Why does Michael have an unmarked grave?

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Oh, I didn't realize that there were others buried in the walls on the side...I knew there were others buried around and so on, but I thought Michael's place was a small closed one for him only, so the door and that whole building would only lead to Michael.

That feels a bit weird actually...to realize that this building is much bigger as it seems and not so private and all, in the end.

I don't know if they would keep him there....it sounds logical if the family would eventually move him to some more bigger place or a place where people can pay their respects more openly. But on the other side, then it would've maybe been done already indeed. I think Forest Lawn looks very peaceful and it's a great place, but I do wish he could have a little more 'status' in his burial place also, if that make sense.

Bluh...crazy to think about all this, it's still so surreal.
I really think Forest Lawn is a good place. Especially after being there myself, it's such a quite and calm place... I think it's good. I know a lot of fans want it to be Neverland, but personally I don't. Not after what Michael himsel said about it. He abandoned it, it was not his home anymore, it stopped being a happy place after the trial... I am all for creating a museum there and probably even an amusement park like the one Michael had when he lived there... But I don't like the idea of Michael being there... I just don't think he would have wanted it... And Forest Lawn is a good place. I don't know how to explain... Being there just brings some sort of comfort, you know... Being there for me was devastating at first, because it finally hit me that he's gone. And I was so afraid to go there, I ended up sitting on a bench on the other side of the Mausoleum for almost an hour. My legs were shaking and all that... And I cried.... But then after some time I got this feeling that Michael was with me, you know? Like he was everywhere around me. And this feeling hasn't left me since. And it's a bit comforting and I feel a bit stronger... Although it still hurts like hell.... but Forest Lawn is a good place, in my opinion. Katherine made the right choice for Michael...

By the way, when I was there I saw a statue build in the memory of someone who's buried there (I don't remember who, but it was some public figure) by his friends and admirers. And I had this idea, that if all the fans collect money maybe Forest Lawn will put a statue in the memory of Michael near the Holly Terrace where the fans could bring flowers etc... I think it would be nice... Although leaving flowers at the door is good also. I don't think it's necessary for the fans to actually go inside to be near Michael. You can feel everything there is to feel just standing at that door... :(

just my opinion..

Oh, I know how you feel. Just seeing the gates the of Forest Lawn for the first time was such a reality check for me. Then on the right hand side you have the flower shop and then something funny happened. Good luck on trying to find a restroom...I was described which door but I am someone with absolutely NO sense of orientation so I bravely had to open every single door in that building trying to find it...I bet Michael was laughing his head off. *opensanotherdoor*, hm, no, those are also burial spots in the main building :doh:, *letstrythisdoor*, hm, :no:nothing. *letstrythisdoor* :angel:- oops, it's a couple buying their own spots. FINALLY :punk:, the right door. :wild: I was so glad.

Forest Lawn is a very peaceful place, very well taken care off, when I went on Valentine's Day (was a Sunday this year) it was a beautiful, sunny day.
Also, someone told me that Holly Terrace is overlooking the old children's section- so Michael would be overlooking the children and that thought alone made me happy once more.

I do find it serene. To me it does suck having to leave your flowers at the door and shed your tears in front of it, leaving those flowers and letters at the door sucks because you are leaving a little piece of your soul behind.

I agree with Neverland hopefully being something fun again sometime in the future but I honestly wouldn't want Michael's body being buried there, he said that it felt desecrated after the raid or something to that degree (don't remember the exact words), so burying him there would go against the sentiments he held in the end.

Man, that day was just strange in itself. First I couldn't my rental car out of the parking garage of the Hotel, because the machine for the ticket in that lane was broken, I almost drive down the ramp the wrong way just to get the heck out. :D

So, Michael, it took me some real effort to get to ya. :D:D
To be honest I wouldn't care if he never gets any kind of name display or engraving. Fans don't need to know where he is. We can't 'visit' him anyway. Let the man have some privacy at last.
Anyone who wants to go visit Forest Lawn is free to do so. There's nothing wrong with fans wanting to visit Michael and pay their respects to him. He loved us - so much. I am convinced he would be lonely if none of us came to see him or left him flowers.

However it's a good thing that only relatives are allowed INSIDE the mausoleum to ensure Michael's privacy (and the privacy of the other people in there).
After reviewing this thread I must comment first and foremost...

Due to the fact that "society" took a place that was "truly beautiful and innocent"...and turned it into a place that was dirty and ugly..!

"Mr.Michael Jackson disliked Neverland and vowed "he" would "NEVER" return..!"

As far as the comments made about not having a grave marking - my pops does not have an official one yet and he has passed about two years ago.

Although Mr.Jackson will absolutely and forever love and adore HIS devoted fans and admirers...

"Please understand...that HE is safe, and closely guarded..!"

