Why is Michael allowed to have exotic animals when California law prohibits it?

maybe because zoo s are alowed to keep exotic animals and a part of neverland was then oficially a zoo where he has visitors (busses with kids)so that could be why they allowed it other then when they would simply be there as his pets i m not american so i dont know your laws but this seem like a logical reason
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^ true...makes sense...
but what about the early 80s when he didnt have Neverland yet and already had Muscles the snake, Bubbles the chimp and other chimps as well?
Well, ok, he's Michael Jackson, he's got money and he surely had appropriate trainers and professionals to make sure the animals were well treated...

All I know is I wanna have chimps and parrots too!! :kickass2:
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^ true...makes sense...
but what about the early 80s when he didnt have Neverland yet and already had Muscles the snake, Bubbles the chimp and other chimps as well?
Well, ok, he's Michael Jackson, he's got money and he surely had appropriate trainers and professionals to make sure the animals were well treated...

All I know is I wanna have chimps and parrots too!! :kickass2:
The law came into effect in 1992.
Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here, thank God to be back. :)

My theory is that since he has a liscence to run the carnaval, he also has a petting zoo/ zoo liscence. I could be wrong but that's my guess. And also the 'because he's Michael Jackson' thing, and the 'township' element.

Good question btw. :yes:
I think between the effective date of the laws compared to Michael's ownership of the animals plus special licenses to have the exotic animals are both right and being Michael Jackson doesn't hurt either :lol:
Michael Jackson is clearly licensed to have the animals that he does/did. The USDA concluded that all laws were followed and there were no violations when they investigated the ranch in 2006.
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I think between the effective date of the laws compared to Michael's ownership of the animals plus special licenses to have the exotic animals are both right and being Michael Jackson doesn't hurt either :lol:


I agree, it helped being MJ, but I think aslo the fact that the ranch was somewhat like a public place, so the animals were more than simple pets.

Hmm, I'd want a baby tiger ^_^ :lol:
He gets the rights the same way any zoo in california does.. It's an official ZOO you know?? He also had his own fire department, his own garbage company who picked up his trash and all...

Like his own little town inside Neverland..

It's not like just anyone buying an tiger or jaraff, he has a whole STAFF taking care of them.. It's a lagit business.
Yeah, I think it was because the animal compound at Neverland was seen as a zoo. I guess anyone could keep exotic animals, if they fill the requirements (proper facilities, professional keepers, etc...). Huugh Hefner has exotic animals too...monkeys and birds and fish and stuff...

Edit: Actually it just hit me...Isn't it funny that no one is laughing at Hugh Hefner for having all these animals at his house...but people make fun of Michael for having animals and call him weird because he likes animals. :(
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well benji madden (from good charlotte) has a frickin tiger as a pet...ugh

but mj doesn' thave them as 'pets' they were living in a zoo where they were cared by several handlers, a trainer, a vet was making regular visits and check ups....it wasn't something he did for vanity, he was truly taking in animals and helping them

he even worked w/ the sb giraffe sanctuary where he allowed their giraffes to breed w/ his...for FREE
Edit: Actually it just hit me...Isn't it funny that no one is laughing at Hugh Hefner for having all these animals at his house...but people make fun of Michael for having animals and call him weird because he likes animals. :(
I don't think the people who go to the Playboy Ranch are there to look at animals, lol. David Hasselholf had a zoo in the 80s. I don't know if he still keeps one though. When Mike had the animals at the parents house in Encino, some of the neighbors complained about the smell.
Michael Jackson is clearly licensed to have the animals that he does/did. The USDA concluded that all laws were followed and there were no violations when they investigated the ranch in 2006.

That's what I was just about to say. My cousin owns and breeds pythons as he uses them for teaching and has a license to do so. I'm guessing Michael must've had a license that allowed him to own the animals.
probably depends from where you take the animals too.if they are rescued from places where they were abused and you show you can take good care of them i think is one thing.if you want to buy them illegaly from other countries i think is another thing...
I don't think the people who go to the Playboy Ranch are there to look at animals, lol. David Hasselholf had a zoo in the 80s. I don't know if he still keeps one though. When Mike had the animals at the parents house in Encino, some of the neighbors complained about the smell.

Yeah, well that wasn't my point....The point is, other celebrities have exotic animals too and "private zoos", but no one says nothing about that. No one is laughing at them. But they call Michael "weird" because he has llamas and monkeys and snakes, etc. A bit of a double starndard, don't you think?? That's what makes me angry...that they judge EVERYTHING Michael does and make such a big deal about it when other people are doing the same things and it's fine when THEY do it. :rant:
^^^^The point was that nobody cares about Hugh's animals, lol. How often do you hear about Hugh Hefner in the press anyway? Only when he marries another 20 year old. The press says Prince, Carlos Santana, & Lauryn Hill are weird and they have no animals. Prince keeps doves at his office, but that's it.
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Also, Mikes animals get talked about because he did not always keep them at home in the zoo.. Bubbles traveled with him all the time.. I don't see Hefner walking his peacocs to meetings. lol!

think about all the photoshoots he did with them, publicity with them, and even put them in a couple of his music videos..

I LOVE MIKE FOR IT THOUGH... ha ha!! I would be doing the same thing.. scrue the press and what they can say.
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Yeah, MJ used his animals as some kind of gimmick. I remember watching a video of MJ and Bubbles in Japan, and they were drinking out of the same cup! Eww! :lol: