Who's Ready For Valentine's Day

F Valentines Day. lol sorry but its 1 day out of the whole year that you *must* be love-able and affectionate. Valentines Day is every other day to some couples.
If I wanna give chocolate or gifts to someone I do it no matter what day it is nor do I wait 'til next Valentine's Day. In my opinion Valentine's Day has become just one commercial day among others.
I just want it to hurry up and get past! I've always found Valentines Day generic and tacky :p
I think you can be single and still enjoy Valentine's Day....because I love my family and friends. So I tell them that L.O.V.E. them! :) It's not all about couples, at least that's how I see it. I'm single and happy about it! :D My mom and I always get a box of chocolates from my dad. That's very sweet of him to do.

But I also think that you should tell people close to you that you love them everyday.....not just on Valentine's Day.

So to my MJ buddies here, I L.O.V.E. you!! :hug:
1 day out of the whole year to be affectionate and show your love and appreciate and admiration for someone??? lol....ok.
1 day out of the whole year to be affectionate and show your love and appreciate and admiration for someone??? lol....ok.

Lol no. It is just a sparkle, it can help the "fire" burn better or it could ignite a fire (love). On valentines day you get encouragment to tell someone that you love him/her, show you feelings.This is for pople who are not knowing what they are waiting for, and valentines day might just be it...I love romance and I love people showing their feelings, it is so sweet. This is just an opinion, don't jump on my throat, please :) Have a nice day!
i so can not wait for valentine's day it's gonna be good for me what do u guys have planed on that day

Well, I won't be able to do something really special and big as I don't have so much money but I will definitely think of something good! What it's gonna be I can't tell y'all cuz' my gf is on this forum, too as y'all know! :D
Blech, this is my least favorite holiday. So depressing, lol. But I wish you all a great one. :)

As I do every year I bought my mother a box of sugar free chocolates (she's diabetic).
If I wanna give chocolate or gifts to someone I do it no matter what day it is nor do I wait 'til next Valentine's Day. In my opinion Valentine's Day has become just one commercial day among others.

Well, I agree to you! Tho' I still like enjoying this special day as I make it special for me and my gf! Of course I don't wait until one special day to give around some gifts, no matter if to my parents, my gf or whoever! I make them a present and give it to them when I want to and feel like doin', as well! But as I said, nevertheless I'm still making myself these days special and try to enjoy them whether now with my parents, friends or my fiancee! :)
Single! It would be nice to spend it with someone even though I think it's completely commercialised!

I'll spoil my parents! :)
well my bf is dressing up as mj (bad tour outfit) its my Michael fantasy night lmao hahah and im giving him a lil show.. me pole dancing to dirty diana hahahahaha ..
I think you can be single and still enjoy Valentine's Day....because I love my family and friends. So I tell them that L.O.V.E. them! :) It's not all about couples, at least that's how I see it. I'm single and happy about it! :D My mom and I always get a box of chocolates from my dad. That's very sweet of him to do.

But I also think that you should tell people close to you that you love them everyday.....not just on Valentine's Day.

So to my MJ buddies here, I L.O.V.E. you!! :hug:

Awwww, that's one of the nicest things I've read about V-day. L.O.V.E right back @ you + the MJJC!
Lol no. It is just a sparkle, it can help the "fire" burn better or it could ignite a fire (love). On valentines day you get encouragment to tell someone that you love him/her, show you feelings.This is for pople who are not knowing what they are waiting for, and valentines day might just be it...I love romance and I love people showing their feelings, it is so sweet. This is just an opinion, don't jump on my throat, please :) Have a nice day!
Good point. ^_^
Forget Valentines day on the 14th, its pancake day on the 16th!

Its my dad's birthday and my auntie's (his sister) birthday on Valentines day though (they're born 1 year apart, not twins :) )

well my bf is dressing up as mj (bad tour outfit) its my Michael fantasy night lmao hahah and im giving him a lil show.. me pole dancing to dirty diana hahahahaha ..
Valentines day eh? Not a fan.

However, I'm going to a museum premier opening in the afternoon with a friend and then I suppose I shall arrange a date that night, if I so desire.
I'm ready. Hehe.
I bought my boyfriend chocolate covered pretzels because he loves those. I also got him a card. Just something simple but the pretzels were expensive.
We're probably just going to spend time at my house or something. It will be nice. :)

However, to me, Valentine's Day is all about love for everybody. I bought my mom and my dad stuff too. :) So anybody who isn't sharing that day with a "significant other" spend it with your family or with someone that you love. I hope everybody's VDay is a good day, no matter what your plans are. :heart:
Well, I'm definitely not looking forward to it because all my valentines have left me. The absence of any reminders that I am counted special by someone (other than my immediate family, my children and long-term friends, thank God for you all...) will be conspicuous. YET I shall not lose hope that love will come again to greet me.
Hey, keep your spirit up!!!

