Why does God take good people?

To protect their beautiful, delicate, soft souls from (further) harm from this world's evil.
Well, I've stopped believing because of questions like this. Simply put, crap happens in this world. There's no God looking out for good people or stopping bad people or bad things from happening.
IMO, of course.
I was thinking the exact same thing earlier. Thinking of all the beautiful people I've lost in my life way too soon. I just don't know the answer to that.
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.
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becasue there isnt one and no one takes anything! things happen ppl get ill have faulty genes. end up in the wrong place at the wrong time etc
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.

Thats nice to read, thanks.

Our friend Ceiron was the nicest person ever :(
People have been asking this question for thousands of years. If there was an easy answer, we wouldn't still be asking. I have come to the conclusion that there really isn't a reason. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes good things happen to bad people. There is no satisfying answer.

That just makes me want to make the most of the time i have left because there are no guarantees. You can be the most innocent, loving person in the world and still something horrible could happen to you like what happened to Michael. Or all the little children with cancer. I think we try to justify these things to make ourselves feel better. But in the end, it doesn't ring true, so we keep asking.
Because their time has come? And He takes them to a better world :yes:
When it's our time, it's our time. That's it. My grandmother died at 64, and that is still very young, but I would never stop believing in God because she died young. She would not want me to do that. She was a firm believer. I know she is in Heaven, IMO, and she is resting peacefully there.
I dont know, but i always asked myself that.... is a mistery, its wrong but its always the same...
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.

i agree
becasue there isnt one and no one takes anything! things happen ppl get ill have faulty genes. end up in the wrong place at the wrong time etc
This kind of comment wasn't necessary. If you don't believe, you didn't have to come in the thread in the 1st place and ruin it for other people who do.
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.

this is my beliefs too...this is what I would of written if you hadn't,,,Thank you..:)
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.

So does this mean that God thought that Michael had done all the work on earth that he could? That he was done doing good? I am sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative, but I really want to know if you believe that. I believe in God, but I have experienced a lot of tragedy in my life. And childhood abuse. And the loss of loved ones who were absolute saints way before their time. And a couple of heartbreaking regrets that I do not dwell on because they'd drive me crazy. Bad things.
I have come to the conclusion through all of this, that God set everything in motion and then backed off and said, ok you take it from here. I don't really think God intervenes. Otherwise I would have to accept that he answers some peoples prayers and not others. That people like Michael and I were abused as children so we could learn some lesson in life. And that he concluded that Michael and my relatives who died young couldn't have done any more good on earth.
I understand that you find comfort in your beliefs. A lot of people do. But I just don't feel that. I wish I could.
Eventually, everyone's gonna be taken from God (good and bad).....deal with it.
:hug: Have you lost a friend? If so I hope you find someone around you to help you cope with it. I send you my love and best wishes :heart:

Personally I don't think God 'takes' anyone. Everyone passes sooner or later...its circumstances. We are mortal nor immortal. God is just there to welcome them when they leave here, if they are open to Him.
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i think this question is as open-ended as who you think God is...how much about that God you think you know, and how much you believe in what that God says, and in how much you don't believe in what that God says, and how much you are willing to seek everything that that God has to say, as opposed to maybe listening to what somebody else says about that God, over a pulpit, and possibly skipping over some stuff you were never told. for all we know, considering that God is supposed to be bigger, with greater thoughts than what we may accept, Michael might very well believe in a God that will bring him back to life, and congratulate him. after all..why dispute that possibility, if we decided that we may not believe in everything that certain God has to say?...

a lot of things are unseen. a lot answers unanswered..or...the answers are there, but one's mind may have decided not to believe those answers at an earlier time, because the answers sound too fantastic to believe.(on human terms)

i mean...the Bible, for example, says a lot of things, and people tend to think it contradicts itself..yet, there is a verse in it that says..'lean not to your own understanding'. so..what does that say about everything else that is written in the Bible, and how it should be viewed?
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Eventually, everyone's gonna be taken from God (good and bad).....deal with it.

Did you mean taken by God? Taken from God would really suck. Cause that would mean we were in hell, I think. No need to advise this poster to deal with it. I think everyone that has ever lived has dealt with this issue in their own way.
i think this question is as open-ended as who you think God is...how much about that God you think you know, and how much you believe in what that God says, and in how much you don't believe in what that God says, and how much you are willing to seek everything that that God has to say, as opposed to maybe listening to what somebody else says about that God, over a pulpit, and possibly skipping over some stuff you were never told. for all we know, considering that God is supposed to be bigger, with greater thoughts than what we may accept, Michael might very well believe in a God that will bring him back to life, and congratulate him. after all..why dispute that possibility, if we decided that we may not believe in everything that certain God has to say...

a lot of things are unseen. a lot answers unanswered..or...the answers are there, but one's mind may have decided not to believe those answers at an earlier time, because the answers sound too fantastic to believe.(on human terms)

i mean...the Bible says a lot of things, and people tend to think it contradicts itself..yet, there is a verse in it that says..'lean not to your own understanding'. so..what does that say about everything else that is written in the Bible, and how it should be viewed?

Nice post. You are a very thoughtful person. I appreciate that.

I tend to think that miracles and magic are phenomena which we don't yet understand. Human technology cannot detect every force in the universe. What men don't understand, they attribute to miracles and magic. Being a scientist, I feel a bit sacriligious saying this but if we only believe what we fully understand then we are limiting our knowledge to what our technology can currently detect. Human history is full of examples of people limiting themselves in this way.

A bit off topic. I still don't believe that everything that happens has a cognizant preordained reason. Whoever said sh*t happens had a lot of wisdom, i think. The rain falls on the just and the unjust.
The good people being taken away too soon is actually a wake up call for the people of this world "to stop existing and start living".
Well there is no answer is there? If you want to think of it as there is no God and things just happen because they do, maybe thats what brings comfort to some people.

If you prefer to think of Heaven as a beautiful place where there is no longer any pain, then maybe thats what comforts you. Knowing that people are in a better place.

Ultimately the answer lies within what you believe/find comfort in.
Ive always thought that when you have finished your work on earth, the lord takes you. Everyone is here for a different reason, some are here to help others, some are here to create, some are here to inspire, others may be here to teach lessons. Good people die young because they fulfilled their destiny earlier than most.

Now there are good people that live a long time too, and if someone lives to be 100 years old, it doesn't mean they are a bad person either. Perhaps they just have unfinished work.

The path we choose is our own...some take the good route, some don't. Either way, I think we die when the Lord is ready for us.

This is all my opinion, and it helps me find comfort and healing in times of loss.
beautifully worded! Thank you! I do agree.
"Each and everyone of us are here for a purpose...When we complete our task (s) here on earth...the motion is set forth to move on to the next task..!"

Author (c) 2010

:angel:Our Children Are The Future...Keep Helping To Heal The World...WE Are The World...Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
Well, I've stopped believing because of questions like this. Simply put, crap happens in this world. There's no God looking out for good people or stopping bad people or bad things from happening.
IMO, of course.

I stopped beliving too for the exact same reasons. :(