Why does Michael have an unmarked grave?

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Dangerous Incorporated

Is his final resting place going to remain an unmarked grave indefinitely?

Have they ever mentioned having some sort of engraving done, which is a mark of respect for anyone who has passed.

Can anyone give me a really good answer as to why there isnt one?
I guess only the family knows...
I think they don't feel the need to do that. It's all about being humble...
I could be wrong though...
I know its known where MJ is and being that MJ is the only one in that mausoleum directly at the end of the hall, but its respectful and shows that someone cares.
Maybe because he will not stay there.

I can understand the problem for the family to organise his funeral, he was only 50 and , nevermind ,his death was a shock for EVERYBODY.

So maybe he will not stay at Forest Lawn.
Perhaps so as not to draw attention to it? :scratch: Some people going in once(to visit someone else) asked me where he was...and they had already been in there and didn't know. So to non-fans it isn't common knowledge, and maybe they think it gives a bit more privacy? I wonder if FL, then, is allowed to tell visitors inside where he is... It might just be to try to avoid other visitors from taking pictures and such.
Perhaps so as not to draw attention to it? :scratch: Some people going in once(to visit someone else) asked me where he was...

I thought MJ was the only person in there? And the Jackson family purchased (with MJs money) 12 other plots for the rest of the family. (who dont want to be buried with their loved ones e.g. kids etc when they eventually pass?)

I also find it odd that Katherine and Joe at their age are only now organising their burial plots.
I thought MJ was the only person in there? And the Jackson family purchased (with MJs money) 12 other plots for the rest of the family. (who dont want to be buried with their loved ones e.g. kids etc when they eventually pass?)

I also find it odd that Katherine and Joe at their age are only now organising their burial plots.

Holly Terrace is a part of the Great Mausoleum and there are a lot of other people there as well, buried in the walls... Michael's resting place is in the end of the hall, and there are graves of other people on the walls of that hall. So no, Michael is not alone in that section of the building.
Yes, lots of others in there, and therefore plenty of other visitors.
Holly Terrace is a part of the Great Mausoleum and there are a lot of other people there as well, buried in the walls... Michael's resting place is in the end of the hall, and there are graves of other people on the walls of that hall. So no, Michael is not alone in that section of the building.

Yes I know but in the Holly Terrace hallway, Michael is the only person in there and nobody else would be allowed down there. Im sure visitors for other people who have passed know exactly where MJ is.
Holly Terrace is a part of the Great Mausoleum and there are a lot of other people there as well, buried in the walls... Michael's resting place is in the end of the hall, and there are graves of other people on the walls of that hall. So no, Michael is not alone in that section of the building.

Yes I know but in the Holly Terrace hallway, Michael is the only person in there and nobody else would be allowed down there. Im sure visitors for other people who have passed know exactly where MJ is.

I'm with DI, I thought Michael was the only one in that particular part of the Mausoleum.
no, he's not. when I was in LA, I went to FL twice. and when I was at the Holly Terrace door, some people came and asked on the intercome to be let inside. They said they were there to visit their grandmother. And the door opened and they went in. So other people are allowed in the Holly Terrace, but only those people whose relatives are buried there.

On the other day a guy came and asked to come in, but he was told that the person he wanted to visit was in another part of the Mausoleum and that he should go to another Terrace. So he left. He wasn't allowed to go in.
So there is Michael, 12 other spots (for the family), plus how many other people in there?

At either rate, even if other people are allowed to visit their family in the Holly Terrace, you can deffo guarantee they know MJ is at the very end of the hallway. His sarcophagus is very noticeable and has been highly publicised. So there is no reason for Michael to have an unmarked grave after nearly a year.

I will pitch in to purchase one if need be but after all this money spent on flowers etc, dont you think someone could at least put the poor guys name there?

Plus centuries from now when Michael is looked upon in history, you would think that there would be a name in place of where the King Of Pop now lies.
I don't know how many. I think there are many. It's quite a long hallway and the graves are on both sides of it. I am sure people who go there know where Michael's resting place it. It's really hard to miss, especially with all the flowers, cards etc....

I think there will be a mark sooner or later.. Maybe it's there even now, we can't know unless a family member or a FL employee tells us....
I agree with DI on this..Michael should have a name plate atleast....very sad to even have to think about. and JMIE....thank you for all of the information you have shared with us.
I still hope he is moved to Neverland some day.

