Who's Ready For Valentine's Day



rotfl that is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally the funniest smiley I've seen for a while!!!! made me laugh a lot, even just showed it to a working mate.
*hugs* Samtkaninchen! and thanks!
Awww Mechi, you are such an inspiration. (((hug))) Yes, sometimes, when we grieve a loved one who we know will always be connected to our spirit, it can be a sweet sorrow. Thank you for reminding me of that. Perhaps I will let myself grieve too on Sunday, whist being thankful for all the love in my life.
I had absolutely no idea Valentines day was coming.
I was like what!? Its Valentines day already?? lol.

I don't really celebrate it. I've been single for 6 years now and counting. Relationships just isn't my thing. I still haven't found what I'm looking for. So I've given that up. It's all good though. I have too much happening in my crazy life right now to be able to focus in a rel. And a good relationship deserves good focus.

Hope the rest of you find that happiness.
Is it just single people that hate valentines day? :unsure:


Not sure what my plans are, It's a surprise. :)
I do agree with love should be shown every day if the year but valentines day us just special. Mind you I get treated so much so every day is like valentines day to me. :p
Well, this is the first time that my husband and I will get to celebrate Valentine's Day! We have been together a little over 6 years and each and every time Valentine's Day comes, he was either deployed or stuck at work. We're both not really big on special occasions, not even birthdays or anniversaries but this year he is taking me to Julian, it's this mountain east of San Diego and I am super excited! It's snowing there right now and I love snow plus Julian has THE best Apple Pie ever!!! :punk:
I've never been in a relationship on Valentines Day, I'll just buy myself a present. I think it's just a stupid day.
Well, there we are...Valentine's Day for me's just a day where you get reminded of you being lonely and all other people are not. Blah. :mello:
Which is a bit stupid ofcourse because there are enough people feeling lonely too I guess, but it's just the thought of it all.
Plus I guess it's even sh*ttier when you feel this a whole couple of years and knowing you are here in the same spot once again.

On one side..I think Valentine's Day has a nice message, but it's a little over-commercialized since the past decades.
Anyhow, sending you all some Valentine's luuuuuuuv today and try not to feel lonely! We can do it!