Why did MJ have to die in order for the world to recognize his GREATNESS?!

the truth is that the world already knew his GREATNESS since Thriller came out...

BUT they didn't REMEMBER how great he is...

BUT now they remember...
^ Pray that history never lets them forget.
Yeah, I'm torn up about this too. Suddenly everyone loves MJ again, like it's suddenly ok for them to admit it? It pisses me off that so many ppl talked sh*t about him all these years and now suddenly realized how much he meant. Don't know what you got 'til it's gone? But at the same time it's nice to see somehow. They said earlier that MJ is selling so well that he could end up being the best-selling artist of 2009 in the UK. Imagine that. (Although I would certainly rather just have him back instead :( ) It hurts, but it's nice. I keep thinking... yes, that's as it should be. MJ takes the whole top 10. Man in the Mirror number one again after 20 years. The whole damned world should stop and celebrate this amazing, wonderful human being and give it up for Michael, redeem yourselves. That's how it should be. And I better never, ever read "self-proclaimed" - ever again! The whole freakin' planet just confirmed the title King of Pop. King. PERIOD.

I hope Michael's watching it all.