Why Are Women SO Attracted to the Bad Era MJ?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've always wondered. What about MJ in the Bad era that makes girls think he is SO sexy and hot(NO HOMO).

Most of the time girls say he looks his best/ sexiest in the Bad era.

Now I thought most girls like big, muscular, masculine looking guys. But MJ is the exact opposite of that.

And this doesn't go just for MJ. This goes for all guys. Why are women attracted to feminine looking guys? What is it about them that makes women love them?

Just to get an idea of what I'm talking about:




KB50MJ jealous much?

Michael is sexy no matter what era he is in.
The reason i love the Bad era is because of the song Dirty Diana. Fantastic song fantastic vocals fantastic video.

not to mention mj is sexy as hell.

Different women have different likes in men. Some do like the more masculine types some women like Michael's type. Nothing wrong with that is there?

Seems to me you like the debating side of forums. You like the action of arguments that's why you start the some of the topics you do. Great fun but watch what you say.
Damn! This is a really difficult question! I'd rather explain the meaning of life! :lol:

I'll try though... I dunno... maybe the females feel threatened by really huge hairy bulky guys that look like Neatherdals??
Hmmm, I think he's aged nicely myself - the curls are really sexy though. Course, now he looks younger then me - that's messed up :lol:

I think Bad was just when everything was so major for a lot of fans. But I like Michael throughout.
KB50MJ jealous much?

Michael is sexy no matter what era he is in.
The reason i love the Bad era is because of the song Dirty Diana. Fantastic song fantastic vocals fantastic video.

not to mention mj is sexy as hell.

Different women have different likes in men. Some do like the more masculine types some women like Michael's type. Nothing wrong with that is there?

Seems to me you like the debating side of forums. You like the action of arguments that's why you start the some of the topics you do. Great fun but watch what you say.

I'm actually not jealous. Because I look the same way. I'm a light-skinned black guy and my hair is curly/wavy like MJ's. And for some reason girls are attracted to me.

I asked them why, but they just said "Because you just are". So I decided to ask here.
woman + badboy + curls + acting as if your not good-looking (lol!) + = love
because soms woman (like me) like feminine men. Look at his charisma in the Bad era, why do you even wonder
'cause he has the CUTEST FACE in that era. soooo FINE!!!!!!
and well to talk about the whole bad era, his vocals!!! live performances, woha!!
dirty diana *drools*
twymmf.. he was ON TOP in that era.. smooth criminal. liberian girl smile
Damn! This is a really difficult question! I'd rather explain the meaning of life! :lol:

:hysterical: spot on!!

Really he was his best during the BAD era. His curls is a BIG plus on why. It's like look at them. They're so dang smexy :lol:
I'll give you my two good reasons why. :swoon: Nuff said! :lol:

Not just the bad era for me, but all in all

his smile
his eyes
his sensitivity
his mystique
his innocence
his looks
his body
his shyness
his kindness
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
And the more people hate on him the more i loved him.
I think one reason is because he changed so drasically....like over night.....from black to white. He was very handsome black and even done himself out looking more handsome with lighter skin. So It was a big change to see him. I think that is the obvious reason why women became attracted to him and from what I have heard men too. To each his own. Every era Michael is attractive, so where did you take your survey from to single out just the BAD era?
Hm..i dont know but this is what i think. Girls usually cant resist feminine looking guys is because feminine looking guys usually will have the "smooth" look. "Smooth look" means that they don't have the fierce/violent look yet they still owns the very "cool" look. The look in their eyes has caught all girls' attentions without the need to do anything.

Girls usually thinks that feminine looking guys are more caring, attentive, and understanding. Compare to masculine looking guys, feminine looking guys seem to understand women more than masculine looking guys do. To many girls, although masculine guys have the look and body however, they don't seem to be as gentle and attentive as feminine looking guys.

Thats probably why girls usually goes for feminine looking guys. They are more thoughtful.
He looked the sexiest in Bad era. I think not just women, men are also drawn to Bad era MJ. His stare, expression, smile, everything was just sexy. It's hard to put it in words. Just look at those seductive eyes!!! and his performances! And, I'm drawn to feminine looking guys who is a bit girly. ;p I think it makes a guy attractive and sexy.
Damn! This is a really difficult question! I'd rather explain the meaning of life! :lol:

I'll try though... I dunno... maybe the females feel threatened by really huge hairy bulky guys that look like Neatherdals??

I'll put it like this: Not just in the BAD era, but all through his career, he's got that caring, sensitive sides (traditionally considered "feminine") AND stamina and energy (traditionally considered "masculine"). For me, these 2 sides together explains the reason why women are attracted to MJ. Personally, I don't leave either side out when thinkin and talkin about his attractiveness:wub: In my opinion, he got both of the qualities.

Got some thangs to talk about the second side....
I get mad at some people calling him "weak" or "fragile". He's actually the opposite to what they like to portray him to be. They seem to have forgotten he's been dancing all his life. They act like they never saw him dancing on the stage. When and where do they think his physical strength is gone? I don't get it. Muscles you get from lifting weights ain't the only sign of fitness and toughness.

I might end up writing an essay on this topic right here LOL
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The BAD album has an influence as to why i love him in that era. Yes, it's my fave era too. But honestly, you can't blame me. That man was TOO DAMN SEXY for words! & still is! :wub: