why do poeple on TV dismiss Bad, Dangerous and HIStory?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i am FED UP of watching music experts etc etc on british TV raving about Thriller and Off the Wall ... yet acting as if its all gone downhill from there!! yet the whole time "give in to me"/ "black or white"/ "earth songs" vids are being screened in the background. Singles wise HIStory was MJs most successful UK album - so why ignore this?? Most fan poles i've read have cited dangerous as his best album, and its my favourite too.. even if these critic don't like it.. they cant deny there have been MEGA hits on these albums. i just genuinely don't get it?


ITV this morning is a prime example. music critic starts ranting about how music-wise mjs been dead for 20 years. interviewer turns to Navi (MJ impersonator and fan) and says " so is it mainly his earlier stuff you perform in your shows?" to which Navi comes up with the BRILLIANT response "absolutely not, we play what sells and whats popular.. so thats I Want You Back to Earth Song, which was 7 weeks at no 1 in uk charts in 1995" ha! brilliant Navi :clapping:
cause they're wankers.

these fools dont know what they're talking about, dont give any credence to what they have to say.
These people dont know about music really. Thats why lol
countless and I mean countless people have had opinions about MJ in the last week, but overall I do not see the media ignoring post thriller albums. In fact I even heard on ET how History was the biggest selling double disc album of all time. I didn't even know that.
Well it is not the first time they do this.

The media have been putting out false information about Michael's music since the beginning of the 90's I guess they want to diminish Michael's legacy by saying that he was not as succesful as he really was.

But the media are stupid. I just read a magazine where Michael was pictured with Elizabeth Taylor and they said it was Diana Ross. Go figure
These so called "experts" are simply just idiots. Another thing that bothers me is that they try to make it look like MJ had his peak in the 80's. MJ wasn't biggest in the 80's he was bigger in the 90's probably even bigger just prior to his death.
Maybe off topic but I was on Demonoid.com and saw HIStory album being his #2 most downloaded thing. 193594 downloads!! His other albums are nowhere near...Maybe it was a mistake that it's a double disc and people don't want to pay so much but are still interested in the songs?

HIStory is my favorite (I feel most connected to those songs)...it should get more respect.
These three albums all stand up in their own right, and in some cases outshine Thriller (controversial - but true!).

Invinvible reminds me of his early passion on the 'Off the Wall' album. His voice was amazing.

Bad, Dangerous, HIStory and Invincible....all excellent testament to Michael's brilliance.

HIStory (the song) still sends the same shivers down my spine as it did way back in '95!!
Those people don't give credit to his later albums because according to their logic, more controversy = worse music, which of course is absolutely ridiculous. The truth is that he has consistently delivered outstanding songs, but the whole "rise and fall" scenario is a more sensational story to work with.
Remember, Uri Geller is considered an "insider" by these channels.
That says it all haha.
This actually pisses me off too. Some guy on Time named Josh something totally dismesses everything from Bad to Invincible, which he calls "horrible".
Well, he's just a f*cking idiot then isn't he!?

One of my good friends, was never a big Michael fan, instead he preferred rock/metal music genre's...However, two of his all time favourite songs are Earth Song and They Don't Care About Us!...I'll give you 3 guesses to decide which album they appeared on!?? lol
I think they give attention to Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad...but the later albums, (except Invincible, the "flop") are ignored.
I thought it was interesting that the news on one of my local TV stations recently mentioned Michael's 5 solo albums (they forgot Invincible).
The media likes to leave out the fact that the BAD album had 5 #1 singles. 5! No other album had done that before and I don't believe any other album has, correct me if I am wrong. All of his albums were sucesssful. With HIStory, Scream debuted at #5 the first week and YANA debuted at #1. No one had done that before then.
Because the major controversy started up after Thriller and the media wants you to believe that all the success of Thriller got to his head and that he ''lost touch with reality" after it. That and that his best music was from "when he was black". :rolleyes:
I haven't seen that. In fact, every single time they've mentioned his albums, they've mentioned Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory.

The one album they always gloss over, though, is Invincible. They act as if it never existed. I've only heard it mentioned once, and that was for about 2 seconds.
I haven't seen them ignoring bad, this was an amazing album! It has a few of my fave mj songs on there :)
This actually pisses me off too. Some guy on Time named Josh something totally dismesses everything from Bad to Invincible, which he calls "horrible".

:bugeyed OMG! Yeah, cuz Man in the mirror, I just can't stop lovin you, The way you make me feel, You are not alone, Butterflies, Will you be there, Remember the time, Who is it, etc. are all crap. :smilerolleyes:
Ive noticed this too, its as if MJ stopped making music after 1987 if you were going by the coverage over here. In my eyes Bad & Dangerous were better than Thriller, they never ever get the credit they deserve from music critics, but I dont care what they think, they are sheep really and follow what every other critic says. HIStory was immense aswell.
I've seen BAD being mentioned quite a few times. It's mostly been Off The Wall and Thriller mentioned though but BAD has come up too. Dangerous has been mentioned less but the album that I haven't heard anyone mention is HIStory, which I find weird because I've seen the news channels playing Earth Song and They Don't Care About Us several times in the background during their reports.