why do poeple on TV dismiss Bad, Dangerous and HIStory?

The media likes to leave out the fact that the BAD album had 5 #1 singles. 5! No other album had done that before and I don't believe any other album has, correct me if I am wrong. All of his albums were sucesssful. With HIStory, Scream debuted at #5 the first week and YANA debuted at #1. No one had done that before then.

you're correct.
I think they give attention to Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad...but the later albums, (except Invincible, the "flop") are ignored.
Invincible sold 10 million copies, was hardly promoted by Sony when MJ was at war with his record label. In all to have that many sold is not a flop. -_-
This happens since the Dangerous era,they won`t admit that these albums are great and succesfull because they do everything to underestimate him.However the world has different opinion.We should promote the new staff like who is it and heaven can wait
These "music critics" wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the wall. I could p*ss on them and they'd think it's raining.

Tell me one song that wasn't good enough. Give me one album that sold poorly.

P.S. Ya'll forgot Blood On The Dance floor. Might have been mostly remixes, but the first five weren't. I love Superfly Sister.
Dangerous is so incredibly underrated. The problem MJ has with that album is that he was competing with himself and with Nirvana. Because Michael had already taken over the industry, Nirvana's contribution is considered more significant because it was supposed to be some "changing of the guard" that would shape the future of music.

Not to hate on Nirvana, but where is grunge now? Now compare that with all of the MJ immitators. Dangerous is, what, the 3rd best-selling album of all-time across the world? 35 or so million? It will probably go diamond one day in America, too, at least if you count internet sales. Really a phenomenal record, all the way around.
Yeah I hate this as well. I do hear them talk about BAD, but they barley mention Dangerous and they seem to forget about History (my favorite), Blood on The Dance Floor, and especialy Invincible. WE get that Thriller and Of the Wall are amazing, but its time to reconize his other masterpieces. History and Invincible are like the most underated albums.