Why is YouTube Blocking Thriller?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I went to watch Thriller again for the second time this week(tuesday and I thought Saturday) But it says "not availible in you Country due to Copyright restrictions". Has anyone else had this problem?

Why is Thriller being blocked at all?
The views are at 70,000,000 plus(last week) but they are almost at a stand still now. Are they "working" to prevent MJ from becoming no.1?
That was the funniest Freaking video Mrfucktheworld did about youtube! LMAO! But, he is right. I'm surprise that Thriller isn't available it's from an american so.......what's the problem!? Thay say it's googles fault? Cause it seems they bought it, I didn't know that!
Yes I have been wondering about this. I tried to find a contact to ask them why but there is none. It should have been closer to 80 million this week instead its been left at 70plus million.

I wonder why are they doing this?

Good news This Is It trailer is at 7.3 million views. : )
I'm in Saudi Arabia and I can't find this video! I mean the one with the 75millions views even if I sort Thriller by view count, that's stupid
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GREED. I knew I wasn't the only one having youtube problems the last month.
Somebody might have deleted the vid. The one Mistty posted is not the official one. The Offical one has over 70Million views...

I tried to watch it on Michael's youtube site. no go.

EDIT: IT'S BACK UP ON USA YOUTUBE TONIGHT. so strange it was down due to copyright.
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A lot of his music videos have recently been removed from You Tube. I can't even find the Thriller vid with over 70 million views. It is a shame too with Thrill the World and Halloween coming up. If it is about money, they could put an ad in front. That would be better than not having them at all. Probably Sony or some other company is compiling his videos to sell and no longer want people to be able to see them for free. Just a guess.
i don't have any problem watching it
.......but i downloaded it just in case
Why would they be working to prevent Michael from being number one, these restrictions come up on random NON-Michael videos.

i checked and i can see it fine on the official channel, but im in the U.S.
I can view the 70 million views one perfectly. If your having problems then maybe change your "Country" on your YT profile from US. Like for example, I changed mines to "Afganistan" [random] So maybe try that then the video would work?
Smooth Criminal05, I went to the link and it gives the copyright message.

I searched youtube for the Michael Jackson channel and tried to watch it through that avenue, and I received this message:

"Michael Jackson Thriller This video is not available."

I tried copying and pasting the above message, but when I pasted it here (I just typed it above eventually), it read the below message:

"Michael Jackson - Thriller"
You must be logged in to view this video.
The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised. Please confirm that you wish to view this video.
This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community. Please confirm that you wish to view this video.
This video is unavailable.

So then I logged into Youtube and keep getting the same messages.

If I try clicking on ANY video actually on the Michael Jackson Channel, nothing seems to play. They all seem to say the above, or "An error occurred please try again later," and then the audio but no video plays (like on Dirty Diana).

Oh well.