Why did the 911 call NOT mention MJ's name?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I noticed that the man that called 911 did not tell them it was Michael Jackson that needed help. I find this very odd. If he told 911 it was Michael Jackson that stopped breathing maybe the outcome would have been different? Why was the man on the phone so calm? If you were trying to help someone you would say the name Michael Jackson to get the fastest service as possible to save his life. Something does not seem right.
That's exactly what i was thinking. If it was me, i'd just be like..

the outcome would NOT have been different.

a cardiac arrest is horrible. after 15 minutes, there's really no reason to continue w/ cpr. they got there extremely fast, they wanted to call it on the scene, the dr refused and said take him to the hospital. they continued w/ cpr and tried for an hr.

only a small percentage of ca victims survive so mj or no mj, name dropping would not hav ehelped.

they got there fast, he got th ehospital fast, and receive dmore care than most drs would perform w/ a health situation like that.
What also isnt right is the the man at 911 had to tell the Dr to lay Michaels body on a hard surface. The Dr should have known that.
I know the outcome, 99.9% wouldn't be different but if it was me i'd still be like..

"Oh Sh!t, we're losing Michael Jackson"
Totally agree. Something is REALLY weird. Many fans are saying something just aint right.
I was thinking it was because they (him and Mike) were probably in the habit of doing things that way, never knowing whether people on the phone are gonna freak out, or send help.
Celebrities have pull. They get service. Mention a name they will be there fast. Unfortunately there is average service for the average person.
^ true, i thought about that too - i was just thinking that maybe that other thing is something mike has to deal with as well but i'd think u'r right about that
If it was ME on the phone, I would have given my name, told them the address, inform them that entertainer Michael Jackson is the one on the floor, not breathing and we need an ambulance...NOW! Not dilly dally around
couldbe proof he's not the doctor he claims to be. could have a bad rep or could've just balked. we don't know how they found mj or if he was alert then passed out.

but to do cpr in a bed where there's no hard surface to meet resistence?

no need to mention mj. they mentioned a rich neighborhood.
I think it wouldnt matter if he dropped the name and im sure for security and privacy reasons he couldnt. Either way they were less than a mile away within seconds. There was no dilly dallying and tey couldt get there any faster no matter who was in need of the ambulence. It was a fine call. They send it right away they were still talking as the ambulence was already en route. THAT SAID....personally i would have been freaking out so much that i would have had to have said his name. --but the caller was much more professional than I could have been.

The REAL dumb thing is that the doctor was doing the cpr on the bed---you cant get a proper compression on a soft serface. He sould have gotten him to the floor immediately THATS suspect of the "doctor" and a stonger compression MAY have made a difference.
I think both the caller and the ambulance dispatcher were doing the best they could
and referring to MJ as "a gentleman" I think is very kind and very humble

I cant get my head around the "bed CPR" thing either..I am not a medic only trained in First Aid and very first thing to do is put the patient on solid ground
a bed is not solid...that is the fishy part..
I think if he would tell that MJ is not breathing, there will be a chance that they won't believe it and think it's just a joke. It's my thoughts
that's true. u can crank call 911 and lie saying oh madonna fell off another horse. they won'tbelieve it. so by keeping it vague, it kept it legitimate
if it turns out that the doctor somehow got a drugged up Michael Jackson to sign papers giving him a lot in a will, that doctor will probably end up in prison.
Because it shouldn't matter if it was MJ or not, why would it? Do people really think that would've made a difference? They said a 50-year old man need emergency assistance, because he was unconcious and not breathing, and that's true.
Yeah, the name was not mentioned for privacy reasons I believe and to avoid being considered a hoax call.
About the bed I don't know... it could still be a bed with a quite hard surface...?
That doctor's actions are still suspicious,if Mike's condition wasnt in control then he shud have taken him to hospital right at that moment and I think tht doctor knew medical condition of Michael..He shud have never taken a risk by givin him anything..Michael could have been here but it's cuz of that doctor he is not..It was that doctor's responsibility to take care of Mike but he couldn't..:(
Big question is how long were they trying to revive MJ on their own before they decided to call the hospital? Something still does not seem right about the whole thing. Have they found the Doctor yet? really need to know when they found MJ and where? and the time? between that shot and him laying down. Did someone notice his breathing slowed? I mean..if he got the shot and then laid down. For someone to come back into his room after 1 hour..seems odd cause he would have been just been getting rest..why come back and bother him so soon?
The man talking on the phone to the 911 operator, did not make it sound like an emergency to me either.

His tone of voice to me was more like he was saying, "there are some trees down in the back yard could you get someone to come get them?"

Another thing I didn't understand was, IF a doctor was there working to revive the greatest star on the face of the earth, that would mean that this doctor, who was obviously unsuccessfully administering CPR for whatever reason/s that it was unsuccessful (like maybe he's doing it on the BED??!) - EVEN STILL - why wasn't THE DOCTOR (who's supposedly trying to revive the greatest star of ALL time) YELLING or EMPHATICALLY COACHING the person who made the phone call with what to advise the EMTs of when they arrive? WHY.

And WHY did it sound like that caller was losing patience with the operator's questions??????


In an emergency, you WANT to do everything they tell you on the phone. You are trying to save someone's LIFE.

As for the doctors, here you are, here i am, a doctor, working my ass off to revive Michael Jackson, and I'm listening to some guy calling the EMTs like he's ordering pizza and the patient is NOT RESPONDIING!!!??????

oh hell no.

Right now its looking like something is seriously wrong.
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good point, soso deaf, and I have a feeling that the choice of words at a time like this are inspired, and certain words are used because they're meant to. For example, if they had said it was Michael Jackson, the person receiving the call would probably have thought just another hoax. They get plenty of hoaxes, you can hear them on youtube and some of them waste so much time and resources. (A lot more than 1:53 mins!)

And I think the man calling was very shaken and worried. A lot of things go through your mind at the same time.

So... I don't blame anyone or think it could that anything could have been handled differently. x
They probably didn't want to alert the media if they mentioned his name.

The ambulance got there very fast.

As for the bed and cpr maybe its because Michael was already on the bed and the Doctor was just concentrating in performing CPR, but if its best to put some one on solid floor then you would think he would.

The guy who called seemed to me as if he was trying to be calm and not panic. when you call emergency services they ask you all sorts of questions so they can pass it on to the people who will be attending, give them as much information as possible. Though at the end he seemed as though he was tired of the questions and just wanted the ambulance there or confirmation that it had been sent. That's why he seemed as if he was getting anxious at the end. Its completely understandable. I agree he sounded shaken on the phone.

Your no help if your shouting or panicking on the phone.
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Just listening to Jesse Jackson and he says the family has not spoken to the Doctor yet?

And says there are questions this Doctor needs to answer. That this inquiry has now turned into a investigation. He was also picking apart the 911 call.
I noticed that the man that called 911 did not tell them it was Michael Jackson that needed help. I find this very odd. If he told 911 it was Michael Jackson that stopped breathing maybe the outcome would have been different? Why was the man on the phone so calm? If you were trying to help someone you would say the name Michael Jackson to get the fastest service as possible to save his life. Something does not seem right.

Right On Point

Also with most 911 calls you must give your name aswell (this was never done) Also why would this "doctor" not know CPR or to already have Mike on the floor?

There is something very wrong about what we are being told happened.
