Why did the 911 call NOT mention MJ's name?

They probably didn't want to alert the media if they mentioned his name.

The ambulance got their very fast.

As for the bed and cpr maybe its because Michael was already on the bed and the Doctor was just concentrating in performing CPR, but if its best to put some one on solid floor then you would think he would.
The media idea sounds right too.

well my thing is this,

If there is a doctor in the house, he already knows you administer CPR on the floor. He also would have made SURE the operator knew exactly what to tell the EMTs so they could be prepared, its just what they do.

and unless Michael's mattress is hard as concrete, the doctor would have had to have his medical license up his ass to be administering CPR on there instead of the floor.

The 911 operator is someone reading from a piece of paper on the wall, they're not EMTs, all their job is is to ask the proper questions.

I agree the man sounded worried, but he did not to me sound urgent.
I will remain silent in this.. I just want this to be an accident!
And if it was'nt an accident.. thats what I don't want to talk about!!!!

that makes me insane to think about..
He sounded soooo extremly CALM. Seriously, he was like, ''yeah bro, we need an ambulance you know, someone's dying here''. WTF?!
I dont understand the operator asked the phone number, caller didnt tell it and then they just left it like that. Did the operator know from something its Michael? Like from the address that its coming from Michael's house? The caller didnt even say his own name.
I really believe this is what happened.

Michael complained about some pain; this Doctor gave him something that was too strong or something he was not supposed to. He tried to cover it up (maybe get the stuff out his system). I heard that they might have tried to give MJ that drug to start the heart back fast after taking Demorol.

The Doctor did not want anyone to know and tried to revive MJ on his own? Don't know if actually by CPr or what.

I don't think the Doctor called for help right away but rather tried to fix things on his own. It did not work and he decided to call hosptial cause of course he could not just leave the house with MJ in that state.

The person who called the hospital prob just walked into that stuff and was being coached by the Doctor? cause he sounds like he really does not know what's going on. Sounds like he might have been trying to look at the situation and talk at the same time. Maybe that's why he sounds like he's just describing something; not something he is sure of.

Shoot! he did not even mention they were giving MJ CPR untill the emergency guy mentioned it cause MJ should have been on the floor getting CPR.

Also, shouldn't they have a had a Heart heart defibrillator on hand there?

Yes the whole CPR on the bed..is not right and anyone Doctor should know CPR. Also being on the bed and pumping would not work but could also rupture something in MJ's Chest because the bed would have been singing with the compressions. MJ is light weight..so you have to do CPR in a certain manner or risk hurting MJ's chest.

And! If anyone know's CPR!

#1. if you are by yourself and find someone..you are to check for their vital signs and yell for help..

#2. If Patient does not respond and so you must go call 911 on your own then go back to your patient.

If the doctor was the only one in the room; he should have been the one on phone with 911 not the other guy.

The other guy said that the Doctor was with MJ when this happened.

At what point did the Doctor actually call for help?

There is huge gaps..

I have been saying this since that night and It's good to know I'm not the only one who is thinking about all of this. That Doctor can help a huge deal. We also know he rolled like someone said because he was not their to sign death certificate. You just don't bounce after your patient dies. :( Something odd.
They probably didn't want to alert the media if they mentioned his name.

The ambulance got there very fast.

As for the bed and cpr maybe its because Michael was already on the bed and the Doctor was just concentrating in performing CPR, but if its best to put some one on solid floor then you would think he would.

The guy who called seemed to me as if he was trying to be calm and not panic. when you call emergency services they ask you all sorts of questions so they can pass it on to the people who will be attending, give them as much information as possible. Though at the end he seemed as though he was tired of the questions and just wanted the ambulance there or confirmation that it had been sent. That's why he seemed as if he was getting anxious at the end. Its completely understandable. I agree he sounded shaken on the phone.

Your no help if your shouting or panicking on the phone.

No, the media seemed to already know. How were they (or someone) there filming the ambulance? This was a gated community. Also why have they not spoken to the family?

The guy on the phone who never gives his name(which is standard protocol when reporting an accident) is too calm and more concerned with not being connected with anything. Do we yet know who the caller was?

Also a real doctor should know CPR and how to properly administer it; regardless of where Mike was.

This does not sound right.
Guys, the first thing that everyone would stress about a 911 call is the person calling is best to remain calm as ever because excitement and anxiety is often what results in delays of getting EMTs the needed information while on route to the scene. So, actually, I was glad that the man was as calm and answererd all questions clearly and quickly.

