Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj for


Proud Member
Apr 17, 2014
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Michael never bleached his skin, he had vitiligo. As for Minaj, blurgh.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

i know that he didn't do it but....
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

sounds like you're more mad at nicki, but you should be mad at the press.

Also, MJ got shit because on top of his skin condition, he also had various things done which drastically altered his appearance over the years. Yea yea, bla bla, no one likes to talk about that, but you asked why MJ got hit in the press.

Also, you're confusing skin bleaching with make up and lighting.
And Beyonce is the one who gets slammed from people about skin lightening, but she was always light skinned.

THIS is someone who uses skin bleaching like it's sun tan lotion:

Vybz Kartel

Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

A few things.

1. It helps she probably didn't look like that before she was famous. Seriously I didn't really even know Nicki Minaj had had plastic surgery on her face until I read this thread. Plastic surgery on celebrities isn't really that surprising anyway, unless something stuffs up badly, it drastically alters their face or they do it a lot, which Minaj clearly hasn't.
2. Nicki Minaj hasn't bleached her skin. Here's a shot from Anaconda, which was released back in August or something.

What you have to realise is shots like the one below are taken with flash on, which make those who are pretty dark like a lot whiter than they are.

Case in point, Michael Jackson early 1980s before vitiligo really took effect. Exact same thing:

and finally, Michael Jackson's change in skin colour was faaaaar more drastic than what you consider has happened to Nicki Minaj (which is really nothing). I've seen the media try to start this exact same shit with Beyonce but it never really took off because in reality, it's just bullshit.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

2. Nicki Minaj hasn't bleached her skin. Here's a shot from Anaconda, which was released back in August or something.

That shot obviously shows that she is wearing fake tan.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

That shot obviously shows that she is wearing fake tan.

Preeeeeetty sure that's her actual skin colour. Another photo to show her skin colour:

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Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Isn't this thread doing to Nicki what you're mad at everyone for doing to Michael?
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Isn't this thread doing to Nicki what you're mad at everyone for doing to Michael?

I was just about to point that out myself. How bloody hypocritical.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Preeeeeetty sure that's her actual skin colour. Another photo to show her skin colour:


Again, that's extreme/over the top make up mixed with a little fake tan. She's mostly plastic, from her butt to her face. Compare nose, ass, boobs etc.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

This thread shows that some Michael Jackson fans can be some of the biggest hypocrites ever
Zakk;4065856 said:
Again, that's extreme/over the top make up mixed with a little fake tan. She's mostly plastic, from her butt to her face. Compare nose, ass, boobs etc.

Is she not allowed to wear makeup? or have plastic surgery that alters her body? Pretty sure Michael did both to rather varying degrees and both of them have every right to. I really don't see what the issue with Nicki Minaj putting on extensive makeup or having plastic surgery is.

"She's mostly plastic" You do realise that plastic surgery has nothing to do with plastic... right? The term 'plastic' is "derived from the Greek πλαστική (τέχνη), plastikē (tekhnē), “the art of modelling” of malleable flesh." I find it funny when people say "Oh they look so plastic" because it shows they don't really know what they're talking about.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

A thread like this on a Michael Jackson forum? Unbelievable..:no: Coming up with 'proof', picking the most unfavorable pics and everything.. too familiar and too hypocritical. You're wondering what's wrong with the media but you're acting like them yourself :doh:
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Was this thread really needed? And on Christmas Eve? SMH.
I think both Marlon and Michael put it the best way:

Marlon -

Q: How did you see his nose job?

A:Well, let me tell you something, how I feel about that. As you, as anybody in this world, God has created everybody. This is your kingdom. Your body is your kingdom. You have the right to do whatever you please with your body. I can’t tell you what to do with your body. And no one can tell me what to do. This is mine. We cannot judge anybody. God didn’t put us on this earth to judge others. Okay? The only time we can be judged is when we go to heaven and when we are going to be judged on what we had done for others. Not what we have done here on earth to obtain material things or whatever it may be. But I can’t determine what is best for him. Only he can determine what is best for himself.

This is an interview from the end of 2008 or early 2009, when Michael was still alive.

Michael, Living With Michael Jackson 2003 -

Jackson: I've got no control over puberty. I don't control the fact that I have vitiligo. I don't control, you know, uhh...Well, how many white people, when they're little kids, they look white, now they look very -- They sit out in the sun, to look black. The suntan lotion industry is a multi-billion dollar business. Nobody says nothing about that. They do, you know, they're trying to be other than what they are. But that's ok, I guess, right?
I find it extremly hypocrite that when dark people turn lighter it's looked as something that should be criticized or considered as self loathing but when white people tan it's all fine and cute. Even IF skin bleaching permanently was possible, why is it such a big deal? I think that's hidden racism.

And why do we need to discuss if people had 900 plastic surgeries or just one? It's their face\body, they can do whatever they want with it if they are not satisfied with how they look, why not?