Valentine days is a day for love!!! So you don't need to have a partner to celebrate it. Anything that shows you love something/ someone will do.
I plan to buy some nice chocolate and do a bit of drawing and colouring on Michael! (yes, the picture below is my drawing) I don't have a boyfriend, my family is in another country and I had just moved to another city, but I still celebrate every valentine with chocolates! hahahah!!!
There are so many things we could do on our own such as
watch a movie, shopping, eat out, spend time with pets, talk to friends, learn to sing a new song or just do anything you enjoy!
Yes ur right, spending valentines day eating chocolate (even if ur single) is so much fun! :)
Honestly I can't wait... and I know that sounds weird to some who know my love... well no my beloved boyfriend passed away last June. Our love is still alive though.
Yes I know it's all crazy but I want to celebrate this love on Valentines day Sunday... since his death most of my friends, my boyfriends family and my family have taken always care that I wouldn't be alone on special dates like Christmas and New Years etc. well to be honest I think even I myself thought that way as my therapist also told me it would might be better... it's just now I feel I really finally want to be. I mean sure I'll be sad and I feel still in sorrow as the one person I want to be with can't be with me anymore on Sunday BUT everybody else would be simply the wrong person.
So I want to spend the day with memories of my boyfriend, picture books, lots of candles, our favorite video game, our favorite food, our favorite movie and such stuff and yeah maybe I'll spend some of the day crying but I want that and I think it's my right to do so... and noone has to worry... as sad as it is that I can't be with my boyfriend anymore I'll celebrate the love which will connect us forever!
To me it feels a bit as if we're not allowed to be alone anymore since last June on such special dates and honestly it's annoying. Yes I have understanding ppl are worried but I'd prefer them to have faith? And I accept everybody who'd might deal with such a situation but as much I expect ppl to accept my ways? Somehow like that.
I don't fear my sadness and my sorrow anymore I very much feel still protected by the love connecting him and me.
So Valentines day is perfect to start that again and yep I'm ready to celebrate the love. :wub:
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Honestly I can't wait... and I know that sounds weird to some who know my love... well no my beloved boyfriend passed away last June. Our love is still alive though.
Yes I know it's all crazy but I want to celebrate this love on Valentines day Sunday... since his death most of my friends, my boyfriends family and my family have taken always care that I wouldn't be alone on special dates like Christmas and New Years etc. well to be honest I think even I myself thought that way as my therapist also told me it would might be better... it's just now I feel I really finally want to be. I mean sure I'll be sad and I feel still in sorrow as the one person I want to be with can't be with me anymore on Sunday BUT everybody else would be simply the wrong person.
So I want to spend the day with memories of my boyfriend, picture books, lots of candles, our favorite video game, our favorite food, our favorite movie and such stuff and yeah maybe I'll spend some of the day crying but I want that and I think it's my right to do so... and noone has to worry... as sad as it is that I can't be with my boyfriend anymore I'll celebrate the love which will connect us forever!
To me it feels a bit as if we're not allowed to be alone anymore since last June on such special dates and honestly it's annoying. Yes I have understanding ppl are worried but I'd prefer them to have faith? And I accept everybody who'd might deal with such a situation but as much I expect ppl to accept my ways? Somehow like that.
I don't fear my sadness and my sorrow anymore I very much feel still protected by the love connecting him and me.
So Valentines day is perfect to start that again and yep I'm ready to celebrate the love. :wub:

Sorry to hear about that. I think I remember you since your boyfriend passed away the same month as MJ. May I ask which one left first?
I think it's totally okey and it would be fitting spending valentine day remembering people you have lost and crying over it. Crying is the best way to let your emotions and sadnest out. Sometimes I would listen to love songs too.
As long as you will be cheerful and be able to keep your spirit up the following days to come, your loves ones are sure to be proud of you! Don't worry, there will always be another lifetime!
Sure you can ask.

My boyfriend passed on the 29th June 10.15am in the morning at our home with me holding his hand and kissing him good bye.

But he was for days already in the dying process.
I think I even asked Michael if he couldn't he maybe take him with him possibly.
