ask me why you love :heart:Michael ... i like that idea. :)

later i found a another answer to that question to give: " i love :heart:Michael "because i know enough about him to love him and if u do not, then u dont know him well. if u did, u would love him like me"
:wub: :heart: :wub:
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Wanna know what I say?? I say "I take it you haven't beheld the gold pants yet have you"

^^ :lol: everyone on this forum is obsessed with gold pants!! (they are pretty hot though :wink: )

MichaelJacksonsGuardianAngel said:
later i found a another answer to that question to give: " i lvoe Michael "because i know enough about him to love him and if u do not, then u dont know him well. if u did, u would love him like me"

That is a perfect response. No one should force you to explain why you're a fan anyway!

You could also say, "If you can't understand why I'm a fan, then just BEAT IT!".....lol, that was really lame :lol:
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I tell them I love him because he is more human than any other person I know. That he's not just an 'image' or the 'cool new thing' like other famous people. He's real, and that he's a better man than most give him credit for. And most people I know will believe that when I say it, because he is the only person besides my parents and my brother that I have ever (comfortably) said I love.

Although....I have to admit that the gold pants are also another very, very good reason.;):lol:
^^ No that's totally not lame!

And then after you tell them to Beat It just say "Leave Me Alone! :lol:
That is a perfect response. No one should force you to explain why you're a fan anyway!

You could also say, "If you can't understand why I'm a fan, then just BEAT IT!".....lol, that was really lame
they do not force. they ask and expect to hear a very convincing reasonable answer. since they dont see what we see on and in :heart:Michael. they r just full of fake, untrue tabloids and gosspis and cant think how one can love :heart:Michael so much.
u know.

Wanna know what I say?? I say "I take it you haven't beheld the gold pants yet have you"
:lol: :lol:
i dont talk to non fans about my love for michael cuz they would most likely not understand. in fact i dont even mention michael to non fans or at least to ppl that i dont know for certain they're fans cuz i wouldnt wanna go to prison for killing them after they had said the slightest negative thing about him.
i love michael cuz hes the perfect angel; hes simply The God to me. my whole heart and soul belongs to him :wub: God bless him always and forever :butterflies:
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I never usderstand why fans need to worry about what other people think about Micheal. I never do that for any other artist that I love and I do not expect them to love all the people that I love anymore that I would love alll the people that they love. If they come to my house and see my MJ collection and make comment which are offensive, I would not hesitate to show my disapproval as I have done on many occasions. But It certainly doesn't bother me that people do not like MJ. That is there perogative.
well, I'm not obssessed with the outfits at all... lol

but we're going here out of topic I guess?
What i say is...

"I love him because i love everything about him...everything you can ever think of"

^^^ shorts and sums it up!
I never usderstand why fans need to worry about what other people think about Micheal. I never do that for any other artist that I love and I do not expect them to love all the people that I love anymore that I would love alll the people that they love. If they come to my house and see my MJ collection and make comment which are offensive, I would not hesitate to show my disapproval as I have done on many occasions. But It certainly doesn't bother me that people do not like MJ. That is there perogative.

Actualy how do you show your desaproval ? just some real examples .
Actualy how do you show your desaproval ? just some real examples .
When my over-bearing niece decided to bring up the baby-dangling issue in front of a house full of people, I simply reminded her of the time she threw her younger sister down the stairs and almost broke her back. That experience was so tramatic for her cause her mother threw her out of the house and she had to beg her mum to take her back. I did it to point out that everybody make mistakes but we don't have the luxary of fame to keep reminding the world of it. Of course I hit a raw nerve with that story cause both her mother and her sister were present. I never heard another word about Michael for the rest of the evening.
That is what I do. I hit them back with their own misdemeaners, to show them why they should stop judging others, It works all the time.
When they talk about bed-sharing, I simply tell them that most of the world share bed with children. I did too. For plastic surgery, I either tell them that it was common practce among ancient cutures around the world, or I tell them, it is his body to do what he likes.
One of my favourite pass-time is to look at peoples noses in the streets,try it sometime, then You will want to know why the media focus on MJ's nose. I see some of the ugliest noses in the streets every day.
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i love his heart. i love his music. i love his mystery. i love his shyness. i love his funniness. i love his quirkiness. i love many things about him. if they are gonna ask me, they are gonna have to give me time to run through it all lol, they probably won't ask me again giggles
i love his heart. i love his music. i love his mystery. i love his shyness. i love his funniness. i love his quirkiness. i love many things about him. if they are gonna ask me, they are gonna have to give me time to run through it all lol, they probably won't ask me again giggles
Too True. :D
When my over-bearing niece decided to bring up the baby-dangling issue in front of a house full of people, I simply reminded her of the time she threw her younger sister down the stairs and almost broke her back. That experience was so tramatic for her cause her mother threw her out of the house and she had to beg her mum to take her back. I did it to point out that everybody make mistakes but we don't have the luxary of fame to keep reminding the world of it. Of course I hit a raw nerve with that story cause both her mother and her sister were present. I never heard another word about Michael for the rest of the evening.
That is what I do. I hit them back with their own misdemeaners, to show them why they should stop judging others, It works all the time.
When they talk about bed-sharing, I simply tell them that most of the world share bed with children. I did too. For plastic surgery, I either tell them that it was common practce among ancient cutures around the world, or I tell them, it is his body to do what he likes.
One of my favourite pass-time is to look at peoples noses in the streets,try it sometime, then You will want to know why the media focus on MJ's nose. I see some of the ugliest noses in the streets every day.

