Why did Michael look so miserable on the 30th anniversary celebration?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If you can look at any of his other tours he panders to the crowd, smiles alot, and just looks so energetic/happy. I thought he looked SO miserable during these concerts...he just didn't look all the way there.

Does anyone have any backside info?
I'm afraid to speculate or voice opinions here - people are still very sensitive. But those weren't the best of times. Also - Sad/strange that ended up being his last concert.
I always thought he was under the weather. (I've heard that too, I think.) Also the before the concerts (was it? They were wearing the same outfits) When he was walking with Liz Taylor you can see him swaying quite a bit. I think it was he was under the weather and was taking medication for it, maybe he didn't want to do the concerts too, I don't know.
I think he was going through a very difficult period at the time and was under the influence of medication.
He still put on a great show though, the "You Rock My World" performance rawked!:clapping:
I think he was going through a very difficult period at the time and was under the influence of medication.
He still put on a great show though, the "You Rock My World" performance rawked!:clapping:

The televised one did...the other one not too much.


I just saw his HIStory concert and he would smile and play with the crowd and just looked so happy compared to this show.
I've heard he was actually recovering from/just getting over pnemonia or something like that.
Michael was still getting over his broken ankel.. don't forget.. and I hate to say it, but if anyone saw Michael walk in when he was next to liz and said.. "all my love Michael jackson" you tell me if he did not seem on medication.. He could have been on pain killers for it. You look at even Mj's BET little dance bit, and he did the James Brown shuffel that he did not do ONCE in 30th anniversary! he was more lively, and moved smoother..
I really loved the Madison Square Garden performaces though. The show was amazing!!
I noticed that in many of his 01 appearances he seemed very off...not sure if it was physical or emotional reasons. He seemed so unhappy.
I still think he looked cute in this clip on Youtube especially when he looked right at the camera! Plus, I read that he did that song twice on one of the 2 concerts he did in MSG! One was just a request from the fans and the other was a real performance! looking at this clip I think it was just a request so he just winged it? Notice their isn't any back up dancers and his outfit is different, no white pants but black ones the one he wore for beat it and Billie Jean!

Plus, their is footage of him asking the fans what they wanna here on youtube some where that I saw! he played with the audience and talked to them more then the Televised version that was edited someone on youtube said so and had clips to show it, don't know if their still available yet, since their are someones own footage! U see him practicing his vocals and all that too, it was cool and candid!
there were lots of talk around the time that mj was having health issues.he appeared to be on alot of meds when he was on the red carpet with liz and guest mentioned it in his book. there were reports afterwards that his doctors had wanted him to cancel.some think he was suffereing a lupus flare up at the time. who knows
I heard reports that he had lupus flare-ups and was taking medication to combat that. Also that he was put on steroids to allieviate the symptoms which also caused the weight gain during that period. But, in the end of the day its all speculation.
I heard reports that he had lupus flare-ups and was taking medication to combat that. Also that he was put on steroids to allieviate the symptoms which also caused the weight gain during that period. But, in the end of the day its all speculation.

yes, i believe he wasn't feeling well. that makes a lot of sense, about the weight gain. i thought his little tummy was so cute :)
I didn't think he looked medicated, to be honest I thought he had overdone the botox, and wasn't similing too much for that reason, when Usher and Chris Tucker came on he was larking about with them, a lovely moment but the smile seems difficult.

Perhaps he was not well, but he still put on a hell of a show.
yeah exactly thats what i think also... there was something absolutely not right with his upper lip. when i saw the performance, i was like "wow, he cant really open his mouth!". it was horrible to see him like that. normally he had a big wide smile. but that day it seemed his facial nerves were paralyzed and that he had problems with moving his mouth, especially open it. could have been a side effect of too much botox....
Argh.. Never seen this video.. Makes me kinda sad, when he's about to sing "AND GIIIIIRL". He forgets what time to sing it, so he prepares for the lip sync-hand over-mic trick three times in a row but none of the time is right.. He was clearly in pain trying to hide it.
not long ago Iwas talking with a friend of mine about MJ never singing out of tune. And I told him the only time Ive heard him sing out of tune was the yrmw peformance.

I dont think he wanted to do the concerts with his brothers. He never wanted to perform with them.
not long ago Iwas talking with a friend of mine about MJ never singing out of tune. And I told him the only time Ive heard him sing out of tune was the yrmw peformance.

I dont think he wanted to do the concerts with his brothers. He never wanted to perform with them.

I do not think that was true since he invited them and all the other artists that were there that night. Also, no offense to Michael, but he generally looked weird in 2001. Although, I liked the MGS concerts and thought he did his best Billie Jean that night. But, that is my opinion.
I thought so too.....no offense meant.....he looks like high on drugs or something....it's so unlike of him.......compare to his other concerts.......it hurts me to look at him.......trying to cover his mouth with the mike and I can't hardly see his eyes........but he was still able to rock the house despite of it.......
He all have a bad day, maybe he was on medication then or nervous about performing with his brothers again. I think only Michael or Liz know what was wrong with him that night.

What ever it was, as soon as he hit the stage he left it all behind.
Except for the birth of Blanket, that 2001-2005 period had to be the worse. The sony stuff was going on in 2001, Bashir was in 2003, and the beginning of the pure hell for him.

He looked completely different in 2006 when he appeared at the WMA to accept the Guinness plaque for Thriller's album sales, he looked healthy, happy and absolutely radiant.
I think he was great but that was because I was there...lol

Later when I saw it on tv he did look off or sick. But whatever the REAL reason we won't know. Its all specualtion. I do know that he DID play with the crowd and smile. In my opinion he was fine

The TV specials didnt show what he REALLY did but he flirted with us and had us repeating the, "Hee hee!" etc.

And him and Randy even bantered back and forth on stage during the jacksons performance...LOL

I loved it!
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