Who's trying to SABOTAGE "Michael" 's release?

Like some are saying, Someone or some people are wanting to do harm to this album. We all can agree to disagree on what's "faux" and what real however I am going to do my part to try and support this album. I'm excited, And I have the same feelings as when Invincible came out. The best thing to do in this situation is to leave things alone and let them play out and as far as the "people" trying to sabotage the album and all of Sony's releases that has Mike's name on them needs to stop. There only hurting everyone else and eventually themselves.
I´m looking forward to see the video.
I´ll probably start to cry when I see it and feel the love in it.
Yeah, that is probably why this little girl from East Germany, who loved this artist for 20 years found herself on that set with so many others...And that is why my travel down there was so smooth, why everything worked out so perfectly regardless. Sometimes I shake my head- I remember how the wall came down, I was there, just a little girl and now I somehow live in the US. I became a fan in 1992...you have no idea how much this meant to and to those of us who cherished that day. Some of us looked at each other and said, we can't believe this- we are part of this. We just can't believe it.

That is probably why we had a beautiful sunny day in November, surrounded by rolling hills, clear skies and a friendly crew- and a director who really was into this. There was one scene and we had tears standing in our eyes, the music had stopped and we just kept going, all of us. Michael was with us and we felt that. Some of us, anyways. It was beautiful. We love you, Michael. We love you.

We were a large crowd, but there was something different about that. People were kind to one another, virtual strangers hugged each other by the end of the day. People whom I have never met wrote me an email telling me where to find x,y and z. I wrote someone else who had her map stuck in her printer, trying to find out where to go.
People helped one another, Michael is happy about that- when people manage to approach one another without fear, without this constant mistrust. And still somebody tried ruin our love fest. (yes, every one roll their eyes...)

We were a big group and I remember how we just admired each others tattoos, clothes and just swapped stories on how we got there. All of us have a story- that was so notable. I spoke to one fan with claustrophobia and fear of flying- the love for Michael made that fan celebrate by overcoming that fear to be able to take part in that shoot. THAT is what Michael stands for. Not hatred.

All of us had a story of why we were there. TMZ said we were "die hard" fans, nope, we are love-hard fans. We were older, younger, skinnier, fatter, taller, shorter, male and female, kids. We were of all colors and all races. We were- we were exactly what Michael stands for.

We were a huge gathering- and in typical gathering style people started to dance an sing, Thriller was danced= all while waiting.

I'm happy to say that THANK GOD we, the extras on the set felt Michael A LOT differently. There was peace, calm and beauty and believe me when I say he was with us, especially on the last shot. I will never forget the LOVE we felt when the sun was just about to go down. We were blessed with a gorgeous day of sunshine and I KNOW he was happy to live LOVE not hatred. Random strangers showed each kindness, which is something that some people will never understand. I met wonderful people that day and people didn't hate there. Maybe the term "Hold My Hand" makes sense somewhere deep down inside.

His death does not serve to spew more hatred. Don't even use the word "heaven" and apply hatred and anger toward it.

P.S.: If you are medium, I hope you're rates are competitive 'cause that sort of non-productive hatred is nothing he'd be proud of. And my second favorite are anonymous people online who feel safe behind some screen name.

I really really enjoyed reading this. Beautiful post.
I got both all of those emails...

That was strange, to say the least.

All that wanted to put their name into the hat, applied to the email posted.

The "congrats, you're in" email came from another email and we were advised to correspond only with that email.

The issue is that whoever organized us extras copied the entire list of extras as a CC, instead of a BC. That is how it was possible for that person to mess around- that is how that person got our emails to send us a fake message.
The person must have been on the extra list. So, to that person- try harder.

The blessing was that us extras were able to communicate with one another and help each other out in some cases.

We didn't receive much much detail until Sunday afternoon and we were asked to check our emails before the end of the day. 10 minutes before midnight an email came in saying the shoot would be canceled due to weather.

I got suspicious because a)somebody cancels a shoot 10 minutes of midnight and the "Michael Jackson Estate" email did not contain a name, signed with a "function" which is something I would expect. I don't expect the Estate to be dealing with extras for a video shoot...

Interesting about the "sources" talking to TMZ about this. This "source" mentioned something that was a strange thing to say because it didn't involve the extras.
That makes me HOPE (and let me just say that I really, really HOPE that no fan talked to TMZ) that it was someone else talking to TMZ.

