I really believe this is what happened.
Michael complained about some pain; this Doctor gave him something that was too strong or something he was not supposed to. He tried to cover it up (maybe get the stuff out his system). I heard that they might have tried to give MJ that drug to start the heart back fast after taking Demorol.
The Doctor did not want anyone to know and tried to revive MJ on his own? Don't know if actually by CPr or what.
I don't think the Doctor called for help right away but rather tried to fix things on his own. It did not work and he decided to call hosptial cause of course he could not just leave the house with MJ in that state.
The person who called the hospital prob just walked into that stuff and was being coached by the Doctor? cause he sounds like he really does not know what's going on. Sounds like he might have been trying to look at the situation and talk at the same time. Maybe that's why he sounds like he's just describing something; not something he is sure of.
Shoot! he did not even mention they were giving MJ CPR untill the emergency guy mentioned it cause MJ should have been on the floor getting CPR.
Also, shouldn't they have a had a Heart heart defibrillator on hand there?
Yes the whole CPR on the bed..is not right and anyone Doctor should know CPR. Also being on the bed and pumping would not work but could also rupture something in MJ's Chest because the bed would have been singing with the compressions. MJ is light weight..so you have to do CPR in a certain manner or risk hurting MJ's chest.
And! If anyone know's CPR!
#1. if you are by yourself and find someone..you are to check for their vital signs and yell for help..
#2. If Patient does not respond and so you must go call 911 on your own then go back to your patient.
If the doctor was the only one in the room; he should have been the one on phone with 911 not the other guy.
The other guy said that the Doctor was with MJ when this happened.
At what point did the Doctor actually call for help?
There is huge gaps..
I have been saying this since that night and It's good to know I'm not the only one who is thinking about all of this. That Doctor can help a huge deal. We also know he rolled like someone said because he was not their to sign death certificate. You just don't bounce after your patient dies.
Something odd.