As for not mentioning Michael's name, I don't think the average person who calls says "I with __________" having a medical problem. The name would mean nothing but other identifying information would be important. Also, I'm sure that Michael and his staff were always constantly and automatically aware of privacy issues. If he had mentioned Michael's name, there could have been both paparazzi and private citizens there in mass even before the ambulance; remember that some people have scanners that can pick up emergency responders' interactions on the airwaves. Would that have helped the situation for the ambulance to have had to weave through such?

I just can't help but worry whether or not 911 was called soon enough. And now all the questions about even if the doctor had given him demoral prior he could have given another type to stop the demonral's reaction the minute that he saw problems; was this done if the circumstances are correct.

Also, on Larry King Live last night, Liza Minelli referred to something about hearing that Michael had chest pains at that time. So shouldn't 911 have been called immediately regardless of on the scene medical intervention? I hope that all of these things were done correctly. I just think it would be another wound knowing that he could have been saved with all the right things having bee done.
The man talking on the phone to the 911 operator, did not make it sound like an emergency to me either.

His tone of voice to me was more like he was saying, "there are some trees down in the back yard could you get someone to come get them?"

Another thing I didn't understand was, IF a doctor was there working to revive the greatest star on the face of the earth, that would mean that this doctor, who was obviously unsuccessfully administering CPR for whatever reason/s that it was unsuccessful (like maybe he's doing it on the BED??!) - EVEN STILL - why wasn't THE DOCTOR (who's supposedly trying to revive the greatest star of ALL time) YELLING or EMPHATICALLY COACHING the person who made the phone call with what to advise the EMTs of when they arrive? WHY.

And WHY did it sound like that caller was losing patience with the operator's questions??????


In an emergency, you WANT to do everything they tell you on the phone. You are trying to save someone's LIFE.

As for the doctors, here you are, here i am, a doctor, working my ass off to revive Michael Jackson, and I'm listening to some guy calling the EMTs like he's ordering pizza and the patient is NOT RESPONDIING!!!??????

oh hell no.

Right now its looking like something is seriously wrong.

I totally agree
I was thinking that maybe they didn't want chaos to erupt by mentioning his name, having papsmearazzi show up along with the ambulance, interrupting the emergency procedure. If they follow him shopping ang going to the doctor they would follow him to the hospital too. The media are probably connected to emergency services walkie talkies
and when an ambulance goes to certain adresses they follow anyway.

I also just want to say that I enjoyed Michael Jackson immensely since I was 10 yrs old and in my estimation he was an incomparable entertainer, a wonderful person, an honorable gentleman, a fun guy, and the coolest person I have ever seen. He will always be loved and sorely missed. Love you Michael.
the man on the phone was very polite and kept his cool. it was the dr who made the mistakes.

who knows how long mj was down before he alerted mj's staff and before they called. it could b y he tried so hard and forced them to continue their efforts even when medically they should've called it
wiki pages can be edited so long as u have an account

also, it doesn't make sense to have a c.a. due to overdose that starts almost an hr after getting the meds. it's instant,i b elieve.

so either they're wrong about the time he got it or the dr was doing his own cpr for quite some time before he alerted staff
^ definitely the last one. actually, i was reffering to this sentence;

Dispatcher: OK, so did the doctor see what happened?

Caller: Um, doctor did you see what happened? (inaudible) He’s just, um, if you can please ...

He simply could say yes or no. This docter must.. must..
the dr is lying and i believe we'll find out. but no matter how tragic this is, either self inflicted, natural causes, or dr error, mj is gone forever
Given the information out there as of now, I feel so strongly that this was a death that did not have to happen. First of all, there is a drug called Narcan that quickly reverses the effects of opiates. This should have been administered immeditely upon respiratory distress. It's what is given for drug-overdoses. If indeed it was the Demerol or that and combinations of other drugs, that caused his breathing to stop, Narcan could have reversed that amost immediately. There is NO excuse for administering opiates like that outside of a hospital setting, without having that medication on hand.

Even a Girl or Boy Scout knows you do not do CPR with the person on the soft surface of a bed! Was there a defibrilator in the house? If not, there SHOULD have been, given that Michael was taking such powerful medication. That should have been OBVIOUS.