By the way, where were email addresses posted? Who posted email addresses? I only saw one posting that contained the originating email address from the organizer.

I personally think somebody thought it would be "funny" to try and convince all extras that the shoot would be cancelled but I put it in the trouble maker category. Sort of in the mental category of people who program a virus and then feel like they accomplished something by having caused trouble, it's about that mature- and, lastly, it didn't work.

I honestly think anything Michael Jackson even posthumously brings out the real weirdos from the woodworks who think they prove their brilliance by showing the world their own narrow little horizon. Better luck next time, whoever you are. Yeah, you really "showed us." :hysterical:
All of this is just annoying stuff but not really doing anything, just like little dogs snapping for your ankles, really. Little bit of bark, but that's it.

I am honored that we were able to do this FOR MICHAEL, it's a great honor to have been even just the tiniest part of this, because it's us fans that love him.

P.S. to the nydailynews: Your "spy" did not inform you accurately on the "follow up" and the amount of emails send out to tell us to disregard that nonsense. Nice "spy", that got the little details wrong.
just want to do this :clap: :hug:
I got both all of those emails...

That was strange, to say the least.

All that wanted to put their name into the hat, applied to the email posted.

The "congrats, you're in" email came from another email and we were advised to correspond only with that email.

The issue is that whoever organized us extras copied the entire list of extras as a CC, instead of a BC. That is how it was possible for that person to mess around- that is how that person got our emails to send us a fake message.
The person must have been on the extra list. So, to that person- try harder.

The blessing was that us extras were able to communicate with one another and help each other out in some cases.

We didn't receive much much detail until Sunday afternoon and we were asked to check our emails before the end of the day. 10 minutes before midnight an email came in saying the shoot would be canceled due to weather.

I got suspicious because a)somebody cancels a shoot 10 minutes of midnight and the "Michael Jackson Estate" email did not contain a name, signed with a "function" which is something I would expect. I don't expect the Estate to be dealing with extras for a video shoot...

Interesting about the "sources" talking to TMZ about this. This "source" mentioned something that was a strange thing to say because it didn't involve the extras.
That makes me HOPE (and let me just say that I really, really HOPE that no fan talked to TMZ) that it was someone else talking to TMZ.

By the way, where were email addresses posted? Who posted email addresses? I only saw one posting that contained the originating email address from the organizer.

I personally think somebody thought it would be "funny" to try and convince all extras that the shoot would be cancelled but I put it in the trouble maker category. Sort of in the mental category of people who program a virus and then feel like they accomplished something by having caused trouble, it's about that mature- and, lastly, it didn't work.

I honestly think anything Michael Jackson even posthumously brings out the real weirdos from the woodworks who think they prove their brilliance by showing the world their own narrow little horizon. Better luck next time, whoever you are. Yeah, you really "showed us." :hysterical:
All of this is just annoying stuff but not really doing anything, just like little dogs snapping for your ankles, really. Little bit of bark, but that's it.

I am honored that we were able to do this FOR MICHAEL, it's a great honor to have been even just the tiniest part of this, because it's us fans that love him.

P.S. to the nydailynews: Your "spy" did not inform you accurately on the "follow up" and the amount of emails send out to tell us to disregard that nonsense. Nice "spy", that got the little details wrong.

Beautiful, beautiful post once again. :) :clapping:
I wouldn't like this album being released so I am not actually surprised someone would go that far to sabotage it..
Yeah, that is probably why this little girl from East Germany, who loved this artist for 20 years found herself on that set with so many others...And that is why my travel down there was so smooth, why everything worked out so perfectly regardless. Sometimes I shake my head- I remember how the wall came down, I was there, just a little girl and now I somehow live in the US. I became a fan in 1992...you have no idea how much this meant to and to those of us who cherished that day. Some of us looked at each other and said, we can't believe this- we are part of this. We just can't believe it.

That is probably why we had a beautiful sunny day in November, surrounded by rolling hills, clear skies and a friendly crew- and a director who really was into this. There was one scene and we had tears standing in our eyes, the music had stopped and we just kept going, all of us. Michael was with us and we felt that. Some of us, anyways. It was beautiful. We love you, Michael. We love you.