Surly, out of the "utmost respect & admiration" for Mr.Jackson and His Family the fans/admirers/society need to be patient, understanding, and more importantly respectful of HIS and the Jackson Family wishes.

Love Always

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i was also wondering why Michael's grave is unmarked. i understand not wanting to see his name on tomb stone or gold plate bc it would just tear me up in a million pieces to see that. On the other hand though it is a sign of love and respect and i dont understand why they havent marked it. alot of this doesnt make sence and i dont think we will ever know why. at least not for a few years if anyone ever decides to answer that question.

I to find it terribly sad that the fans are forced to leave flowers, gifts, and letters at the door. i cant say what Michael would really want but im sure he woud want us to visit him like any member of his family gets to. Michael loved us all so much that we where a part of his family. leaving all those gifts and such behind is like leaving a part of your soul behind like Modulation Alert stated above. it hurts but i guess as long as we can pay our respects thats good enough for now.
Hm, about the respect thing...some people don't even have a grave. Some made the wish to be cremated and be scattered across the ocean, others have unmarked urn plots where only family knows, some chose that and it does not have to mean any disrespect.

Other cultures would find it extremely strange to place an urn at home on your fire place mantle- that would not even legally happen in many countries.

In other cultures people literally DANCE on a grave, while some people in the MJ community even considered singing on Holly Terrace an abomination.

Heck, go to Easter Europe for Easter and watch people have honest to God picnics on the graves of their loved ones- it doesn't mean disrespect.

People just have vastly different ideas and it's up to the family and those decisions might or might not change in the future.
i was also wondering why Michael's grave is unmarked. i understand not wanting to see his name on tomb stone or gold plate bc it would just tear me up in a million pieces to see that. On the other hand though it is a sign of love and respect and i dont understand why they havent marked it. alot of this doesnt make sence and i dont think we will ever know why. at least not for a few years if anyone ever decides to answer that question.

I to find it terribly sad that the fans are forced to leave flowers, gifts, and letters at the door. i cant say what Michael would really want but im sure he woud want us to visit him like any member of his family gets to. Michael loved us all so much that we where a part of his family. leaving all those gifts and such behind is like leaving a part of your soul behind like Modulation Alert stated above. it hurts but i guess as long as we can pay our respects thats good enough for now.

Maybe Katherine Jackson feels just the same?
I have no idea. I think most fans would be respectful if allowed inside but maybe they are worried about the non fans or someone who would try to do something stupid. If we were allowed inside I know I could never go inside alone.I would want to be with others. It's hard to believe he was here one minute rehearsing for his shows and with his kids and now he is there. It's so sad.
What makes it unmarked? his name not on it?? We know where its at, its locked away inside the building.. I've went there myself and multiple people (workers) told me! The workers have the key to it, know where it is.. We are just locked away from it. They have that place so secure, I snuck past the some ropes that gaurd secret places as you past that so its all bard up more so than a prison.. There aint NO way to get to the actual tomb without the key... But its confirmed that he's inside and only his family and people on the list can see it with security unlocking the area for them.
Why do fans keep stating Michael's grave is unmarked ??
There is an engraved Plaque on the floor directly in front of Michaels tomb

Who ever started the rumour it was unmarked in the first place ?
Why do fans keep stating Michael's grave is unmarked ??
There is an engraved Plaque on the floor directly in front of Michaels tomb

Who ever started the rumour it was unmarked in the first place ?

Where are you talking about? On the wooden beam? Im looking at several pics now and I cant see it. If you can perhaps you could PM me please?

There are fans on other boards who have been looking for Michael's name written anywhere around him?

Does FL have a sarcophagus' at the end of each of the hallways? I wonder how many are vacant? There are many plots on the walls but to have a sarcophagus such as Michael's must be fairly rare I'd assume.
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Is his final resting place going to remain an unmarked grave indefinitely?

Have they ever mentioned having some sort of engraving done, which is a mark of respect for anyone who has passed.

Can anyone give me a really good answer as to why there isnt one?
can someone post a picture of his death place so I can see what we're talking about?
oh my gosh I cant even believe that we are actually talking about this...its so surreal... I wish we could skip june and go to july instead.
At either rate, even if other people are allowed to visit their family in the Holly Terrace, you can deffo guarantee they know MJ is at the very end of the hallway. His sarcophagus is very noticeable and has been highly publicised. So there is no reason for Michael to have an unmarked grave after nearly a year.

I agree . I don't know what they are waiting for....:cry:
well, it's up to the family. we really don't have the final sayso on that, no matter what we think.
I found a blog post by someone who was in Holly Terrace in March, with a friend, visiting someone else's grave. She says in her blog that she couldn't find Michael's name anywhere. She has several pics on her blog, though none of Michael's sarcophagus. Her description of the place was different from a lot of others.


