Who WOULD you trust?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

This is the first time I've actually started a thread myself but its something I've been mulling over and haven't seen a similar thread but apologies if I'm wrong and its been covered already.

I just wanted to ask who people WOULD trust out of those who have either already spoken or as yet haven't spoken out at ALL.

I'm thinking there must be so many out there who could set the record staright about a lot of things to do with Michael.. who might have already or who haven't who you'd like to hear speak and who you would believe to be speaking fairly and the truth.

I'm struggling - I can think of Elizabeth Taylor for example. But then whether I believed her would probably depend on what she had to say.

Or Janet.

There really are so few, even within his family, whose word you would take as truth
as far as I can tell.. the ones you CAN trust.. are the ones who AREN'T speaking. Save for maybe Miko, T Mez perhaps.. McMillan. That's would be about it for me honestly...
For some reason I really do trust Mez.
I'm also strangely comforted when I hear him speak.
He always seems to have Michael's best interests at heart, even now, when Michael's no longer here...
I'd like to hear from Liz Taylor, most definitely.
I'd believe whatever Katherine says, as well, but I'd probably break right down watching her and listening to her, she seems in such pain...
For some reason I really do trust Mez.
I'm also strangely comforted when I hear him speak.
He always seems to have Michael's best interests at heart, even now, when Michael's no longer here...
I'd like to hear from Liz Taylor, most definitely.
I'd believe whatever Katherine says, as well, but I'd probably break right down watching her and listening to her, she seems in such pain...

I agree all the way. Especially about Katherine.
Liz, Janet, Mac, Katherine, Randy, and the ONE person that has talked that I would trust is Miko Brando. He had never said one bad word about him, he always defended Michael in every interview.
Janet, Randy, Miko, Friends who have remained silent (Chris Tucker, Brett Ratner etc). TMez, I do trust McMillan also. I am not sure about Karen Faye simply because of her facebook quotes that I don"t think are appropriate to bring up now b/c it's too late. Katherine is a given and so is Rebbie
I really don't think I understand the question being asked. How can any of us trust anyone? What rights would we have too judge people? All we know is what we are told. The good the bad and the ugly don't mean much in today's media. Look at what they say about Michael. We don't know them and are not involved in their personal lives in any way. We are Michael's fans and keepers of his legacy. I trusted Michael. Everyone else is irrelevant.
I really don't think I understand the question being asked. How can any of us trust anyone? What rights would we have too judge people? All we know is what we are told. The good the bad and the ugly don't mean much in today's media. Look at what they say about Michael. We don't know them and are not involved in their personal lives in any way. We are Michael's fans and keepers of his legacy. I trusted Michael. Everyone else is irrelevant.

That's about how I feel. I trusted Michael all the way. Then the person who is still here I would trust is Katherine. I don't know who else to trust.
From the people who spoken I trust Jermain and Miko,and I trust Tmez, Katherine,Liz, Janet
But, why do you need to trust people in regards to Michael? We are no longer involved beyond his legacy.
Janet Jackson, for the only reason she hasnt really spoken out about anything. And I believe her everytime she speaks.
Liz, T Mez, Karen, Miko, Mac, Chris Tucker, Janet, Katherine.

Basically all the people who have mostly remained silent which is SO FRUSTRATING.

Id trust anything his kids had to say also....
I really don't think I understand the question being asked. How can any of us trust anyone? What rights would we have too judge people? All we know is what we are told. The good the bad and the ugly don't mean much in today's media. Look at what they say about Michael. We don't know them and are not involved in their personal lives in any way. We are Michael's fans and keepers of his legacy. I trusted Michael. Everyone else is irrelevant.

I think its almost impossible to know who to trust. Because the truth may come from people who are normally not trustworthy, while people that seem honest, may have their own agenda. And then you have the pople that keep their silence, in respect of Michael or for other reasons.
The thing is; its no way we can know who is telling the truth or not. And then its even more difficult because people I personally do not like, are tellling the media stuff i don`t want to hear- but it may be true?
The media is a very powerful thing; because we use their information to base our opinion on............and today we know that the truth is not what the media thinks sell.And its the sales that matter, not the truth. So where does that leave us? In utter confusion................

The only ones i would trust to tell the truth as they see it is his kids.
But, why do you need to trust people in regards to Michael? We are no longer involved beyond his legacy.
I think the OP means who would they believe or trust to speak the truth. We've heard so many conflicting stories that I don't know who or what to believe any more and the one person that could set the record straight is no longer with us. :(
Yeah definitely his kids, Jermaine, most members of the family, Diana Ross, Liz Taylor. There's probably more but I can't really think.
Strange arguments in my opinion. "I would trust the words of those that don't speak" is what most people here are saying. Well, there are no words to trust since they are not speaking, and going by that logic - as soon as they speak they won't be trusted anymore.
Strange arguments in my opinion. "I would trust the words of those that don't speak" is what most people here are saying. Well, there are no words to trust since they are not speaking, and going by that logic - as soon as they speak they won't be trusted anymore.

but .. those that are speaking.. are getting paid for it.. so their motivations are questionable... mark lester anyone??

what about rebbie? noone mentions her all that much? whats the consensus?