We were a large crowd, but there was something different about that. People were kind to one another, virtual strangers hugged each other by the end of the day. People whom I have never met wrote me an email telling me where to find x,y and z. I wrote someone else who had her map stuck in her printer, trying to find out where to go.
People helped one another, Michael is happy about that- when people manage to approach one another without fear, without this constant mistrust. And still somebody tried ruin our love fest. (yes, every one roll their eyes...)

We were a big group and I remember how we just admired each others tattoos, clothes and just swapped stories on how we got there. All of us have a story- that was so notable. I spoke to one fan with claustrophobia and fear of flying- the love for Michael made that fan celebrate by overcoming that fear to be able to take part in that shoot. THAT is what Michael stands for. Not hatred.

All of us had a story of why we were there. TMZ said we were "die hard" fans, nope, we are love-hard fans. We were older, younger, skinnier, fatter, taller, shorter, male and female, kids. We were of all colors and all races. We were- we were exactly what Michael stands for.

We were a huge gathering- and in typical gathering style people started to dance an sing, Thriller was danced= all while waiting.

I'm happy to say that THANK GOD we, the extras on the set felt Michael A LOT differently. There was peace, calm and beauty and believe me when I say he was with us, especially on the last shot. I will never forget the LOVE we felt when the sun was just about to go down. We were blessed with a gorgeous day of sunshine and I KNOW he was happy to live LOVE not hatred. Random strangers showed each kindness, which is something that some people will never understand. I met wonderful people that day and people didn't hate there. Maybe the term "Hold My Hand" makes sense somewhere deep down inside.

His death does not serve to spew more hatred. Don't even use the word "heaven" and apply hatred and anger toward it.

P.S.: If you are medium, I hope you're rates are competitive 'cause that sort of non-productive hatred is nothing he'd be proud of. And my second favorite are anonymous people online who feel safe behind some screen name.

Wow... :clapping:
Sabotaging anything like the album or videos doesn't help Michael. It just hurts him. He appreciated when fans came to support him and I don't think he would like fans being conned in anyway. The album is coming out. Either you buy it or you don't that's it.

People talk about Michael's legacy. His legacy survived the worst kinds of things he could have ever imagined. Only Michael knew what he wanted with his music. That's why he created an estate. I don't believe he just left it in the air what to do with all his music he recorded. It's never going to be the same from now on no matter what kind of album, dvd etc comes out. I will support the album even though it feels weird he isn't here. I would rather have Michael back then all this drama all the time.
People talk about Michael's legacy. His legacy survived the worst kinds of things he could have ever imagined.

Very good point.

Thats what makes me laugh when people talk about destroying Michael's legacy. Look at what it has survived already, if those things didnt destroy his legacy then nothing ever will.
Michael up in heaven is trying to sabotage the release of his own album that people killed him for. He does not want this album out. He is sad and angry, a perfectionist like him would be.

Sadly, I think this person is serious. There are lots of them around. Hatred just seems to overtake them. They need serious help.

Not always true unfortunately.

Love always gets lost where there is an abundance of hate. The two can not exist side by side in harmony.

Some people let 'dislike' fester into 'hate', and it often takes hold. When it does nothing exists but the 'hate', everything is weaker and less important.

Michael sometimes lost his temper - even Jesus did, if you believe - but I can not imagine them letting hate 'take over', as it seems to with many on here.

What is really bizzarre, is that nobody seems to be able to put a name to where this 'hate' should go, they just talk about "Sony", like it is an entity all of it's own. They seem to forget that "Sony" is made up of Grandmas, Granddads, Moms, Dads, Sons, and Daughters - real people. Not that it would stop some of the more extreme 'fans' if they met up with them.

All 'reality' seems to have disappered out of the window with some, and it has been replaced with blind hatred.

You let 'hate' in, you push 'love' out - there is no two ways about it.

Beautiful post!! Thank you.

And I am so looking forward to this video. Thank you to Pace for posting all the details of the shoot. It must have been beautiful being there with fellow fans that love and celebrate Michael. Your post was right on point.:dancin:
the only people expressing hate are getting personal with other fans.
MJ thanked the fans. people that feel the need to psychologically abuse others are the ones with hate. many bad leaders used psych abuse. they guilt trip, label, manipulate to control minds of those who don't agree with them, in the name of 'love', and yes, sometimes religion, instead of talking about material subject matter. they start out with a positive mask, and then condemn, and attempt to kill with their words. if your position is truth, you don't need to do that.
cus that is something Jesus never did.
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You know what, I got a weird PM that was akin to some psycho who likes to write threatening letters in the safety of anonymity. Plus, the header didn't make any sense. I write and you could try looking me up, I don't need to hide behind a screen name. I would not have to be afraid or ashamed for what I write.