As for Nicki, I don't think that's skin bleaching. I think she's just tanned in that older pictures of hers and she probably has lighter make up on the recent pictures too. Take Beyoncé and Janet for example, they have pictures they look very dark and they have pictures where they look very light. Even Michael, before the vitiligo, has pictures of him where he looks darker.
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Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Because they are idiots, that's why. People dissing Michael over his skin and not Nicki are idiots and ignorant.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

I don't get it. Because people very unfairly dissed michael when he was the victim of 2 disfiguring skin diseases, we are supposed to diss other people having cosmetic surgery?

99% of the people in the entertainment field have it. Your looks are almost as important as your talent.

Absolutely no one dissed Michael when he got his original nose jobs during OTW and Thriller. They just talked about how hot he was. Same thing with Janet. Suddenly everybody was raving on how beautiful she was. Still do today.

It wasn't til the vitiligo and lupus took hold when he got flack. That's because people didn't understand it or refused to understand it.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Because Michael was not only the most famous man in music, he was the most famous man in the world. He was seen as a easy target in their eyes. The lazy tabloids found it easier to say Michael was bleaching his skin, than to do a little bit of research. People are always afraid of what's different. (cool runnings :cheeky:)
"You tell a lie often enough, people begin to believe it"
Michael Jackson
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Michael was over exposed by the media, not only because of his huge success, but also because of the drastic changes to his looks throughout the years.His skin became milky white. Not like Minaj. Obviously she had surgeries in her face, butt and boobs and it's been posted by the press for a while. Now because she didn't have any change in her looks for a while it's not being commented anymore. I don't think she lighted her skin. She wears tons of make up that makes her skin look lighter. Here's a pic of her without makeup and camera's flashes on her face.

Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Because Michael was not only the most famous man in music, he was the most famous man in the world. He was seen as a easy target in their eyes. The lazy tabloids found it easier to say Michael was bleaching his skin, than to do a little bit of research. People are always afraid of what's different. (cool runnings :cheeky:)
"You tell a lie often enough, people begin to believe it"

Michael Jackson

Yes, I agree Michael was a perfect target. The goal and aim of a story or tabloid press is to get as many ppl buying your publication and in today's age clicking on your blog or website. The bottom line is well the bottom line (money). Michael was the most famous person around and ppl would surely want to know and read about him.

I know Michael had no control of his vitiligo and I know plastic surgery is common place even back then and when Michael got his nose surgery during OTW and Thriller it wasn't as obvious and he looked imo even better so no problems. But when the vitiligo took hold and he started having plastic surgery that was altering his appearance then the press started to pounce. It was a great story and obviously there was a demand since the public ate it up. In a way it brought publicity to Michael too. He stayed in the public eye although not for good reasons, but still. I wish Michael would have just admitted he had vitiligo way before the 1993 interview with OW. He would have diffused a lot of bad press. But imo, maybe Michael wanted the mystery and speculation who knows. I'm going to say something that most fans here would never say but I have to be honest but sometimes Michael brought a lot of this on himself. Nothing wrong with plastic surgery but Michael took it to an extreme imho.

Minaj looks like most woman celebrities these days, nothing that unusual really. And let's distinguish between men and women. It's more accepted for women to have plastic surgery than men, let's be honest here. And I think when ppl say "plastic" it just means she is not natural or real. Too much plastic surgery makes her look like a plastic doll not a real person.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

The thing that bugs me about Michael is, that he said in the Oprah interview, that he put a cleft in his chin. But in the Bashit interview he denies it... -.-
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

The thing that bugs me about Michael is, that he said in the Oprah interview, that he put a cleft in his chin. But in the Bashit interview he denies it... -.-
he didn't deny it-he just didn't point out. I can imagine that he was pretty upset and frustrated that he was being asked all of this once again-he looked pretty exasperated there. And maybe Bashir edited it out.
I just wish he would have stopped always trying to be nice and gotten really angry and let them have it about the vitiligo and lupus.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Me too, but if he had I suppose they would have held that over his head too. Just one more thing to bash him with.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

I would have been happier had he shown a little flash of temper. And maybe educated Badshir on vitiligo and lupus.
I know that was prob too personal for him-his own mother doesn't seem to really get it-So he probably doesn't like to talk about it at all. He tried by saying "you're too good for this" appealing to journalistic integrity.
Anybody else would have been ashamed.
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Again, that's extreme/over the top make up mixed with a little fake tan. She's mostly plastic, from her butt to her face. Compare nose, ass, boobs etc.

Shut yo hypocritical ass up!
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

why you mad bruh!lol
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Michael was over exposed by the media, not only because of his huge success, but also because of the drastic changes to his looks throughout the years.His skin became milky white. Not like Minaj. Obviously she had surgeries in her face, butt and boobs and it's been posted by the press for a while. Now because she didn't have any change in her looks for a while it's not being commented anymore. I don't think she lighted her skin. She wears tons of make up that makes her skin look lighter. Here's a pic of her without makeup and camera's flashes on her face.


that is not even her
Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj in high school. So cute & fierce :D

Re: Why was/is everybody dissing Michael for "bleaching his skin", but nobody is dissing Nicki Minaj

Michael never bleached his skin, he had vitiligo. As for Minaj, blurgh.

He had vitiligo [FONT=arial, sans-serif]f[/FONT] but didn't he mention how he wanted his skin lighter and about bleaching to cover up the patches ?