Why does God take good people?

This kind of comment wasn't necessary. If you don't believe, you didn't have to come in the thread in the 1st place and ruin it for other people who do.
I don't see anything inappropriate about elusive's comment. How is it different from posters who adamantly insist that God does exist and take people away?
From the way I read it, the original poster was open to opinions from both sides, like a philosophical question. Why feel so threatened? Just keep on believing if you feel so strongly about God.
I've lost about 60 friends & family since 1998 due to accidents,illness, murder & suicide.
I used to think the same thing why God why especially babies I didn't understand.
God has a purpose for all if it's on earth or could be in heaven. Heaven is our home after all so when you die your just going home. One day we will see our loved ones again :)
This kind of comment wasn't necessary. If you don't believe, you didn't have to come in the thread in the 1st place and ruin it for other people who do.

I agree!

And to Chrissy, Amen!

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 - 8
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becasue there isnt one and no one takes anything! things happen ppl get ill have faulty genes. end up in the wrong place at the wrong time etc

This kind of comment wasn't necessary. If you don't believe, you didn't have to come in the thread in the 1st place and ruin it for other people who do.

I don't see anything inappropriate about elusive's comment. How is it different from posters who adamantly insist that God does exist and take people away?
From the way I read it, the original poster was open to opinions from both sides, like a philosophical question. Why feel so threatened? Just keep on believing if you feel so strongly about God.

I agree!

And to Chrissy, Amen!

To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 - 8

With respect, you already have a dedicated thread where there's no debate.

Which God are we talking about? The Abrahamic one (Jews/Christians/Muslims), the Hindu one(s), the Native American one(s), the African tribal one(s), the Oriental one(s), or the Norse one(s)?

I honestly don't know if any, all, or only some, of these tribal gods exist or not. I suspect that man makes his gods in his own image rather than vice versa.
I've lost about 60 friends & family since 1998 due to accidents,illness, murder & suicide.
I used to think the same thing why God why especially babies I didn't understand.
God has a purpose for all if it's on earth or could be in heaven. Heaven is our home after all so when you die your just going home. One day we will see our loved ones again :)

:flowers: I hope we get to see our lost pets too. I would love to see my cat again.
So does this mean that God thought that Michael had done all the work on earth that he could? That he was done doing good? I am sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I really want to know if you believe that. I believe in God, but I have experienced a lot of tragedy in my life. And childhood abuse. And the loss of loved ones who were absolute saints way before their time. And a couple of heartbreaking regrets that I do not dwell on because they'd drive me crazy. Bad things.
I have come to the conclusion through all of this, that God set everything in motion and then backed off and said, ok you take it from here. I don't really think God intervenes. Otherwise I would have to accept that he answers some peoples prayers and not others. That people like Michael and I were abused as children so we could learn some lesson in life. And that he concluded that Michael and my relatives who died young couldn't have done any more good on earth.
I understand that you find comfort in your beliefs. A lot of people do. But I just don't feel that. I wish I could.

I feel the same as you and had rough childhood also. I have dealt with major losses many times in my life. Many of them were taken young age. I lost my grandpas just one month apart and also my cat of 14 years. I started to look at life as a learning process. We are here so God, must want us here to teach us. When I look at little babies that pass away I wonder what happens to them though? They are robbed at such a young age. They never really get to experience life on earth but maybe they have another life in heaven? Sorry if I think alot. I really do spend alot of time thinking.

In the case of Michael, he had so much left to give and he gave us so much. It is a massive loss on so many levels. :cry: I always am asking the question why? why Michael? We just cant answer that. :( I like to imagine him in some field with the great musicians of the past. Like James Brown or even Claude Debussy. I imagine him with all the musicians in heaven making music. I find a bit of comfort in that. :wub:
One thing that I would find difficult about God taking someone when they have finished their work is when a child or anyone really has an illness that has them in agony for months or years before they pass. I personally could not accept that as coming from a loving God.

The bible states that time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all. It is just life and the current way of things. However it does not leave it at that and in Revelation 21:4 it states that God will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning or pain be any more. The former things have passed away. In the very next verse it states "..These words are faithful and true."