Somebody who writes anonymous PMs that are supposed to "expose"- that is where I draw the line. It was so desperate, it made me laugh. Said person has serious issues.

I'm so sick of people playing nonsense mind games behind computer screens, like I've seen in regards to this video shoot. Some people are actually trying something positive and productive and others try to destroy that with one email. It's sad.

There's an enormous difference between taking a stand and action- versus cowardice. Sabotage behind a computer screen and anonymous emails coming from a fear filled mind are something completely different than organizing yourself in a dignified manner to take a stand. The people that got the school board to unveil Michael's name in the Auditorium didn't succeed because they wrote nasty emails to the school board. They went about that Gandhi style- not with sabotage, trying to ruin someone else's work.

There are people behind that video shot that are not the "devil incorporated" (they worked and gave us a cherished opportunity) and neither did we show up there to worship some kind of evil. The person who tried to sabotage this video shoot is a coward in anonymity.
I'll tell you something else- I spoke to people attending that shoot who are very much engaged in their wishes to remove certain tracks from this album and they are not at all white washing Sony. People are very well aware of certain issues with Sony. But it didn't mean we couldn't have conversations like adults without shouting matches.

I actually don't have a problem with anybody feeling that this album should not be coming out- but sabotage and threats are not the same thing as protesting something that your conscience demands you to protest- I am fine with that.

Sabotage and anonymous nasty mails behind a computer screens are nothing honorable- and to point that out that is most certainly not "abuse" clad "behind love". It's utter cowardice that especially Michael had to deal with all his life, to see people involved in something like that is very much mind blowing- and not in a good way.

Michael attended a peaceful PUBLIC demonstration against Sony and spoke publicly about some of the issues he had at that time- he even corrected a reporter once (Fox?) who said "so, you said that Sony is rascist" to which Michael replied in that interview: "I didn't say Sony is rascist, I said Tommy Mottola is rascist". (I am speaking about the Al Sharpton rally, NOT everything else that gets lumped into a big mixing bowl)
Michael had the guts to say these things in public, maybe I'm naive- but that's worlds apart from anonymous threats and sabotage.
Michael spoke publicly about his admiration for Gandhi- I don't think Gandhi advertised cowardice and intimidation.
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People talk about Michael's legacy. His legacy survived the worst kinds of things he could have ever imagined.

Very true. I remember a time when people used to say 'Michael's legacy would be tarnished by the allegations and that's what he would be most known for.' As we learnt that was not true whatsoever and his legacy is what it should be; his music and his dance. If Michael's legacy survived that then it will survive anything.
the only people expressing hate are getting personal with other fans.
MJ thanked the fans. people that feel the need to psychologically abuse others are the ones with hate. many bad leaders used psych abuse. they guilt trip, label, manipulate to control minds of those who don't agree with them, in the name of 'love', and yes, sometimes religion, instead of talking about material subject matter. they start out with a positive mask, and then condemn, and attempt to kill with their words. if your position is truth, you don't need to do that.
cus that is something Jesus never did.

Really? Some people here need serious help whether you want to admit it or not. Maybe you should read this>>>>

You know what, I got a weird PM that was akin to some psycho who likes to write threatening letters in the safety of anonymity. Plus, the header didn't make any sense. I write and you could try looking me up, I don't need to hide behind a screen name. I would not have to be afraid or ashamed for what I write.

Somebody who writes anonymous PMs that are supposed to "expose"- that is where I draw the line. It was so desperate, it made me laugh. Said person has serious issues.

I'm so sick of people playing nonsense mind games behind computer screens, like I've seen in regards to this video shoot. Some people are actually trying something positive and productive and others try to destroy that with one email. It's sad.
Really? Some people here need serious help whether you want to admit it or not. Maybe you should read this>>>>

i don't have to admit anything. i just put myself in muddy water, if i sink to the level of personal war. if you get personal, you are in no better a place than the people you get personal with, because you sink your argument with personal attacks. if your argument is solid, you don't have to stoop. you only appear as threatened, when you get personal. and, unless you have a reason to be threatened, there's no need. if you get personal, you're in a league with those who sought to destroy Michael, because THEY got personal.