Brillant , i think make people facing their own mistakes is the best way to defend MJ
to remind them that he is only a human like everybody like you and me , and the best is to speak about something that hurt them a lot in the past , and they suddenly understand and be more respecfull with MJ in the futur , maybe not to like him but at least respect him more .

That's the same method i use for myself , my own defence , i like using it also for anybody else and above all for michael .
Brillant , i think make people facing their own mistakes is the best way to defend MJ
to remind them that he is only a human like everybody like you and me , and the best is to speak about something that hurt them a lot in the past , and they suddenly understand and be more respecfull with MJ in the futur , maybe not to like him but at least respect him more .

That's the same method i use for myself , my own defence , i like using it also for anybody else and above all for michael .
Thank you. It works all the time and save a lot of stress arguing with people who you know are not interested in the truth.:D
i love his heart. i love his music. i love his mystery. i love his shyness. i love his funniness. i love his quirkiness. i love many things about him. if they are gonna ask me, they are gonna have to give me time to run through it all lol, they probably won't ask me again giggles

when ppl ask me, i used to say the same and they mostly did not listen to my whole answer. they got bored and cut it. and it makes me mad. i cant get why they ask and do not listen. it really is annoying.

When my over-bearing niece decided to bring up the baby-dangling issue in front of a house full of people, I simply reminded her of the time she threw her younger sister down the stairs and almost broke her back. That experience was so tramatic for her cause her mother threw her out of the house and she had to beg her mum to take her back. I did it to point out that everybody make mistakes but we don't have the luxary of fame to keep reminding the world of it. Of course I hit a raw nerve with that story cause both her mother and her sister were present. I never heard another word about Michael for the rest of the evening.
That is what I do. I hit them back with their own misdemeaners, to show them why they should stop judging others, It works all the time.
When they talk about bed-sharing, I simply tell them that most of the world share bed with children. I did too. For plastic surgery, I either tell them that it was common practce among ancient cutures around the world, or I tell them, it is his body to do what he likes.
One of my favourite pass-time is to look at peoples noses in the streets,try it sometime, then You will want to know why the media focus on MJ's nose. I see some of the ugliest noses in the streets every day.

ive began doing the same thing. my uncle teases :heart:Michael alot and says he looked better before though he knows i deeply love him and doesn't care how much it might hurt me.

recently he has cut his beloved dog's hair and it looks so ugly and i keep teaseing the dog while i know it hurts him.
i dont mean to be evil, i just hope that he understands how hard it is to have someone u deeply love and adore teased or hearing ppl disapproving him.
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"Because he blueprinted all the crappy music you listen to."

Ooooh, NICE.:burstbubble I'm gonna have to use that myself.:lol:

But now that I think of it, why do we need to justify ourselves? Ask the non-fans why they don't like him. I'll bet 9 times out of 10 they won't have a legitimate answer.
I love Michael because his light heats my heart. His music,his song's harmonies have a huge influence on my music. He showed that we can see the goodness inside music and childhood. He teachs me not to afraid of making music. Since I started to listen MJ, i felt like i found "real me". I began to see the world with different eyes. These are why I love Michael.
I love Michael because the most i get to know him, more in peace i feel... cause he is such a kind and good person...
and there is something about the sound of his voice, makes me feel good, i can´t explaing it, i can just feel it...
And i love him because its impossible for me not to love him... its just something natural on me... thats all.