And then Neverland should be opened like Graceland. That way the fans will have a place to go to put flowers and lights etc. - and money to the Estate.
I still hope he is moved to Neverland some day.

And then Neverland should be opened like Graceland. That way the fans will have a place to go to put flowers and lights etc. - and money to the Estate.

I hope so too..but in the end it will be up to his children I guess..

But it would really be nice because it would be much more accessible than forest lawn, so many more fans can pay their respects.
I hope so too..but in the end it will be up to his children I guess..

But it would really be nice because it would be much more accessible than forest lawn, so many more fans can pay their respects.


My thoughts exactly.
To me it appears as if there is an inlaid plaque type thing in the floor directly in front of the crypt/sarcophagus. You can see it quite well in the 2 pics showing the flowers and other objects at the base. Perhaps it is already completed and it hasn't been openly discussed by anyone.

(I'm sincerely hoping this doesn't turn into another thread complaining about what the family has and has not done.)
To me it appears as if there is an inlaid plaque type thing in the floor directly in front of the crypt/sarcophagus. You can see it quite well in the 2 pics showing the flowers and other objects at the base. Perhaps it is already completed and it hasn't been openly discussed by anyone.

(I'm sincerely hoping this doesn't turn into another thread complaining about what the family has and has not done.)

I think you may be correct...I see it now..thank you for pointing that out. I wonder what it says. I wish there was a way we could make it bigger. Then again maybe I couldn't handle it.
I notice the plaque now. I think Michael is there for security reasons. But they should have some place where fans can pay there respects.
I really think Forest Lawn is a good place. Especially after being there myself, it's such a quite and calm place... I think it's good. I know a lot of fans want it to be Neverland, but personally I don't. Not after what Michael himsel said about it. He abandoned it, it was not his home anymore, it stopped being a happy place after the trial... I am all for creating a museum there and probably even an amusement park like the one Michael had when he lived there... But I don't like the idea of Michael being there... I just don't think he would have wanted it... And Forest Lawn is a good place. I don't know how to explain... Being there just brings some sort of comfort, you know... Being there for me was devastating at first, because it finally hit me that he's gone. And I was so afraid to go there, I ended up sitting on a bench on the other side of the Mausoleum for almost an hour. My legs were shaking and all that... And I cried.... But then after some time I got this feeling that Michael was with me, you know? Like he was everywhere around me. And this feeling hasn't left me since. And it's a bit comforting and I feel a bit stronger... Although it still hurts like hell.... but Forest Lawn is a good place, in my opinion. Katherine made the right choice for Michael...

By the way, when I was there I saw a statue build in the memory of someone who's buried there (I don't remember who, but it was some public figure) by his friends and admirers. And I had this idea, that if all the fans collect money maybe Forest Lawn will put a statue in the memory of Michael near the Holly Terrace where the fans could bring flowers etc... I think it would be nice... Although leaving flowers at the door is good also. I don't think it's necessary for the fans to actually go inside to be near Michael. You can feel everything there is to feel just standing at that door... :(

just my opinion..
Just a reminder to everyone that pictures of MJ's crypt are banned from being posted on here.

It is? I didn't know that? - Why is that?

Is pictures of MJ's children also still banned then or ??
It is? I didn't know that? - Why is that?

Is pictures of MJ's children also still banned then or ??

It's banned because those photos were taken against the family wishes. Unless they are released officially the photos of Michael's resting place are banned in respect of his privacy...

The kids' photos that are leaked or taken bt paparazzi are also banned. The only photos that are allowed are the ones taken at the official events, like Grammys and the Memorial.
So there is Michael, 12 other spots (for the family), plus how many other people in there?

At either rate, even if other people are allowed to visit their family in the Holly Terrace, you can deffo guarantee they know MJ is at the very end of the hallway. His sarcophagus is very noticeable and has been highly publicised. So there is no reason for Michael to have an unmarked grave after nearly a year.

I will pitch in to purchase one if need be but after all this money spent on flowers etc, dont you think someone could at least put the poor guys name there?

Plus centuries from now when Michael is looked upon in history, you would think that there would be a name in place of where the King Of Pop now lies.

I agree with you. Maybe whoever posted that maybe it's unmarked because they plan to move him someday could be right. However.....that's something I just don't want to think about :S
To be honest I wouldn't care if he never gets any kind of name display or engraving. Fans don't need to know where he is. We can't 'visit' him anyway. Let the man have some privacy at last.