In Hebrews 6:18 it says " it is impossible for God to lie." So if you have a belief in God and his word the Bible please know that the things that happen to those we love are not his will and in fact tear at his heart, This is why he has promised that he will do away with these things forever.

Personally I am still in a state of shock over Michael's passing myself and look forward to a time when death will be no more.

well i think that when you acomplished the mission you have born to do, god takes you to a better place for sure, and michael totally 100% acomplished his mission on earth HEAL THE WORLD... and share his Peace message and Non Racism messages. and do you remember in this is it when michael said that we have to act quick to save the world and that we have 4 years to do it or it will be late??? look what happened to chile, Madeira and all around the world... strong wind that blows everything up to the air, raining like crazy causing inondations and destruction... we really must act or earth will be gone soon.
Because that is the fate of all people, the good and the bad and that is the fate of this world. Everything in this world will one day perish. Nothing in this life will last forever.
Re Callmerose and quote"rain falls on the unjust and just". I agree.In this context I understand we are in fact free to choose between good and bad behaviour. And we should not expect anything in return eg reward in this life. It is the ultimate. The purest. This is what Michael was.
Also, this is well expressed in Alanis Morrissette "You owe me nothing in return". Giving love and living is a priviledge.
I would hope Michael believed that as well.
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No Godd never takes good People before their time that is the work of Satan the accuser of the Brethen. He roars through the Earth like a lion out to kill steal and destroy!!!
:flowers: I hope we get to see our lost pets too. I would love to see my cat again.

I want to see my cat to. She died about 2 weeks ago & was my best friend for almost 14yrs. Being a only child she was like a sister so it's very only. Would like another pet of any sort but mum cracks it every time I mention a pet. My stress,anxiety & depression have worsened cause of it.
I want to see my cat to. She died about 2 weeks ago & was my best friend for almost 14yrs. Being a only child she was like a sister so it's very only. Would like another pet of any sort but mum cracks it every time I mention a pet. My stress,anxiety & depression have worsened cause of it.

And my birdy!!
Marilyn, Michael, Elvis etc.. was some good people...
Marilyn, 36
Elvis, 42
Michael, 50... :(
Why does God take good people ? God love them and so he took people like Michael early. Michael has suffered much on earth so God took him back early :( And Michael being a messenger from God to save and heal the world, has done his job and so God took Michael back.. :( That's all I understand... but I'm still so devastated over Michael's death.
This won't be a very popular statement to make, but...

I believe everything happens for a reason. We lose loved ones to gain strength that will never be there any other way. I know I'm a stronger person because I lost my father when I was younger. I know that we MJ fans have been able to pull closer because of this, if nothing else.

I know that we will get all our lost loved ones and pets back at the end, when everything's set right again. I feel it in my heart that we will.

We've only said goodbye for a little while. Michael's coming back and so is everyone else.

I'm waiting for that day, :timer: and I'm not patient at all. :cry:
:flowers: I hope we get to see our lost pets too. I would love to see my cat again.

Yes, I believe we get to see our beloved pets. We'll united with our pets too. There's this rainbow bridge. We cross over it, and we'll see our pets :) It's a beautiful place where the pets and animals gather and play and restore to full health and state.

We've only said goodbye for a little while. Michael's coming back and so is everyone else.

I'm waiting for that day, :timer: and I'm not patient at all. :cry:

I cant wait for it to come too :huggy:To see Michael again and ones I loved dearly. But it's not my decision to end my life sooner or how it would end. I want the eternal life with my loved ones and pets too :( Eternal is so much like my fantasy. Where everything is carefree. I'm happier when think of it. There would be no more burden and stuff like that. Before that day would come I am really trying to be more appreciative to everyone around me because I only got one chance to live on earth :) Like Michael said, the earth is beautiful..:) I'll treasure the times and love ones while I still can.
Yes, I believe we get to see our beloved pets. We'll united with our pets too. There's this rainbow bridge. We cross over it, and we'll see our pets :) It's a beautiful place where the pets and animals gather and play and restore to full health and state.

Aww, that's such a lovely poem. If there is an afterlife, I really, really hope our pets are there.