Without the life-saving drug, and without obviously proper knowledge of CPR, paramedics should have been called immediately. They should have been called at the first sign of respiratory distress. Hospital only six minutes away? Maybe transport him there, continue CPR in a vehicle, and there may have been enough time?

And sure, they should have given his name.

I feel that Michael left us because of a MISTAKE! That is so. . .. terrible.
vic i think if they gave his name they may not have been taken seriously. they gave the address and it was ina very presitious neighborhood
A mistake?... maybe, but then again, we can never know. Maybe they wanted to keep it anonymous, I dunno. All I know is that something is amiss. And I need to know what was truly responsible for this tragedy.
MJsAngelOfMusic, about not signing the death cert, I heard that with celeb and high profile cases, it is normal for the cert not to be filled in until the tests and cause of death is absolutely certain.

This is to avoid any lawsuits by the family about a wrong reason written on the cert.
I noticed that the man that called 911 did not tell them it was Michael Jackson that needed help. I find this very odd. If he told 911 it was Michael Jackson that stopped breathing maybe the outcome would have been different? Why was the man on the phone so calm? If you were trying to help someone you would say the name Michael Jackson to get the fastest service as possible to save his life. Something does not seem right.

Why do you assume by saying the name Michael Jackson the ambulance would have arrived any quicker?

Was his life more important than anyone elses?
who ever it was calling 911 for MJ they were talking on the phone so clame how come :thinking:
p.s. sorry about my speeling ;)
I don't think anybody trying to assume that mohamed, but this is an MJ board, and the man just died, so peps are just trying to understand what was going on. Of course other people deserve to get medical help, but right now the focus is on Michael Jackson.
There was absolutely nothing to be gained by giving MJ's name and possibly something to be lost. At best, the dispatcher would have then said "What? THE Michael Jackson?" and had a conversation about the identity of the casualty, instead of just getting help there a.s.a.p. and at worst he would have disonnected the call, assuming a hoax.

Anyway, I would hope that the emergency services don't have a policy of 'special treatment' when it comes to celebrities, so why does anyone think MJ's name should've been given?
they didnt want the phone operator to leak it to the press. That seems the most logical to me.
who ever it was calling 911 for MJ they were talking on the phone so clame how come :thinking:
p.s. sorry about my speeling ;)

Because he was a trained professional and that is the best way to act when making a 999 call?
i think it wouldnt matter if he dropped the name and im sure for security and privacy reasons he couldnt. Either way they were less than a mile away within seconds. There was no dilly dallying and tey couldt get there any faster no matter who was in need of the ambulence. It was a fine call. They send it right away they were still talking as the ambulence was already en route. That said....personally i would have been freaking out so much that i would have had to have said his name. --but the caller was much more professional than i could have been.

The real dumb thing is that the doctor was doing the cpr on the bed---you cant get a proper compression on a soft serface. He sould have gotten him to the floor immediately thats suspect of the "doctor" and a stonger compression may have made a difference.

you are so right!
i dont wish to repeat everything i have just read several times. so i concur, the situation was mishandled...whatever or whoever is at fault, the situation was incorrectly handled. we cannot get a do over. the end result is that Michael Jackson is no longer with us as he was a few days ago. He remains with us through our fond memories of him. His magical spirit will forever reside in the deepest part of our hearts. The Legacy that remains is ours to cherish and uphold.

My hope is that the media breaks their form with celebrity death and does not distort or twist the drug issue. When the medical examiner reports are concluded and the toxicology is released... I hope they are tactful with the results. They could choose to splash it all over and blow it up to hype their news outlet. It will be up to them to weigh the findings and how they spin it will be up to them.

It is time for them to step up and do the right thing. Mike was ill, AEG knew that, they wanted the shows to happen regardless. He was being forced to perform these dates. Medicine was being pumped into him to keep his strength, to ease the pain. Somebody went to far with the meds.

Right now, we must focus and enjoy the celebration of his life. Join the celebration that has taken over the world. Let our tears of sorrow be transformed into tears of joy...in the memory of a magical man, that brought so much love to all walks of life. From Nation to Nation, Michael Jackson is being given the respect that he deserved.

Rejoice in the praise ...
Why do you assume by saying the name Michael Jackson the ambulance would have arrived any quicker?

Was his life more important than anyone elses?

dont go there ;)

we dont need to bait each other :no: