Why is Michael allowed to have exotic animals when California law prohibits it?

Yeah, MJ used his animals as some kind of gimmick. I remember watching a video of MJ and Bubbles in Japan, and they were drinking out of the same cup! Eww! :lol:

That's no different from people kissing dogs on the mouth or letting the dogs lick them.
As much as I don't believe in laws which is stupid to me, it's okay for Michael to have exotic animals like every celebrities have and I strongly believe that he has trainers for them to take care of while he's gone working or touring. Michael deserves that as his gifts from god himself.
Michael deserves that as his gifts from god himself.
he doesn't buy t hem from god, he buys them from a sanctuary or wherever th ehell they come from...like steve harvey says...mj knows where 2 buy a giraffe, when they on sale, and all that....:scratch:
^ Actually he does buy them from God..

Michael goes straight to amagod.com lol! and gets it.. NO not amazon.. am a God .com..

U can buy angels, animals, golden gates and everything.. Pretty expensive though, I think one feather from an angels wing costs around 2 million.. Not sure though. That's where Mike found elephant man bones, and all..

he buys it directly from God himself.
Lol he probably has a licence, since he could prove he could afford to have them looked after properly
That's no different from people kissing dogs on the mouth or letting the dogs lick them.

aww man, my dog licks me all the time.......oh well.

Speaking of exotic animals, my friend and I wanted to get some weird animals and penguins were too expensive, but I can't believe that I can get two peacocks for less than $200!!!!! who woulda thought??!?!?!! But my mom would kill me.....darn it. :(

anyway.....back on topic.......ummmmm, i have no idea.
The law may have taken effect after Michael already had the animals...so technically the old grandfather rule comes into effect and Michael is in the clear. That's the only thing I can think of.
even IF he was grandfather claused in, which i don't believe he was, he went above and beyond to make sure his animals were fed, nurtured, trained, and taken care of.
No doubt. But still the law should be equal for all people, whether it is a beggar or a celebrity concerned.
if benji from good charlotte can have a tiger for a pet than it's not cuz he's michael jackson.

if u can personally afford to PAY for, CARE for, FEED, and TREAT an animal of the caliber mj had, then u should be allowed to have one. also, he has teh room and space for them and had them in areas similar to their original or native habitat.