As one might imagine, for people interested in celebrity graves, the one currently garnering the most lust is that of Michael Jackson. Mainly because it's off-limits to the general public. Those are always the most fun to be able to see!

I happen to have the good fortune to be super-tight buds with a gal who is a property owner, not only at Glendale Forest Lawn... not only in the Great Mausoleum... but actually IN Holly Terrace, which is the precise wing of the Great Mausoleum where MJ is currently interred.

Having said that, when we set out for Glendale this morning, we were not setting out to see MJ. When Forest Lawn sez something's off limits, it's OFF LIMITS. THEY ARE NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE. So we had no reason to believe that we would be able to find MJ, let alone see his tomb.

So imagine our surprise when, after visiting my friend's dad, we rounded a corner and there it was -- the final resting place of the King of Pop. The only reason we knew this was it was because we'd seen this photo on the Internet. Otherwise, near as I could tell, there was no indication that it was him. It was quite dark in there, and if his name was on the sarcophagus, I didn't see it. It was SURROUNDED by prezzies sent in from people, so if you've sent him a prezzie, they do leave it there. For awhile, anyway.

Sadly, I could not photograph this for you folks. Security cameras were EVERYWHERE, and I was afraid of gettin' us kicked out (there are signs everywhere that say "no photographs permitted", and they WERE watching us on the security cams). So what you see below are the few pix I was able to sneak when there WASN'T a security camera trained on me, before I got caught and told to knock it off.

I do not expect to go into the Great Mausoleum again, because it's really NOT friendly to visitors. That kind of takes the fun out of it, feeling vaguely like a criminal. (This is probably why I've only been inside this mausoleum once, like 25 years ago -- that time, I got to see Gable & Lombard!) I will also say this: It is the last place on earth I would want to be laid to rest. It is extremely cold, very dark in places, gothic, foreboding, and depressing. Creepy music is pumped in. It's kind of like a place your 80-year-old parents would bury you, if you were rich like Michael Jackson, but it's not anywhere he would want to be, I'm quite sure, and not anywhere *I* would ever want to be. Don't get me wrong -- it's absolutely beautiful inside, and VERY cool to see... but too creepy for eternity, IMHO.

These are my thoughts, by me.

Also, if you go to the Find a Grave community, there's a 6-page thread about Forest Lawn Glendale from 2008. They talk in there about how rude and mean some of the folks at FL are/were. They also talk about some of the reasons the security got so tight there (deaths of gangbangers whose bodies appeared at FL...folks who would go into the mausoleums and vandalize graves and such). It was interesting to read. Here's the link if you're interested:

I found a blog post by someone who was in Holly Terrace in March, with a friend, visiting someone else's grave. She says in her blog that she couldn't find Michael's name anywhere. She has several pics on her blog, though none of Michael's sarcophagus. Her description of the place was different from a lot of others.


As one might imagine, for people interested in celebrity graves, the one currently garnering the most lust is that of Michael Jackson. Mainly because it's off-limits to the general public. Those are always the most fun to be able to see!

I happen to have the good fortune to be super-tight buds with a gal who is a property owner, not only at Glendale Forest Lawn... not only in the Great Mausoleum... but actually IN Holly Terrace, which is the precise wing of the Great Mausoleum where MJ is currently interred.

Having said that, when we set out for Glendale this morning, we were not setting out to see MJ. When Forest Lawn sez something's off limits, it's OFF LIMITS. THEY ARE NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE. So we had no reason to believe that we would be able to find MJ, let alone see his tomb.

So imagine our surprise when, after visiting my friend's dad, we rounded a corner and there it was -- the final resting place of the King of Pop. The only reason we knew this was it was because we'd seen this photo on the Internet. Otherwise, near as I could tell, there was no indication that it was him. It was quite dark in there, and if his name was on the sarcophagus, I didn't see it. It was SURROUNDED by prezzies sent in from people, so if you've sent him a prezzie, they do leave it there. For awhile, anyway.

Sadly, I could not photograph this for you folks. Security cameras were EVERYWHERE, and I was afraid of gettin' us kicked out (there are signs everywhere that say "no photographs permitted", and they WERE watching us on the security cams). So what you see below are the few pix I was able to sneak when there WASN'T a security camera trained on me, before I got caught and told to knock it off.

I do not expect to go into the Great Mausoleum again, because it's really NOT friendly to visitors. That kind of takes the fun out of it, feeling vaguely like a criminal. (This is probably why I've only been inside this mausoleum once, like 25 years ago -- that time, I got to see Gable & Lombard!) I will also say this: It is the last place on earth I would want to be laid to rest. It is extremely cold, very dark in places, gothic, foreboding, and depressing. Creepy music is pumped in. It's kind of like a place your 80-year-old parents would bury you, if you were rich like Michael Jackson, but it's not anywhere he would want to be, I'm quite sure, and not anywhere *I* would ever want to be. Don't get me wrong -- it's absolutely beautiful inside, and VERY cool to see... but too creepy for eternity, IMHO.

