Why did the King of Pop wear tape on his fingers? Michael Beardon Reveals

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Dangerous Incorporated


Why did the King of Pop wear tape on his fingers?

Michael Beardon (Musical Director of This Is It) reveals why...

I asked him one day “MJ, why you have tape on your hands?” I always wanted to know that and it was a great gig for me because I would have him personally and it was one of those gigs where he would say, “If you had this person alone, what would you ask him?” and I took full advantage of it. And to his graciousness, he would say to me, “You really want to know?” and he would just honestly tell me and he never turned me down. The tape on his fingers he says “Well, ‘cause it feels good.” It was like a batter in a batters box. The hands have to feel a certain way. But then it was also that if he throws his hand that way, the white, your eye goes to it. So there’s no wasted moment. It’s a show biz thing. You just go “Bam!” You’re looking at his movement but that eye, that white will always catch you. You just … So you’re on stage doing that. It’s just one of his show biz tricks that he learned when he was a kid.​
I always thought it was because of his vitiligo. Dunno why. I don't think that explanation makes much sense either, since he only had them on a few fingers. lol

Mystery of MJ.
Just like the one glove i always thought that MJ wore it because he thought it was cool
well why did michael wear a arm cast if he didn't effin break his arm !? lol ... cuz it certainly looked good on michael jackson & only him.. no specific reason.
he had a unique style he knew how to draw a crowed and people's attention that's what made him the greatest of all time he wasn't scared to try something knew. I read an article a few years back about he wore the tape on his finger tips to protect him from cutting his self with the mic and the arm cast to hide his vitiligo. Any way thanks for sharing
oooohh ok. well either way- it doesnt matter why because it still worked. Also the knee-pads... lol
I thought he wore them because his fingernails were always yellow-looking.
I always thought it was because of his vitiligo. Dunno why. I don't think that explanation makes much sense either, since he only had them on a few fingers. lol

Mystery of MJ.

he left free the middle finger and the thumb to snap his fingers like this
I just find it amazing how Michael took such simple things and made them so iconic but I guess that was just him being the phenomenal being that he was.
I'm sure I heard somewhere he wore the tape to highlight his fingers - in the same way he wore the white socks with shorter black trousers so you would focus on his feet - just a way to draw attention. From there I think it became his trait and he wore it off stage as well ... whatever the reason, who else could look so darn good with white plaster on his fingers and too short trousers! :smilerolleyes::agree:
well why did michael wear a arm cast if he didn't effin break his arm !? lol ... cuz it certainly looked good on michael jackson & only him.. no specific reason.

I read somewhere (don't remember where) that it was on the BW clip, someone was wearing an arm-cast (his arm was really broke) and Michael has find this really cool and decide to wear one too.
Of course he had to put tape on his fingers.... because of all the KFC he was having!! :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical: It's "FINGERLICKING GOOD" after all...!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

I always thought it was a symbol like the arm cast that was supposed to be to represent children suffering in the world...

Maybe my thoughts were too deep.. lol
I just find it amazing how Michael took such simple things and made them so iconic but I guess that was just him being the phenomenal being that he was.


To say Michael was one of a kind would be an understatement!:wub:
I'm sure I heard somewhere he wore the tape to highlight his fingers - in the same way he wore the white socks with shorter black trousers so you would focus on his feet - just a way to draw attention. From there I think it became his trait and he wore it off stage as well ... whatever the reason, who else could look so darn good with white plaster on his fingers and too short trousers! :smilerolleyes::agree:

Definately to draw attention to his fingers *cough*

Whatever the reason is....I like actually leaving this part of Michael mysterious...that's what makes him amazing..i like wondering about it....and i think that was the reasoning behind it :cheeky: simply the way his genius mind works!
I'm sure I heard somewhere he wore the tape to highlight his fingers - in the same way he wore the white socks with shorter black trousers so you would focus on his feet - just a way to draw attention. From there I think it became his trait and he wore it off stage as well ... whatever the reason, who else could look so darn good with white plaster on his fingers and too short trousers! :smilerolleyes::agree:

This is what I think too. Very smart thing to do.
^ All unnecessary :rofl:

Can see why. :p

I never really thought much about it, It just became part of him in the end to me and I never thought why is he wearing the tape? I think he liked trade marks and think this was just another one of them.
I agree with Michael putting tape on to accentuate his movements. I think it then became a trademark and he started to wear it off stage too. The armband and tape are really cool to me cuz I feel like they can work on regular clothing. And it's funny because I JUST bought white tape from Safeway yesterday to put on my fingers. First I tried the 1/2 inch kind but those are too small. Went with 1 inch length this time!
I find it so amusing that he still wore it during the trial and in interviews which cancels out that explanation.
Actually it doesnt cancel it out _ It is a known stage trick to bring focus to ones movements dance etc_ Like the white socks and stipes on his legs but it also became one of his trademarks like his arm banners, fancy Jackets and fedora so he also would wear tape in public for that effect_ he had a image _ The KOP_and all those things supported his image when he was in public .. and as far as I can remeber he only wore it on ONE hand 3 fingers ( not the thumb or middle finger)

A little off topic
It is said at home and away from the public eye MJ dressed very comfortable and conservative .
Joe Jackson remarked back in the 80's that Michael didnt like getting all dressed up and would
only do it for public funtions and outings for his public image. He really loved simple comfortable
clothing as we see in many of his candid shots
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I find it so amusing that he still wore it during the trial and in interviews which cancels out that explanation.

I think it started out as that, but not now cuz you see Michael putting them on in the last "purple shirt" segment of LWMJ and his hands are evenly coloured :)