These are my thoughts, by me.

Also, if you go to the Find a Grave community, there's a 6-page thread about Forest Lawn Glendale from 2008. They talk in there about how rude and mean some of the folks at FL are/were. They also talk about some of the reasons the security got so tight there (deaths of gangbangers whose bodies appeared at FL...folks who would go into the mausoleums and vandalize graves and such). It was interesting to read. Here's the link if you're interested:


i hate when people say they are not setting out to see MJ, when they are.
I found a blog post by someone who was in Holly Terrace in March, with a friend, visiting someone else's grave. She says in her blog that she couldn't find Michael's name anywhere. She has several pics on her blog, though none of Michael's sarcophagus. Her description of the place was different from a lot of others.


As one might imagine, for people interested in celebrity graves, the one currently garnering the most lust is that of Michael Jackson. Mainly because it's off-limits to the general public. Those are always the most fun to be able to see!

I happen to have the good fortune to be super-tight buds with a gal who is a property owner, not only at Glendale Forest Lawn... not only in the Great Mausoleum... but actually IN Holly Terrace, which is the precise wing of the Great Mausoleum where MJ is currently interred.

Having said that, when we set out for Glendale this morning, we were not setting out to see MJ. When Forest Lawn sez something's off limits, it's OFF LIMITS. THEY ARE NOT KIDDING, PEOPLE. So we had no reason to believe that we would be able to find MJ, let alone see his tomb.

So imagine our surprise when, after visiting my friend's dad, we rounded a corner and there it was -- the final resting place of the King of Pop. The only reason we knew this was it was because we'd seen this photo on the Internet. Otherwise, near as I could tell, there was no indication that it was him. It was quite dark in there, and if his name was on the sarcophagus, I didn't see it. It was SURROUNDED by prezzies sent in from people, so if you've sent him a prezzie, they do leave it there. For awhile, anyway.

Sadly, I could not photograph this for you folks. Security cameras were EVERYWHERE, and I was afraid of gettin' us kicked out (there are signs everywhere that say "no photographs permitted", and they WERE watching us on the security cams). So what you see below are the few pix I was able to sneak when there WASN'T a security camera trained on me, before I got caught and told to knock it off.

I do not expect to go into the Great Mausoleum again, because it's really NOT friendly to visitors. That kind of takes the fun out of it, feeling vaguely like a criminal. (This is probably why I've only been inside this mausoleum once, like 25 years ago -- that time, I got to see Gable & Lombard!) I will also say this: It is the last place on earth I would want to be laid to rest. It is extremely cold, very dark in places, gothic, foreboding, and depressing. Creepy music is pumped in. It's kind of like a place your 80-year-old parents would bury you, if you were rich like Michael Jackson, but it's not anywhere he would want to be, I'm quite sure, and not anywhere *I* would ever want to be. Don't get me wrong -- it's absolutely beautiful inside, and VERY cool to see... but too creepy for eternity, IMHO.

These are my thoughts, by me.

Also, if you go to the Find a Grave community, there's a 6-page thread about Forest Lawn Glendale from 2008. They talk in there about how rude and mean some of the folks at FL are/were. They also talk about some of the reasons the security got so tight there (deaths of gangbangers whose bodies appeared at FL...folks who would go into the mausoleums and vandalize graves and such). It was interesting to read. Here's the link if you're interested:


THIS..was totally fricken depressing..like it is not bad enough that Michael has passed away...but like this chic or whoever..describes it as such a terrible place. Like it is not hard enough just knowing he is gone..her account of this situation sucks..:mad:
THIS..was totally fricken depressing..like it is not bad enough that Michael has passed away...but like this chic or whoever..describes it as such a terrible place. Like it is not hard enough just knowing he is gone..her account of this situation sucks..:mad:

i feel you.:hug:.i am getting restless as June is approaching,on top of that we have to face lot of freaky people with their documentaries,tribute.just too much to handle.
Well, Michael Jackson had quite the interesting taste himself. Last I checked he had quite a furniture collection and didn't exactly seem to despise marble, granite and a healthy dose of impressive Louis style furniture for those rooms that were more public...someone who recognizes "the bathing of Apollo" doesn't appear to be someone who'd be despising reproduction of other art.

And what's "creepy" music? I find country music creepy but that's probably not what's playing.

And yeah, please tell me why somebody "who didn't set out to see" MJ's crypt would write a whole blog entry about it?
So much about "off limits, people", I think that was my favorite line.
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Maybe MJ isn't in that exact crypt. We don't really know where his body is but we do know that his spirit is alive and well. The Memorial and the Funeral were mainly a celebrity event and there was never a public viewing. I appreciated Prince Michael for thanking the fans and stating on television that we were always there for him.